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SURPRISE Birthday Party

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 3:54am by Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto
Edited on on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 10:11pm

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Imperator Cafe
Timeline: January 24, 2389


Remy had arranged for the Bajoran chefs from the Imperator Cafe trade nights and prepare a special meal, so that there would be a full on spread of Bajoran food available after shift on Vila's birthday, and she'd asked Joey and Nevan to help put together a few decorations to make it look like a celebration - nothing too over the top. Remy had walked by earlier, and things were looking great. But for now she was in charge of keeping Vila away until the appropriate time, but getting here when the party was ready to start.

"Come now, Aani, it will be fun! Loosen up, will you?" S'Niri really had gone for an ultra casual look tonight. She'd come in a dark gray tank top and shorts, accompanying a slightly shorter, dark-skinned young Bajoran woman in sciences blue uniform. "S-Sorry. It's just my third ever party-"

"A party which you'll enjoy! I promise! Commander Lorut would be happy to see a familiar face!" S'Niri grinned, looped an arm around her shoulder and led the girl onwards through the doors.

Morgan had ditched the usual uniform shirt for a more casual dress shirt in subdued blue-grey tone, he quietly entered the room trying to get a feel for how his crew were going to interact and simply put he wanted to get to know them as much as possible.

Dr. Beckett arrived, stopping off briefly at his quarters to change into an emerald green t-shirt and navy pants, almost forgetting his communicator on his way back out. He noticed the Captain just ahead of him, and decided it was just as good a time as any to make introductions.

Catching the Captain's eye, Beckett's thick Scottish accent coming through as he spoke. "Hello Captain, pleased ta catch up wit' ye. Am Malcom Beckett, doctor, here on this ship and am trying to nae end up as yer chief medical officer," Dr. Beckett offered a friendly smile and reached his hand out for a handshake.

Kayto entered next wearing a black t shirt and blue jeans, he never seemed to know what to wear to parties to went casual and with something a bit more form fitting. He'd just finished up his latest round of readiness reports before making it to his quarters for a quick change and making his way to the party, hoping he wouldn't be late. Next he took a look around for any familiar faces before going to find a drink.

Being new to the ship, Mundy was surprised that he was invited to this party. He grabbed a drink, then moved to one of the tables near a window.

Nash Winters entered the ship’s cafe to help celebrate Vila Lorut’s birthday. Sara didn’t seem to mind and decided to stay in their quarters with Alexandra. This was a surprise and a perfect way to get acquainted with the rest of the new crew, including the Captain.

He noticed two men standing and talking together. He approached them and broke the ice.
“Good evening, gents. Looks like someone’s having a birthday? Nash Winters, Chief Engineer.”

S'Niri trotted over to the human sitting at the window with a feline smile, which would've been sweet if not for the saber teeth. "Sitting alone? You must be new." She purred. "You look kind of lost - no offense, of course."

"No offense taken. I'm new here, just getting the lay of the land, so to speak." Mundy responded.

"Well, so am I! The name's S'Niri. You shouldn't be alone on an joyous night like this!" S'Niri slid into the seat across from his. "So what will you be doing on board?"

"I'm the new Operations Chief. And what do you do besides sitting at a strange man's table?"

Aani meanwhile had tucked herself into a corner with a glass of water in hand. She seemed ready to fold into herself and remain hidden as she buried her face in her drink.

Clay mingled as best he could. He wasn’t really good with parties, or crowds. A drink in one hand, he scans the room constantly, like he was on alert. Not a bad thing for a security officer but it was a nervous tick of his to always be vigilant.

He nods to Enam as he walks into the room, he seemed to be doing the same as Clay was.

Petty Officer Enam walked briskly through the doors, dressing uniform. "Quiet everyone," he announced in a hushed voice. "They are almost here." Enam walked through restaurant casually as if he were making a security sweep, tapping at a few visible feet here and there.

Remy could be overheard saying to Vila, "You know, I really need to talk to you about how we want the crew reports done..." she was mid-sentence, (thankfully, as she was running out of things to make up to talk about), when she was interrupted, by a chorus of her crew members calling out, "SURPRISE!!!!" and "Happy Birthday!" as they stepped out into the open.

Vila, for her part, was bored to death. She hated the command talk after hours, and just wanted to spend her birthday evening wrapped in a blanket on the couch, reading and seeing if her kid would call her. Instead, Remy was talking her ear off about nonsense.

"Why don't we just have them sent via-" Oh gosh. She turned red, and huddled against the wall. How embarrassing!! Sweet, but embarrassing! "Remy!!"

Nash was the first to step forward, "I'm sure you've heard it before, but on Earth we have a song..."

"Yes, yes we do," agreed Remy. They each had one hand on Vila's back, and was using the other to drum up excitement and get the others to sing.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Dear Vila...
Happy Birthday to you!

During the song one of the chefs had squeezed their way through the crowd and presented Vila with a cake that had a handful of lit candles to be blown out.

Vila shook her head again, but blew out the candles quickly and carefully. It was a fun tradition, even if she didn't quite understand what it meant. She never had, Ben had never really described the WHY of it, just that it was necessary.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" The chant went up from the gathered lower deckers, mostly Vila's department except, well, Aani. The poor Bajoran looked fit to melt into the corner she'd squeezed herself into.

Tel'im gave the other woman a commiserating look from across the room--she'd express her congratulations on another orbit around a star later.

Vila laughed. "Ok, thank you everyone!! This is a surprise, I must say. I thank you all!! I hope you all have a fun, fabulous evening, and I also want to say thank you for starting off this tour with such hard work!! Now...let's eat! And drink! Have a bit of fun!" She shook her head. She had been expecting a little dinner with Remy to talk business before she went back to her quarters for the evening.

"Thank you, Nash. My ex-husband was human. We did celebrate birthdays in the way you all do," she said, smiling at the man. "I am disappointed your wife isn't here. I'd like to pick her brain about a project I am working on," Vila remarked. "Remy, tell me there's some Springwine!"

“Many happy returns, Vila,” Nash said as he kissed her on the cheek. “This wasn’t my idea, by the way. Remy commandeered me into getting your cake ordered. But I was glad to do it and no one deserves it more than you. Sara’s been busy as hell trying to get her work space in order. The Institute has a lot going on.”

"I've heard. Maybe I'll find her tomorrow!" Vila said. "Thank you. It's nice," she said. "Take some cake back for your daughter, too!" Vila said.

Tel'im now wandered over, having worked her way out of the press of people. "What a joyous occasion to start off our mission together, no?" She smiled at the Bajoran. "My Bajoran is a bit rusty, so I think I'll just with you a human happy birthday and have done."

Vila smiled as Remy escorted her to a seat. "Thank you," she said. "Indeed, it is!! Enjoy yourself, please," Lorut said.

She sat, smiling. She couldn't be mad, even if she wanted to be. It had been a long time since anyone had acknowledged her birthday in a big way, and she appreciated it.

Finding himself a quick in, Nevan snuck over through a small opening and produced a 20 year old bottle of uttaberry wine. It was from a stock his mother had sent with him and he was more than happy to share. Plus she'd have killed him if she ever found out he drank the entire case on his own. "Happy birthday Commander! Some wine from Betazed, top stuff. Nice and sweet, perfect for a relaxing evening or a celebration like this. And if you decide you want more later on just let me know."

Vila raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "Thank you," she said. "I appreciate it," she said. "Make sure to take some food and cake back to you, as well," she said. She placed the bottle on the table in front of her. That would be saved for a nice occasion.

"I definitely will, thank you!" Kayto took a look around to go find some. He was starving



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