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Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 2:54pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Jules Mundy

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Astrea Bridge
Timeline: MD: -4 Days to Launch, 0745 Hours

Lieutenant Jules Mundy stepped off the turbolift unto the bridge and looked around. He was looking for the captain and the first officer.

He stepped down to the command area and presented himself.

A Bajoran petty officer from security looked over at the Lieutenant who had stepped onto the Bridge. "Sir, if you are looking for Commander Johansen she is in the Ready Room with Commander Lorut. Wilson just came from there, said we're about to get an announcement."

Mundy nodded to the security officer.

Rose smiled as the new arrival passed by, she noted that the vast majority of the senior staff had arrived.

Remy walked out of the Ready Room briskly toward the Command Chair, not noticing the new Lieutenant on the Bridge. If the morning had not been as eventful she would have been more aware that the Chief of Operations was reporting in at 0800. An ensign opened the comm for her after she had declared she would be making an announcement.

"Attention all hands, this is your first officer, Commander Remira Johansen. I have just received word that effective immediately the USS Imperator has been placed on an 8-hour readiness alert. I apologize for the sudden notice, I am relaying this information to you as I am receiving it. Expect new duty rosters implementing the new staffing requirements from your department heads."

Remy continued, "I know that there are many questions about our new Captain. I am told that our new Commanding Officer could be arriving any time, and is aware of our current status, and has even hand-selected many of you for your positions. I wish that I could give you a name, but there are still some moving parts at play. However, I want to assure each and every one of you that the Captain and myself have high expectations of all of you, and full faith in your ability to meet those expectations. See your Department Heads for further instructions later today. Commander Johansen out."

Remy stood up and looked around the Bridge. "Back to work."

Mundy stepped forward. "Commander. Lieutenant Jules Mundy, Operations Officer reporting for duty, sir."

Vila was snickering behind her. "Uh, turn around," she said. "New ops guy is here," she said, indicating the occupied Chief Ops console. "Lt. Mundy. Comes to us from the Sutherland," she said. "Lt. Mundy, forgive our XO here. It's been a busy morning," the tall Bajoran said, standing. "I'll be in my labs, harassing Lt. Girham, if anyone needs me," she said.

"Oh, hello. Lieutenant Mundy, we were expecting you. Welcome aboard. I'm Commander Johansen," Remy said.

"Happy to be aboard, commander. Is there anything I need to know at the moments, commander?" Mundy asked.

"Well, actually, other than what you just heard, systems operations has had their hands full with power distribution the last several days," Remy started. "The slipstream drives they are putting in ships now are still in their early stages, and our Chief Engineer and I weren't impressed with the different places and ways Dr. Hurtz had the drive set up to draw power. Too many crucial systems were impacted. As you're getting settled in, that's where I'd start," Remy suggested.

"I'll have an onboarding packet for you shortly," Vila called out over her shoulder as she ambled to the turbo lifts. Doing this XO stuff was starting to become a bit easier for her. She would miss science full time but she knew this was a good career move. If she could retire at full Commander, she could be set for awhile. She planned to take a teaching position at the University of Bajor in a few years' time, but she still had a few years left to give to the Fleet.

"The one thing to do, sir, is to prioritize critical systems, saving backup power for those systems first."

"I agree. It's just a mess right now. Not quite the welcome party you were expecting, but we are very glad you are here," Remy said sincerely. "How was your trip over? Do you need anything to get settled in?" Remy asked.

"It was an interesting voyage here, commander. Not much to talk about." Mundy paused. "I still haven't unpacked my things, but that can wait until we're finished here."

"Well feel free to take your time getting settled," Remy nodded. "Your crew has been busy, but it will be easier to catch up if you feel grounded. "I'd start with Nash Winters when you are ready."

"Sir. Isn't Winters in engineering?" Mundy asked puzzled.

"Yes, engineering and operations have been and will need to keep working together on this," Remy insisted. "The power system adjustments that need to be made are because of what the refit team did when putting together the slipstream drive, and while it's being fixed will directly impact engineering. It's a team effort, Mr. Mundy."

"Of course, sir. I was just making sure the Winters is in engineering."

"Yes, he is the Chief Engineer. Shouldn't be too hard to find," Remy affirmed. "He'll be glad to see you."


Commander Remy Johansen
Acting Captain
USS Astrea

Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Jules Mundy
Operations Officer
USS Astrea


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