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Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant JG Xalanth

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: What We Do With Second Chances
Location: Cali ship
Timeline: MD 10

Who am I?

He could remember it. The taste of warm dust in his throat as the hot winds of his homeworld blew into the cave. His uniform armour and equipment to big for a creature of his size his helmet sliding forward on his head.

I am a legionnaire

The hot wind, debris of dust of a former city, the screams of terror and the howls of inhuman killing machines from beyond the stars. Their first contact with those from another world and they had chosen to try and exterminate them.

What is your purpose?

He could feel his own blood pouring down from his shattered head as the ship howled in pain from where it had been struck. He could feel it on his scales, his tongue and teeth as he began slipping into the void from which none returned.

To be the sword in the darkness, the brighter of wrongs and the shield of the weak.

He could feel the eyes on him. The eyes of pity, of pain and of mistrust. He could hear his clan yell that he was alive and wasn't going to crawl into the city to steal eggs. He felt their pain and heard the home begin to break down. He could feel their tears as they found the note he had left before he had quietly slipped away.

Who do you serve?

He stood amazed by the waves. How the humans lived in a world with so much water was a question for those smarter than him. He remembered the looks he got, the frustration he felt and the pain that still burned in his soul.

I serve the people of dragonia.

He remembered the fire he felt as his soul reignited as he saw each of them. Their eyes stared into his soul knowing they were the same. Their smell in his nostrils, touch on his skin and the feeling that he was alive again.

When does your duty end?

He remembered the tears. Tears of joy and of pain as he held the first child. Tears of joy for the baby girl asleep in his arms and tears of pain for the pain he felt for his mates. For the struggle and pain, he had put them through to bring his daughters into this universe.

His yellow eyes opened as he pulled himself from his bed. Another dream. A bad one at that. Rubbing the tiredness from his eyes he pulled himself from his bunk thankfully not waking his sleeping roommate as he walked to the bathroom. The cold water felg good on his scales as he splashed some on his face.

He was already missing his family. His mates and his daughters especially little Cemet his girl who he'd never had the chance to hold and tell her her father loved her. He'd have to send her and Zola another data coms soon. He hoped the ancestors of his people were watching over them.

He shook his head. He needed to get his head in the game.

Splashing some more water on his face he headed back into quarters. He had to pack.


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