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The New Counselor

Posted on Fri Jan 26th, 2024 @ 2:25pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Joey #640

1,598 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 12, Medical Bay Counselor's Wing
Timeline: MD: -5 Days to Launch

Remy and Vila made their way toward the Counselor's wing to say hello to their new Chief Counselor. "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised that Starfleet is keeping an android in service. I mean you know I'm against the synth ban, but this is one lucky person to still be here," Remy muttered quietly to Vila.

Vila was less uptight about things like that-she understood more than the others what it was like to be different. Not just in appearance and mannerisms, but in life experience. Still. She knew what Remy was saying.

"Definitely. He must be really good at his job," she said, "if the Fleet went to bat to keep him around," she said. It was a bit heartening to see; if only they'd done the same for her people.

Remy tapped on the wall next to the open door. "Hello, you must be our new Chief Counselor, just popping down to say hello," Remy said. "I'm Remy Johansen, and this is Lorut Vila. Are we intruding?" Remy didn't say much more by way of who they were -she assumed the Counselor already knew.

The Psychiatrist ward of the medical bay was undergoing a total makeover by order of the new Department Head, as you walked through the waiting area there was the smell of fresh paint in the air and some walls were brighter colours than the standard beige of the 2360s interior decoration.

"Not at all!" Joey said in a soft and soothing tone with a warm smile wearing his traditional black shirt and blue suit jacket & trousers. Boxes were piled in a corner, and in another corner was a bucket of paint. The only furniture that was assembled was a clear glass desk with a terminal on it and a straight-back dark pink executive chair behind the desk with 2 congress chairs on each side. "Please come in," His left hand opened wide, motioning them to enter. " Please excuse the mess. How can I help?"

Vila simply shrugged. She didn't necessarily mind counselors-they had, quite literally, saved her life, but she was weary of strangers in general, a holdover PTSD symptom. "Commander Johansen is the mission XO and I am Second Officer. We're meeting all the Department Heads as they onboard. It saves us the headache of an all-hands meeting," she explained.

"Meh, meetings," Remy said dismissively as she looked around at the half-finished projects. "You know we could send some petty officers up to help you with this," she offered.

Vila nodded. "Or at least some anti-grav lifts," she said. The Bajoran looked around. "This is going to be nice!" She said.

"Forgive my rudeness Ms Vila" Joey plainly stated standing on the carpet "however I do not intend for it to be 'nice' I intend for it to be practical." Pointing to one of the walls which had squares of paint colours ranging from orange, yellow, green and brown he quickly recovered from starting a fight to a theory discussion. "Research has concluded people respond to colour. (Orange) Coconut of Loni Prime - confidence. Yellow dirt of The Glass City of Zeta Centauri II - happiness, Green - new beginnings and Broken Moon of Obon II (Brown) - simplicity... I have been having trouble choosing, It's been a long time since I had an office." Joey then looked at the colours then reminded something. "I'm sorry, where's my manners? Doctor Joey. Pleased to meet and work with you," He said with a proud smile, extending his arm across the air for those who wanted to shake it.

Remy took the Androids hand and shook it, kind-heartedly. "Pleased to meet you, Doctor."

Vila simply nodded. "Well, as a scientist, I can appreciate that," she said. She didn't shake his hand; it wasn't a custom in her people, and it was uncommon outside of the Humans, anyway.

Remy looked thoughtfully at the walls. "I'm no interior designer, but if I am to sit in the room for an hour, the yellow may be the color that is better for an all over wall color. Not everyone likes looking at a bold room. I think you could do an accent wall with any of the other colors - one of your smaller, more square walls. Then commission some art, to pull the other colors in. Paintings, a vase?" She suggested. "But really, let us send maintenance up here to help with this."

"My physicians and a team of operation personnel have been hard at work, they've just stopped for lunch," Joey stated "I'm planning on having a mural across that back wall," Joey painted to the wall on the left as you walked in still in its basic beige colour. "Though the idea I have might clash with the chairs I've ordered." He strolled over to the glass desk "With civilian adolescents coming aboard, I'm also seeking permission for them to create a mural in one of the corridors possibly near civ quarters," Joey said sitting down behind the desk, eyeing up the ship's XO.

Vila nodded. "The kids should like that," she said. "Green," she continued, simply. "Also the color of Jerrado," she said. "The Dhakur Hills. It's interesting that green makes up so much of our landscapes, isn't it?" She said. She looked at Remy. "Maintenance or Ops. They need something to do until we launch. At least consider it, Counselor," she said.

"Maintenance can do the painting and the furniture. Unless it's related to issues with computer access terminals or similar issues, Operations has their hands full with power distribution at the moment, unfortunately. That could be the case for a while." Remy sighed in annoyance. "Also unfortunate, but this is where we are at the moment."

"As for the mural, pick your spot, and let one of us know, we'll get it in front of the Captain when we can. Deck 11 near the playground facilities may be more fitting than the residential area. Vila and I were just checking that out."

Vila nodded. "Yes, we were. My son is twenty, but I have a lot of experience raising a kid on a Starship," she said. "My ex-husband was also in the Fleet-IS-and we did mostly only ship duty," she explained. "Benny was born on DS9, actually, but we were stationed on the USS Natchez at the time. He was born when we were on shore leave, a week early," she said.

The android knew everything about the crew, he had to anyway in his line of work he had to be their best friend and their rival. "I hear he is attending the Academy?" Joey asked rhetorically knowing full well he was. "Anyways, Remy, I can call you Remy? As for my reports on the mental health of the crew would you prefer them summed up or highly detailed?" he asked because some XOs preferred summed up rather than detailed cause they didn't know how to pronounce the big words.

"A summary is sufficient. I don't need to dig too deep into the personal affairs of everyone on board unless there is an issue we should be keeping an eye on," Remy answered. "And yes, Remy is fine. Is there anything you need? Anything we can get you?" Remy asked.

Vila raised an eyebrow. "Yes, he's studying Engineering," she said. Much to her chagrin. She had lovingly spoon fed that boy while explaining warp theory so he could be a scientist like his parents. Oh, well. "Are highly detailed notes even ethical?" She asked, incredulous. She knew she had shared some pretty personal information with counselors over the years, and she was upset to hear that some might've shared that with her CO's, particularly about her time with the Resistance.

Remy coughed in a manner of drawing attention. "I'm sure it's nothing like that, Commander. I've never seen notes from every session. Just fitness for duty reports. Am I right?"

"Correct," Joey said with his warmest smile, a smile he had used plenty of times on children and young crewmen to ease their aching hearts. "Just a formality to ensure you are mentally fit for duty once that's done or unless I believe there is a medical reason for sessions to continue you'll only have to see me when your medical evaluation is due." He said recalling his arms underneath the table.

Vila nodded, but narrowed her eyes slightly. "I see," she said. She'd follow up on that, Remy could be sure. Her demeanor changed quickly, though, and she smiled. "That sounds good," she said. "I will make sure to do mine tomorrow, if you have an opening," she said. Get ahead of it was her plan.

Looking up at Remy, still smiling like the Cheshire cat. "I have everything I need Remy. Though please keep 'android' disassociated with me given recent history," tapping the side of his nose. "Me and you should have a chat sometime Remy," Knowing what the effects of the 'synth ban' were shared between the two of them.

"Of course," Remy responded. "I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities." Remy turned to Vila and back to Joey. "Well if you are all set, we can leave you be. But seriously, let maintenance help you out."

"Really, please do. We'll need everyone in ship-shape for launch," Vila added.

Remy gestured to the door with her head, and the two walked out leaving the counselor to his interior design project.


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lieutenant JG Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Imperator


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