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Onboarding Drinks

Posted on Sat Feb 10th, 2024 @ 1:55am by Lieutenant JG Thivi

3,161 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Base Lounge
Timeline: 004?


Thisbe P'Rar had arrived to SB 450 earlier that day. She had just been called to duty; the Imperator would be her first posting, and she was EXCITED. At 1400 exactly, she stepped through the Airlock, and into the corridor. She smiled a little-soooo exciting. She straightened her uniform, and followed the throngs of people-ok, there was really only one other person-to the Quartermaster, at least according to his insignia. "Sir, Ensign Thisbe P'rar, Engineering, reporting for duty," she chirped. A bit later, the stern but nice man had her sorted, and she stood off to the side, waiting for further orders. He finished up with the other person, and...well, apparently, they were going to be left to their own devices.

"Do you know where Deck 7 is?" she asked. That was her assigned bunkhouse. Lower Decks.

"It's three decks down. This is deck four." The answer came from the Kelpien woman next in line after her. The lilac-eyed woman was pretty in a sort of fugly way, not all that curvaceous and quite tall indeed. She wore a teal medical uniform with a lieutenant junior's pips. She smiled at the pretty Bajoran-Cardassian hybrid. Some humanoids seemed to have all the luck when it came to looks.

"I'll be staying in 4C; I'd be happy to guide you to wherever you're going." She added. "My name is Thivi. And you?"

"Hey, same as me!!" She said. "Thanks. I am Ensign Thisbe P'rar, junior Engineer," she said. "What will you be doing?" she asked, as they walked along towards a Turbolift. "After this, we should go check out the Lounge!" She said. "Do you drink? I saw a REALLY cute Vulcan the other day. I wonder if he's serving with us? We could also go out into the Station. I don't actually have to report for duty until tomorrow. I hope my boss isn't boring," she said.

"I'm the head nurse. I don't mind sharing my quarters, really." Thivi smiled back at her roommate as they walked together. She certainly wouldn't have complained about having a roommate like Thisbe. She liked her energy. "Of course I drink! I would love to go for something on the station - I think I'd like to get out of my uniform first, though, and wear something new?" Yep, this promised to be interesting, alright. "A cute Vulcan, you say? Why not ask the next time you see him?"

Thisbe nodded. "Ok, that'll be fun. Yeah, I don't mind sharing, either, and I guess we don't have a choice until we're like, Lieutenants or married," she said. "Yes, we definitely need to change! Let's go. I will ask him, for sure. I hope he has some friends, too. We can find you one!!" She said. "Head nurse, wowee." She led them to the Turbolift to find their quarters.

"Male or female, I don't mind either way." Thivi smiled as they stepped into the turbolift together and stretched as the doors closed. "I dated a female Vulcan in the Academy once - you'd be surprised how empathic they can actually be in private. She taught me a few Vulcan dishes I can cook if you ever feel like." She offered as the turbolift doors dinged open and they walked to their shared quarters together. "I love to cook. I think it's quite therapeutic, actually."

Thisbe nodded. "OK!!" She said. "ooh, I'll let you cook. I don't really do much," she said. "I have heard that," she said. "My last boyfriend was Trill, but he left to be joined before he takes his commission," she said, "And I didn't want to wait around for him." She stepped out of the lift, and lead the way down the corridor towards the Lower Deckers' berths. "C-what? 204?" She asked Thivi.

"204." Thivi nodded and led the way into their shared quarters. "Give me a few minutes to change and we can go, hm?" She disappeared into one side of the room and emerged in a dark blue crop top and jeans.

"Sure," Thisbe said. She took a moment to get dressed herself after she put her stuff on her bunk. She put on a leather miniskirt and a spangly silver tank top, with boots. "Oh, you look GOOD," she said. "Are you ready?" She asked. She led them back out of the berth and to the Turbolift, and soon, into the cool night air to whatever would await them.

"Ready as ever. You look great too, by the way." Thivi responded, smirking, as they stepped onto the station promenade. "So where did you last see this handsome Vulcan you mentiined? I'd like to meet him. You know, to ensure he'll treat you right, and all that..."

Thisbe laughed. "At the Gyros stand in the Promenade," she said. "This morning," she said. "He's actually assigned to the Station, sadly," she said. "So it's just going to be a quickie. But that's my favorite," she said, cheekily. "He was with a group of a few other junior officers. They were talking about going to a bar called "The White Stallion" tonight. I guess that's where we're going, too," she said.

"Sounds good to me!" Thivi snickered and wrapped an arm around her roommate as they journeyed to the bar in question - and boy, was it packed tonight, which it probably was at all hours of the day, really. She found them a seat in the middle of the establishment and glanced around at the patrons. So far, no Vulcans. Plenty of cute others, though. "Can you pick him out from the rest here...?" Thivi gesture to the crowd.

Thisbe shook her head. "No, I don't see him yet. He'd stick out if he were with his friend. The other guy was Bolian," she said. "So pretty easy to spot." She said. She looked a little disappointed but shrugged it off. "Hey!! I heard there was going to be a live band later. We should stay!! And let's eat. Want something replicated or real?" She asked. "I think I am going to have something a bit heavy so I don't get too drunk," she said. "Fish and chips!" She said. The Carjoran female stood up and headed for the counter.

"Beef goulash. Easily one of the best things humans have ever invented!" Thivi called after ger. She let Thisbe make their orders and come back before glancing around the crowd. "A live band, you say. I would like that, actually - I haven't met heard a good one play in years. Did you know that even Vulcans have music?" She quipped before catching sight of someone rather interesting. "Oh, wow. Have a look at her..." Thivi had her eyes on an attractive Klingon woman, laughing and talking with friends several tables away.

Thisbe nodded. "Yeah, I've heard....Oh, yeah, she's pretty!! You should go say hi!! Anyway, Romulan opera is also supposed to be beautiful, although I don't think we'll be hearing that these days," she said. "I think it's some kind of pop band. Not Fleet, but probably a mix of races," she said. "They're called the Du-Wop Duo, even though there's four of them," she said, with a shrug. Then she smacked her head. "I forgot drinks. What do you want?" She said. Then, she stiffened. "HE'S HERE," she hissed at Thivi. "What do I do?"

"Go say hello! Come now, you look good, he looks good, just say hello. What do you have to lose? Go get him!" Thivi encouraged with a nudge to her shoulder before standing to walk up to the Klingon. Pachinko balls were bouncing around her stomach all the while, making it feel funny - but as she'd learned many times in her career, you'd get nowhere if you didn't take your first steps. Might as well try and snag a friend - or more - while the opportunity was golden, right? "Hey there. Mind some company?" She grinned at the other, indicating the seat across from her.

Thisbe nodded, mutely. "O...okay," she said, following the other woman. Normally, she was very cheerful and outgoing, but men did something weird to her. Especially this cute Vulcan. She settled in across from Thivi. "HI. I am, um...Thisbe P'Rar. Um...Engineering," she said. She felt herself blush purple-the slight tint of grey to her skin made the red look lilac. "This is Thivi," she said, introducing her friend.

I am Ensign V'lal, and this is Matthew Perry," the Vulcan said, indicating the redheaded, slightly older male next to him.

Thisbe nearly swooned. "HI," she repeated. Oh, god, make it stop, please.

Thivi reached over and patted her hand. Poor girl was down pretty bad, it seemed, which she had always thought was cute about humanoids. Funny how reactions like that seemed to be universal. "So where do you both work?" She asked. Perry was definitely cute, she thought - again, some humanoids had all the luck. "We're on the Imperator and we'd love to get to know a few new people..."

The Vulcan simply replied in his usual deadpan. "We work here on the Station," he said. "I am an Engineering officer, and Perry here is an Ops specialist," he said. "What is your occupation?"

Thisbe giggled. "I am an Engineer, as well!! How cool is that? Wow, on the Station? That must be a LOT of work!! I am already overwhelmed by the sheer size of the ship, and it's only been one day!!" She said. She looked at Thivi. "Thivi is a nurse."

Matthew looked up. "Nice to meet you both. Sorry, I had to finish my bite," he said. Talking with his mouth full of food wasn't a good look.

What a gentleman, Thivi thought to herself. Some men didn't bother to finish eating before talking and their food got everywhere - that this guy bothered and was nice to look at was a big bonus in her book. "Head nurse. Of the Imperator." She added. "It's been lovely so far, even for the first few days. Have you both been working here long?"

V'lal simply said "One year. I graduated the Academy in May of last year. This was my first assignment." Thisbe smiled.

"Wow, that is SOOO interesting," she said, smiling, tilting her head.

Matthew shook his head, and cast a glance at the young women. "Is she always like that?" He ask Thivi. "She I've been here two years; I am a year older than V'lal and the other Ensigns," he said. "I am up for JG soon," he said. "I am 25," he explained. "What are you ladies drinking tonight? I really recommend the Baozi," he said. "They were good. You get four with an order, and comes with a side of sauce and cucumbers."

"That sounds lovely. We'd love that." Thivi patted poor Thisbe's hand; she really did have it bad, it seemed, and in a rather amusing way to boot. "I'll have a glass of red wine." She nudged the girl next to her.

"Oh!! Um...Springwine spritzer," she said. ", the bao sounds good," she said, "mmhmm." She was a mess. "Um...also maybe some kind of...appetizer. We can all sharrreee," she said, in a sing-song voice, smiling at V'lal.

Matthew just stared at her a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'll be right back," he said. "V'lal, do you want to come with me?" He asked the Vulcan. The Vulcan shook his head. "No, I do not believe I do." Matthew snorted but nodded. "Ok. I'll be back," he said.

Thivi resisted the urge to grin. "I'll go order the drinks for us. Be right back." She patted Thisbe's knee and stood, leaving her alone with her Vulcan casanova - for the time being, at least. Besides, she'd have to sort herself out eventually, right?

She joined Matthew in queue. "Well, Matthew. Could you tell me a bit more about you?" She asked, sweetly.

"Thanks!" Thisbe said, turning to the Vulcan.

Matthew looked up when Thivi appeared. "Sure, what do you want to know?" He asked.

"Anything at all. Pick something, anything." Thivi grinned at the human. "I'm all ears. Oh, by the way. What do you recommend when it comes to appetizers?" She picked up a menu and leafed through it with a hum. "I'm thinking something salty. And flavorful. Maybe a stew... what stews are there on the menu here?" She glanced up at him, lilac eyes meeting his.

Matthew shrugged. "Stew as an appetizer?" He asked, incredulously. "Normally, appetizers are light bites, not a full meal," he said. He glanced quickly back at his friend, who looked like he was doing OK with the giggly woman with him. "You have pretty eyes. Let' see...what about soft pretzels?" He said. "They come with beer cheese."

Thivi blushed. People didn't usually compliment her eyes. Frankly, she rarely ever received compliments - except from the very obviously desperate types, funnily enough. "That- that sounds perfect. I don't know why you humans make your meals so complicated sometimes." She admitted shyly. "Things are a bit simpler on Kaminar, heh. Um. You have pretty eyes too, Matthew-"

"You can call me Matt," he said. "Thanks. Complicated? What's complicated about a pretzel and cheese sauce?"

"Nothing, it's just... appetizer, main dish, dessert, brunch... there's so many terms for what food you're eating. It's much simpler on Kaminar." Thivi explained patiently. She glanced back at Thisbe to see how she was doing. Surely she'd worked some magic with her Vulcan casanova by now.

Indeed, Thisbe had moved to the Vulcan's side, and was carefully but aggressively flirting, placing a hand on the inner part of his thigh suggestively. As they chatted, and V'lal tried to scoot away a little, she simply let him go but kept up the bubbly chatter.

At the counter, the two others were still chatting. "We do have a lot of words that sort of mean the same thing," Matt said. To the person helping them, he spoke. "We'll take three large soft pretzels with cheese, and I know V'lal likes ketchup," he said. "Did your friend say what she wanted to drink?" He asked Thivi.

"Springwine spritzer. I'll carry the food, you can do the drinks." Thivi offered with a sweet smile. "I'll have to try those pretzels on my own sometime." She glanced back at Thisbe and her Vulcan casanova, and could not help but giggle. "Oh, they're so cute together. Has V'lal ever had someone into him like that?"

Matt laughed. "No," he said. "She seems a little...aggressive about it," he noted. "IS she always like that? Or is this a "we're rooming together and just met" kind of thing?" He asked. "I've had that experience myself. What did you say you did, by the way?" He asked, leading her back to the table. "And yes, you must. If you guys don't launch for a few days, we can try it ourselves later," he said.

"She's kind of just like that." Thivi grinned. "Don't you worry. I know Cardassians go after things they want with every bit of effort they can muster. I'm sure she knows his limit, though. I'm the head nurse of the Imperator, by the way. Just arrived on board not too long ago."

Matt nodded. "Head nurse? Nice," he said. "Yes, they do. She's not fully Cardassian, though, is she?" He looked at her. He tried to look casually as they sat down. From her seat, now nearly in the Vulcan's lap, Thisbe laughed.

"I am not. I am half Bajoran, half Cardassian. My parents were defectors," she said. Thisbe smiled. "Let's eat," she said to V'lal. "And then maybe we'll let Matt and Thivi get to know each other a little more," she said, moving her hand to the Vulcan's thigh.

"Someone's attached." Thivi grinned. "Like, very attached." She glanced back at Matthew. "What'd you be up to doing? I'm sure Thisbe would be quite pleased to have some personal time with V'lal."

V'lal looked...overwhelmed but happy, for a Vulcan. He simply nodded. "That would be a logical next step." He said.

Matthew smiled.

"I am not sure, I had no plans after this," he said. "We could go up to the holodeck, see what we see," he said. He bit into a nacho. "Help yourselves," he said.

"Holodeck? I like how you think." Thivi smiled at the human. "I'll show you a lovely scenic spot where I come from. I guarantee you'll love it, or your time back." She promised. "You might want to never leave, in fact, not that it happens extremely often..."

Matt smiled. "That sounds nice," he said. He patted his friend on his back. "So. Is there a mind meld happening or??" He asked, jokingly.

"I know not of what you speak," V'lal replied, with a blink. "We are just friends."

"Matt! Come now, let things happen as they shall!" Thivi scolded gently, whacking him on the knee with her palm. Not very hard, of course. "Tell me, do you hike? We'll have to walk a bit." She added with a mischievous grin. "The scenery on the way there is part of the beauty."

Matt smiled. "I am just teasing you, V'lal," he said. "Yes, I hike occasionally. Tell me more about what you had in mind," he said. Thisbe seemed lost in her own world, robotically eating and drinking. Either she was in love or she was slowly drifting into the abyss on the way to her bliss.

"A walk in the woods of Kaminar. I know them like the back of my hand." Thivi replied. "There is a path that leads to the most scenic cliff where I lived. Young couples would go there all the time to spend time together - even tourists. There is this patch of the softest grass you'll ever feel underneath you..." She smiled. "I guarantee you'll like it."

Matt nodded. "Interesting," he said. "Yeah, we can do that. We'll let these love birds do as they wish." He said.

V'lal piped up. "I am neither in love nor a bird. Is this one of your Sol phrases?" He asked.

Thisbe snickered. "Yes, it is. It is a joking reference to people, usually young adults, who are in the very early stages of a relationship," she explained.

"Oh, the wonders of human language. I still have yet to grasp all the nuances. You humans have a ridiculously complicated language, you know that?" Thivi teased Matt and elbowed him lightly. "Shall we get out of here and let Thisbe work her charms?"

Matt smiled. "Sure," he said, standing up. "V'lal, I will see you later. Be careful!" he said. "Where to?" He asked Thivi.

"Holodeck 4A." Thivi smiled and looped her arm through his as they exited the bar together. "You'll love it."

Lt. JG Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea

Ensign Thisbe P'rar
Communications Specialist
USS Astrea


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