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Some time with the ones you love

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 9:12pm by Lieutenant JG Xalanth

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: Academy
Timeline: Long Ago

A yawn escaped Xalanths lips as he felt his body awake. It was soon followed by a smile at the sight of his first and second both sleeping peacefully. As pleasant as it would be to slip back under the covers and rejoin them he had other priorities this day. Which if judging by the faint side of humming coming from the rest of his quarters was already up and about.

Zola his third sat on one of the stools around the kitchen counter eating a yoghurt as she slightly humed to herself. Her head turned as she heard him gently closing the door behind him as he did so. " Morning my knight in red armour. First and second still sleeping?" She asked as he walked over her own arms opening as he hugged her tightly feeling her warmth against his own scales.

" Yup just us for the next few hours. " He said holding his third tightly. It was a tradition of his people that he was to spend a couple of hours with each of his mates on the day of the week that was aligned with their virtue. This would be Zola's first.

" So what are we doing this morning?" Zola said leaning backwards on the stool looking up at him.

Xalanth smiled as he reached over for the wrapped-up towel on one of the side tables. Tossing it over Zola caught it with a smile as she let it unravel as a swimsuit fell out.

" Get dressed we're going swimming." The lizard said with a grin mirrored on his mate's face. He knew exactly what she wanted to do.


And so the two made their way towards the Acdamey private beach area Xalanth let out a tune that his own father had sung to his honour as his grandfather had to his all the way back to the beginning of their bloodline. His yellow eyes kept on drifting to the woman on his arm her athletic body looking ravishing in the academy swimsuit though his human mate looked great in anything.

The sands were warm against their feet as they arrived. The golden sands were empty apart from the two of them. Zola turned back giving her alien lover a kiss on the cheek before running into the waves. Pausing for a second Xalanth clipped a palatal gill into his mouth before following. Unlike his mates who were all stars of the academy synchronised swimming team Xalanth was still getting used to the waters that made up this planet. Dragonian had only one sea and it was a tiny and shallow thing compared to earth mighty oceans.

Following his brown-skinned mate the warm water spread over his body as he followed her into the depths.

His yellow eyes blinked a few times before they adjusted to the water. Zola was ahead of him sitting on one of the old shuttle craft sunk by the academy as a dive site. She smiled as he swam over nudging with her head in the direction she wanted to head.Xalanth nooded and followed feeling happy. He was with his honour and nothing could change that.


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