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Curiosity In Sickbay

Posted on Fri Jan 26th, 2024 @ 5:11am by Lieutenant JG Thivi & Attaché Phesg Tel'im

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Imperator, Sickbay

Entering the Galaxy-class's Sickbay, Tel'im was somewhat surprised at how up-to-date everything looked. She knew, from her time on the Hakona and Starbase 375, that Galaxy-class ships were some of the most advanced ships the Federation had, and yet, they were somewhat antiquated, even as compared to the Sovereign-class for example. Still, with the refit many had undergone during the Dominion War, and the Imperator's upgrades, Sickbay seemed much more like something you'd find on a brand-new ship out of the yards.

Looking around, she noticed a tall, slender alien in medical blue. "Hello?" she querried, hoping the woman spoke Federation Standard. Her Vulcan was up-to-parr as the humans would say, but she hadn't noted pointed ears yet. She didn't much fancy trying out her limited skill in Bajoran, and especially Andorian, but the fact the other was a good two times the height for a typical Andorian told her at least she wouldn't be calling upon that particular tongue.

The tall, gangly alien turned to look at her, and smiled. "Oh, hello there! Welcome to sickbay! How may we be of assistance?" She asked. She'd never met a Romulan in person before, not face to face in person, at least. This was a rare opportunity! "Lieutenant Beurre is out for lunch, if you don't mind waiting a bit."

Tel'im quirked an eyebrow. "Ah, no, that's fine... If I may, who and, er, what are you? I don't recognize your species by sight, I'm afraid... Also," she cocked her head, "was that a royal we, a collective gender pronoun, or referring to the Sickbay staff in general, Lieutenant...?"

"The sickbay staff in general. I haven't quite figured out why humans say it. And my name is Thivi. I am a Kelpien." She smiled and steepled her fingers together. They were long, slender and oddly bony. "We aren't all that common outside of Kaminar, sadly. But we've begun to move off world of late, slowly but surely! I'm sure you'll meet another soon!"

"Well then. What do you do on board?" She added.

"A pleasure, although I hope you'll forgive me looking up your planet in the computer... I am, more or less, here to insure that the Federation at least tries to do the right thing by the Romulan remnants. We're headed for what used to be the Neutral Zone, and Starfleet felt I could be of use." The Romulan shrugged. "If you look up Tel'im in your database, I'm sure there's a whole file on me, but I am a firm believer in standards; thus, my presence here for a physical, if you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Have a seat on this biobed for me." Thivi snatched up a medical tricorder from a nearby table and smiled at the Romulan. "Tell me. No one's looked at you funny or mistreated you since you got here, have they?"

Tel'im scoffed as she used her hands to pull herself onto the biobed. "Your average Starfleet officer couldn't recognize a Romulan from a Vulcan out of a security line-up. Security knows me, but they're polite enough to keep a respectful distance. The first week, I did have a Telarite try and start something, but I found out later she had post traumatic stress syndrome... Poor woman... I get a few funny looks on Earth, although that's mostly because I'm usually out with my sister and five children. The locals also know my sister is a Romulan--I'm just glad her restaurant seems to be doing well... What about you--something in my memory says you are a very rare person in Starfleet--I studied a bit of your Federation history, and the highest-ranked of your people was nearly a century and a half ago. I am now recalling at least a few details, although that was a long time ago."

"Well, I've met one or two over my service. We aren't all that rare." Thivi moved the scanning probe over her head. So far, so good. "Five children! Wow! Forgive me for saying so, but that sounds amazing. I would love to have children myself one day - but that seems quite far away for now." Seeing no abnormalities she maneuvered the scanning probe around her side, stepping around the Romulan as she did so. "Most species aren't compatible with us, and all that..."

Tel'im laughed. "They're not all hers, nor mine either... My brothers were... Less than protective, shall we say, and both died in the War." She looked at the nurse. "I'm sure you'll find someone--anyone in mind, or are you focused on this new assignment?"

"Not at the moment. Men usually like women with more hair, normal feet and bigger breasts. Usually." Thivi smiled sheepishly. She moved around to behind Tel'im with her scanning probe in hand. "I've found that women tend to be somewhat less judgmental. Which is not to say I won't happily have some fun with a man I like. This ship is quite big - I'll just have to keep looking, I suppose!"

"Quite... I'm happily married, but with my wife and I being apart of late, if you ever want to socialize, I don't think she would get jealous... Anything out of the ordinary? I realize Romulans aren't exactly standard in Starfleet Medical textbooks."

"Well, no, not at all." Thivi smiled at her. "I'd love to socialize. Let me know when and I'd be happy to be there. How is your wife, do you know?"

Tel'im gave the nurse a broad smile. "As well as can be expected, running a colony of refugees... We might make a stop there, possibly, and I'll try and convince her to come aboard. Delightful woman, if less sociable than me... I seem to attract the chatterbirds, yes? No... Sorry, chatterboxes, yes that's it. Working on my Standard without a translator leads to some odd word choices."

"Chatterboxes. I wonder why humans make things so complicated for themselves when it comes to languages. I'd tell you about the nuances of Federation Standard, but then we'd be here all day." Thivi flipped the tricorder shut and glanced at the biobed monitor. "Well then, your vitals certainly check out! I won't keep you here longer than needed; feel free to go if you'd like!"

"Normally, I would stay and chat with such a delightful person as yourself, but my quarters won't unpack themselves, sadly... I'll see you around, Lieutenant, and I'll be sure to comm you about socializing." Tel'im rose and turned to go.

"Please do. Don't be a stranger, now!" Thivi waved as the Romulan departed sickbay.

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Imperator

Attaché Phesg Tel’im
Mission Advisor
USS Imperator


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