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Strange Encounters

Posted on Fri Jan 26th, 2024 @ 5:08am by Attaché Phesg Tel'im

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Imperator, Outside a Public Restroom
Timeline: MD 4, 11:30

Tel'im let out a small growl of frustration. "Vulcan tea makes a woman need the restroom at the worst times..." She looked around, finding she was actually right by one, and there were two others waiting. "Sorry if that was overly-loud," she added by way of apology, heading over to the pair--one Human and a Bajoran.

Vila looked up as the woman approached. "Hello, Miss...? How can I help you?" After that, she turned to Rose. "Ensign, please tell Commander Johansen that I asked you to take the Ops console when the CO arrives," she said.

Rose looked up at the Commander, "Yes ma'am."

"Sorry--just queuing up for the facilities... Phesgm Tel'im, although Tel'im is preferable... Romulan Affairs... I think I'm technically a Lieutenant, but I also think Starfleet doesn't fully trust me... You two seemed deep in conversation, but its a pleasure to meet you, Commander, Ensign?"

Rose looked to their crewmate, "You too, so for the record, I've never met a Romulan until today."

Tel'im smiled. "Contrary to popular belief, we're not all dower and suspicious... I am Qowat Milat, however, so I'm not exactly typical... Commander, I recognize you--second officer, unless I miss my mark?" Tel'im gently touched a small ovoid pendant with a raised triangle around her neck.

Vila snorted. "Ensign, please, try to be polite," she said. "I have met a few Romulans," she said. "Early in my career." Vila nodded. "I am, indeed the second officer," she said. "As well as Chief Science Officer until a suitable replacement is found." Vila said. "Welcome aboard," she said.

Tel'im gave Lorut a faint, amused smile. "Thank you, and it is a pleasure... Ensign, you keep on being yourself, although I would also heed the Commander. You'll get used to all kinds of strange things in Federation service, I'm sure... I just hope the crew reacts as positively to my presence as you two."

Rose smiled "It should be interesting to say the least, I'm sure we could learn from one another."

Vila watched the interaction. "Well, when you have been around the Fleet as long as I have, you learn to tolerate everyone, or you have problems," she said. "If you find any, let myself or Commander Johansen know. Even the Captain, whenever the Fleet decides we need one," she said. "I'll deal with it, it'll be my pleasure," she said.

Tel'im grinned. "That, or I'll just show them my sword... You've been in the fleet a long time, then, Commander?"

Vila laughed. "Exactly," she said. "Let's see, 34 years, minus a year's sabbatical for maternity leave, but I did actually do research," she said. "Don't let us keep you from the restroom," she said.

Rose pondered her next question, "My time seems like a drop in the bucket, did you want to go over to that bistro a near our docking port?"

Vila laughed. "Well, give it five more years, you won't think that anymore," Vila said, assuringly. "Sure, we could," she said. She was up for a friendly meal with the youngsters; she could learn the hip new sling to toss at Benny next time they chatted. Really embarrass him.

Rose smiled, "My brother told me about it, they have a fairly extensive menu, said to try the fried cheese sticks I think he called them."

"Alright, lead the way. Tel'im, care to join us?" She asked. "Usually they're filled with a type of cheese common on Sol-mozzerella. My ex-husband is human. We ate them occasionally when he'd have a craving for junk food," she explained. "They taste good dipped in spaghetti sauce." She had discovered that trick when they began dating at the Academy.

"That's it!" Rose exclaimed, "Yeah, I've never had them the idea of fried cheese didn't always appeal to me, then again a pizza does sound good right now."

"Let's go," she said, heading for the Turbolift. "Whoever is coming, let's go."

Rose followed, almost too excited, "Too bad my brother's ship is at Mackinley on Earth, he'd have a blast here."

"Hold on, I'm coming, I'm coming... Goodness--you both are acting like my sister's youngest on Ozal twists... I can go later if need strikes... Lunch with agreeable female company sounds lovely." Tel'im jogged to catch up with the others, meeting them by the lift.

Vila chuckled. "Too bad, indeed," she said, stepping into the lift and ordering it to the food hall.

Cdr. Lorut Vila, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Ens. Rose Wilson
Ops Officer
USS Imperator

Attaché Te'lim
USS Imperator


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