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A Position Gained, A Pastry Eaten... Or Three

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Captain Remy Johansen

1,333 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Jupiter Station, The Rose Cafe
Timeline: MD: -5 Days to Launch

Tel'im stared out the viewport, a cup of strong Vulcan spice tea before her. Despite the fact she would have preferred something a little stronger--maybe some of her sister's home-brewed wine--the tea was good enough. Of more interest was the pastry before her--a gently-shaped confection in the shape of a Terran flower. Apparently, it was named a rose, something she liked as the name seemed to fit. She picked up a fork, and stabbed at the delecate shell, getting a bit of crust and filling. This tea and pastry had become as integral to her stay on Jupiter Station as long-distance calls with her wife had been the last time she'd been on a Federation Space station.

Remy walked into the cafe. The computer had told her that she would find Phesg Tel'im here, their new Mission Specialist Attaché, a Romulan that Remy had met just a few months ago on a mission with the Luna. Spotting her, Remy walked over and approached her, making an open book with her palms in greeting. "May I? she asked gesturing to the empty chair.

Tel'im looked at the other woman with a broad smile. "Please, sit... These are wonderful--I got a deal. I think she likes me. Too bad I am already married." She gestured to the rose-shaped baclava on her plate. "I don't know what these are called in your tongue, but they are good."

"Baclava," Remy responded. "On Earth it originated from an area known as the Middle East. The Turks, I think. Do the Romulans have a similar dish?" She asked.

Tel'im chewed thoughtfully a moment. "It reminds me of my mother's Sha'nen. Not as rich, however, as this. The former is made with fruit, and was the only thing my mother ever made fresh." She surveyed the human Starfleet officer. "I sense you didn't just come and find me to share information about this pastry, though, did you?"

Remy smiled. "No, I actually heard that all your Starfleet vetting is done, you passed your psych test, cleared for duty. You must be pretty happy about that. I hope?" Remy looked at Tel'im with anticipation.

The Romulan raised one eyebrow in a very Vulcan-like way then said deadpan, "No, I enjoyed getting poked and prodded by security scanners every time I went to a new area..." She added truthfully, "Yes, I am happy, although I have no idea if Starfleet has something for me. I am at least now allowed to go to Earth without permission; I was planning on visiting my sister in Bilbau, see how her restaurant is doing. Care to join me?"

"Sarcasm? You've been around humans too long. I never thought I would hear a Qowat Milat speaking ironically," Remy mused. "I would love to go with you ... sometime. But my next assignment is leaving spacedock in less than five days, and you're supposed to be coming with us." Remy handed Tel'im a PADD with the details of her assignment. "Unless of course you need to delay your orders to take care of family affairs. I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem."

The Romulan looked at the data. "Galaxy-class... One of my old commanders faced off against Picard's first Enterprise... Refit, too--Starfleet is pulling out all the stops I think the expression is? Why do you need me? Romulans aren't exactly the Federation's biggest priority, especially of late."

As though in addition, she added, "Please--absolute candor, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't still be subtle. Socialization, especially with non-Romulans, necessitates interactions of all kinds... Hmmm--I see you're the First to the Captain--congratulations."

"I'm definitely not looking to make an enemy out of the Romulans, and hopefully the Captain won't be either," Remy agreed. "Our primary assignment will be to patrol the sectors near the neutral zone that were most impacted by the supernova. I suspect we'll run into more Romulans while we are out there. Friend or foe, your advice could be invaluable," Remy told her. "You might get something out of it too," she added.

Tel'im's lips quirked upwards. "Quite... Selon and Choros are along our patrol route, if I am reading this map correctly. At least my wife and I will be in the same sector... Any idea as to whom the captain will be? From what I recall from my days in the military, top brass are tight-lipped as molusks on Torosk Minor, but rumors run like oysters."

Remy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Normally they would be here by now, or at least funneling down orders, but for some reason they are leaving us in the dark on this one. I'll make my daily call again in the morning and try to squeeze out some information."

"So what sort of things does your wife do?" Remy asked. "There are ways to put in for family to be brought aboard. Priority is given based on seniority, but I don't think anyone's been turned away. We do have civilian positions that don't involve Starfleet matters. If she were interested in one of those, even better."

Tel'im forked up a bit of pastry, then responded, "She leads a civilian refugee colony--mostly Romulans, a few Trill and the odd Bajoran, Mintokan, and even I think an Axanar... She is also of the Qowat Milat. I do not know if she will leave, but I can at least ask... We each have our duties, yes? ... If I may ask, what about your family, Commander?"

"No one special to bring aboard, if that's what you are asking," Remy responded with an amused look on her face. "As soon as my oldest niece was born my brother asked for a desk job with Starfleet. Now he's got an 8-5 at a little outpost on a reasonably safe planet. I can't do it. I don't work that way."

"Anyway, are you ready to pack? Do you need help with anything?" Remy asked.

Tel'im contemplated her tea for a few seconds, then sipped at it. "Well, I will need to go to Earth to pick up a few things, and to see my sister... Could you verify I don't have to pass a security screening before boarding the transport, please? If you're into wine, I can promise to bring you back some good stuff--my sister makes a decent brew."

"If all you are bringing aboard is alcohol, I'm sure you'll be fine," Remy said eyeing the Romulan suspiciously. "Is that what you're worried about?" Remy asked, hoped.

Tel'im laughed. "I'm not worried about getting back here, its getting to Earth I was asking about... No--I just have a few momentos my sister is holding for me. Things I took from the family home before all hell broke lose... Can I get you anything while I'm on Earth--you are a friend, you know."

Remy smiled. "I appreciate that. I consider you a friend as well. I am all set, thank you though," Remy responded. She was used to living on the move. "Everything you need to travel should be on that PADD, you can get an ID made before you leave the station. I'd try to get back at least 48 hours before we leave. We'll be battening down the hatches around then."

Tel'im grinned, then offered the last full pastry on her plate to the other woman. "I'll take the night raptor transport back--that's the phrase, yes? ... You want this last one?"

"I think you mean the "red eye," Remy said. "And you look like you are enjoying those way too much for me to take the last bite." Remy stood up and took something out of her pocket. "You'll want this when you get back," Remy said laying a communicator badge on the table in front of Tel'im. "Comm me when you're ready to check in."

"Thank you, Commander..." Tel'im took the badge, then pinned it to her shirt. "I'm looking forward to serving with you."

"Likewise, and you can call me Remy. We'll see you when you get back."


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