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Nevan Kayto, Civilian Operations, Part 2

Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:32pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto
Edited on on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 4:51am

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Imperator
Timeline: MD: -5 Days to Launch, After Part 1

[Part 2]

"I see," Remy said taking the request in. "All Starfleet officers have basic training in self-defense, field survival, first aid. If you are wanting members with advanced training in those areas, it may be best to recruit from those departments and build a multi-departmental team. Not that cross-training shouldn't happen, but we have a large pool of officers already working in those fields might appreciate the opportunity to work on your projects," Remy suggested. "Vila, what do you think?"

Vila listened intently. Her ears perked up a bit. "So like a mission advisory role?" She asked, to clarify. "Usually that is a Fleet position, I am surprised they let a civilian do it, as it generally involves sensitive information," she said. "But the Fleet does what it does, I stopped trying to figure it out years ago," she said. "I think that the Commander is correct; recruiting a standby team from within the rank and file officers is probably easier than requesting extra personnel from HQ," she said, with a nod.

"It's not quite that, see Civil Ops doesn't allow new recruits in directly, everyone has to come in from somewhere else, I myself was an engineer before, communications. On the enlisted side you have to placed on the promotion list for your first rate of Petty Officer before you can apply for Civil Ops. Officers typically require a waiver if they're an Ensign to go directly in. Having those feeder backgrounds helps tremendously but not all of us were medics or security personnel as crewman. So some additional life saver training beyond first aid and say second tier close quarters combat drills aside from the standard movement drills will help bring those of us up to a higher level of proficiency to help protect and take care of the diplomats and higher value personnel we're likely to be working with and right by in the event something does happen. We know we can't replace medical and security personnel that fulfill those roles every day, but when something happens and we're the ones right there, we're the better option than someone who's on the ship or 10 meters away that can't get to the wounded diplomat. So our personnel do have a base diverseness to help with missions and what we're looking for on mission, I'd just like to make sure everyone is up to a base level on a couple more critical areas." Kayto hoped his explanation and request made sense. Their team would definitely be leveraging other personnel on the ship as it was always best practice to utilize the available resources you had.

"I'll make your requests known to the Acting Chief Medical Officer and the Chief of Security. If they are able to offer training without interfering with daily operations, I'm sure it won't be a problem," Remy responded. "However, when we depart Jupiter Station, we'll still only be operating with 77% of a typical crew for this size. Once we pick up the rest of the assigned personnel we will still only be at 82%. If there is a security threat, additional security officers will be assigned to protect your crew and their charges."

Remy looked at Kayto carefully. "Being a Starfleet Officer is an inherently risky job, regardless of who you are or what position you are in. We do whatever we can to mitigate risks when possible."

Vila simply nodded. "I guess...put in whatever requests you need, and see what can be done. I can allocate a lab tech, they're all triage trained," she said. Vila wasn't, outside of her Command training, but Aimee Back was. "We can go to bat for you," she said, parroting a Terran term that Ben had been fond of.

Kayto always found it interesting with XO's. They always seemed to be laid back or were leaning forward into everything. But given the responsibilities of the job and the pressures that came with it, he never held it against them. "Absolutely Commander, I'll ensure we keep to our training schedules. If need be in the meantime I can always plan out time in the holodeck. Getting back to the basics and having a refresher is never a bad thing either. Plus it helps build team cohesion."

"Like I said, I'll make your request known," Remy stated. "I'm sure it won't be a problem down the road, but there will be a lot going on these first few weeks, so it may take a while for the departments to get into a routine."

Enam who had been silent, spoke up. "Commander, if the team is wanting close quarters combat drills, I'm sure there are quite a few of us who wouldn't mind an extra sparring partner."

Vila nodded. "Actually, some combat drills aren't a bad idea. I have some of my old holotraining programs from the Militia stored up. I can adjust it from simply killing Cardassians who desperately deserved it to a more diplomatic scenario," she said. As diplomatic as the Cardassians could be, anyway. "I'd be happy to oversee them, especially as we don't have a Quartermaster yet," she said. Vila had run the Resistances' combat maneuvers training for a while for the teenagers. She was good at that kind of thing.

"That sounds like a plan" Kayto replied. "I'll make sure my team and I get our workspace all setup and that we're ready for the additional training when the call comes down. Otherwise is there any special regional focus you'd like my team to have Commander?"

Remy looked at Vila and back to Kayto. "We're going to be out here along the neutral zone nearest where the supernova had the most effect. I'd like for you to focus on the smaller Federation worlds out there. A few have been vocal about not having a voice in the Federation. Others we don't hear from at all. Maybe you could help figure out where we should go... when we have the time to do so, of course."

"Aye aye Commander, we'll do an analysis of their current situations and put a report together for you with recommendations. We'll also make that our area of focus so we'll start brushing up on Romulan culture and government as well. Too bad I don't speak it though." The situation with the supernova had caused a lot of resources to be shifted to that region and while it wasn't unexpected, the truth was that Kayto had hoped initially they wouldn't be worrying about such an intense area of operations right of that bat.

"We are in luck. Not only are the Universal Translators helpful, we do have a civilian attaché from the Qowat Milat on board working as an advisor. I trust her implicitly," Remy stated. "She worked with Starfleet during the Dominion War, and we happened to come across her again after the supernova not long ago. She's taking care of some things on Earth but will be back tonight." '

Vila nodded. "Is that the Romulan?" She clarified. Vila really needed to learn people's names now. It was rude to refer to people as "the Romulan" but her brain hadn't fully digested all the information tossed at her just yet. "Sounds like we have a plan. I am onboard with whatever you need, and, as I said, I can spare a lab tech. Just let me know when it is time," she said.

(She's still on T'Lenn being Romulan. ;) )

"We're in luck then, I'll make it a point to seek her out as part of getting settled in. I do appreciate both of your time, Commanders. I know you've both got quite a bit going on." Nevan was chomping at the bit to see his teams workspace and get their lockers setup. They'd have standard hazard gear but likely carry more specialized tools depending on what their previous ratings were. For example he'd have a couple more pieces of comms equipment to bolster that part of the mission should the need arise.

"Tel'im is the Romulan attaché when you are ready to look her up," Remy informed him. She stood up. "Well thanks for stopping in, I'm trying to put names to faces slowly. Your department hasn't been assigned a Chief head, so feel free to go to Vila or myself direct."

Vila simply nodded, having said all of what she had thought. "Good luck!! My door is open anytime," she said. "Nice to meet you," the Bajoran smiled.

Kayto stood up and gave both of the women a nod. "I'll certainly let either of you know when I need anything, and thank you again." He snapped to attention and performed a crisp about face before making his way out.

Remy watched Kayto leave and turned to Vila. "He seems serious."

Vila laughed. "Yeah," she said. They were going to need it, though. "He does. I think it'll be...refreshing." She said. "Let's go. You promised me food," she said. Remy hadn't, but that wasn't here nor there. Vila could eat all day if it were possible.


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Petty Officer 1st Class Nevan Kayto
Civil Operations Specialist
USS Imperator


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