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Nevan Kayto, Civilian Operations, Part 1

Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2024 @ 9:12pm by Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Captain Remy Johansen & Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec

1,477 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Imperator
Timeline: MD: -5 Days to Launch

The Bajoran security officer stood at the airlock waiting to greet their new Civil Operations Officer. He was to assist the new arrival with carrying anything to his new quarters, and to take him on a tour around the ship for meet and greets at various times.

In a crisp purple uniform, Nevan strolled down the way with a backpack slung over his shoulder that was adorned with the symbol of his homeworld. His brother had given it to him during his most recent visit and it easily had become his most favorite pack. Everything else he had to take along had been transported over, not that it was much. With PADD in hand, he made note of the man in gold before him and gave a smile. It was always a pleasure to interact with other NCO's, especially of the same rank.

"Nevan Kayto, checking in."

"Welcome aboard. I'm Enam Nemec, you can call me Nemec. If I decide you're alright, I might let you call me Nemy. I'm with ship's security. I'm here to help you with your things, show you to your quarters, and take you around to the various departments, help you get acquainted." The Bajoran security officer seemed friendly enough, disarming even.

His ridges had given him away but the Betazoid had learned long ago to never judge someone by their appearance. Even those that had the calmest of demeanor and appeared to be less of a threat could be the fiercest and most passionate of fighters. It was one of the many things he loved about Starfleet. The general feeling he got however was that Nemec was for the most part relaxed which was a good sign. "Thanks Nemec, I've only got my bag here, everything else should be put into short term storage until I can retrieve it over the next couple of days while getting settled in. I can' tell you how happy I am to be assigned to a much larger ship, hopefully I get an actual table in my quarters this time."

"I would expect so. We're not nearly maxed out on quarters space, you should have enough room to move around at least," the security officer joked. "You wanna drop that bag off first?"

"Ya that would be great. I don't want to look too much out of place here, although something tells me there's going to be a number of new transfers. Have you been assigned here long or are you new too?" Kayto felt a short vibration on his PADD which he'd check later. Likely something in regard to his orders.

Nemec stepped on the turbolift, and ordered to take them to Deck 22 "Everyone's new here. This ship has been in storage for at least 10-12 years or so. They've been pulling 'em out and refitting them since the fleet was diminished. It's faster than starting from scratch," Nemec explained. "We're getting a brand new old ship."

"That makes sense, I guess I'll have to get used to a few things taking a little longer to process then but that should be okay. Nothing I can't deal with. I'll make sure to run diagnostics where I can too just to be safe." That was of course hoping the first time they went to warp that this thing didn't just disintegrate into a ball of fire.....but at least he wasn't an engineer anymore.

As the lift began to move he figured he'd continue the small talk "So which deck did they assign you to cover a security team for?" He knew all to well the unsung praises of being an NCO and the perils the young crewman assigned under them brought along with it. It was a thankless job most days.

"McEntyre made it seem like we were going to be on the move a lot. He's already had us doing MACO style drills this week. Wants to be prepared for anything," Nemec responded, as the doors opened and the made their way to Nevan's quarters. Truth be told, after suffering through the Occupation through his young 20's Nemec appreciated MecEntyre's approach. Things were uncertain, and Nemec had joined Starfleet security to protect the galaxy, and that meant you had to assume that your enemy could be sleeping anywhere. "Today this, tomorrow, 11 and 12. We're expecting more of the families to start coming aboard, so those will be busy decks."

"Commanders Johansen and Lorut are the most senior staff here, our XO and 2XO, and their offices are all the way up on 2, if you want to see your new office and meet them, we can let them know we're on our way."

In the back of his mind, Nevan was happy he wasn't on 11 or 12. He didn't mind being around children but preferred being around those living more of the bachelor\bachelorette lifestyle. Once they reached Deck 22 they quickly found his quarters which he was able to open with his code and set his bag inside. Happy to see a table for two along with a loveseat and a queen sized bed, it was a much larger room than he was used to. He'd check it out the rest of the way later and the two gentlemen returned to the lift to zip off towards deck 2.

Vila was actually hanging out in Remy's office, as she often did before making her way down to her labs in the morning. She always checked her molds and samples first thing, even before eating, so she could go through her day without worrying much. The molds were finally growing at a pace that Vila was happy with, and she was excited to, soon, get them under a microscope and mixed with various compounds to see what could happen.

The chime rang, and she stopped chatting with Remy to look at the door.

"Expecting someone?"

"The Civilian Operations Specialist from Betazed. Clay was going to have someone bring him by," Remy said.

"Come in, door's open," Remy said, triggering the doors to open and reveal the two petty officers. Remy stood up to walk over to greet them. "Welcome aboard, Mr. Kayto, thank you Mr. Enam. Please come in, have a seat."

Vila nodded. "Got it," she said, straightening herself out and trying to appear professional. "Hello," she said. She waved at Enam. The amount of Bajorans on the ship was heartening-they'd definitely need to do a bit of Bajoran baseball now. "Nice to meet you, I am Dr. Lorut Vila, Chief Science Officer and Second Officer," she said.

Walking in standing tall, Kayto was all business. "Civil Operations Specialist 1st class Nevan Kayto, reporting for duty. A pleasure to meet both of you." He followed the XO's direction and made his way to the chair before sitting down.

"I'm excited to have you aboard. I'll admit, I haven't worked directly with a civil operations specialist before," Remy said. "I was hoping you could tell us what you hope to get from your service here, and what we need to get to you so that you can do your job."

Vila nodded. "We had one for a brief time when we were at Doctari Alpha," she said. ""WE" are my ex-husband and I-we were both scientists," she explained. "He was actually a part of the Romulan exchange, but was, I believe, Vissian," she said. She couldn't remember exactly, that far back. It had only been their second posting, and they were only there a short time before Vila became pregnant and they left for DS9.

"Well" he began "My primary goal here is to support the senior staff as best as I can so you can make the best informed decision for our mission. Mainly in regard to how we are impacting the civilian populace and government. So I'll make sure to take into account several considerations including spiritual, cultural, political, and military. What the biggest challenges their people are facing and how we may be able to best help them or if there are third party organizations nearby that may be better suited to do so and take that responsibility away from us. A matter of best utilizing available resources effectively and when. Which means not everyone gets taken care of, so that can take getting used to. As for what I may need, presuming my teams workspace is suitable, I'll likely requisition some specific personnel equipment for away missions but there's not much else I can think of at the moment to be honest. Once I get settled in I'll have a better idea as to possible needs. But there will probably be a request for advanced medical and tactical training as well for my team."

>> To Part 2 >>

Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Petty Officer 1st Class Nevan Kayto
Civil Operations Specialist
USS Imperator


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