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About Bloody Time

Posted on Sat Feb 10th, 2024 @ 10:48pm by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D.

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Deck 12, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 0, 0900 hours

Ta'Feel Anith and Hir family unit had settled in to their community quarters, and finished unpacking. Sei communicated telepathically with the other three members, "Ta'Feel Turbolift Sickbay." Each family member responded with their acknowledgment.

Sei mad Hir way to Sickbay, and stood for a moment, Hir 4-fingered right hand hovering above the control panel. Sei blinked twice in rapid succession, which activated Hir implanted Universal Translator, then spoke, "Ta'Feel Entrance Sickbay." After a few milliseconds, Hir comm badge announced "Ta'Feel reporting to Sickbay"; the door opened, and Sei entered. After looking around for a moment, Sei spotted Lt. Beckett, and walked over to him, Hir 6ft+ orange-skinned, aqua-colored eyes towering over the Medical Officer. Double-blinking again, Sei spoke in a low monotone voice, and, at the same time, Hir eyes rapidly cycled through several color sequences, each eye changing colors independently. After a short pause, Hir comm badge announced, "Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith reporting for duty as Chief Medical Officer." Sei was hoping that Hir unusual appearance and method of communication did not completely surprise the Dr.

Dr. Beckett's eyes lit up at the sight of the doctor who was to be taking over the Chief Medical Officer. "Ah... it's about bloody time," he said smiling with relief. "Commander Johansen did pull through. She told me she'd find someone as soon as possible. So glad it was before we left. Don't get me wrong, I'll treat patients all day and all night if ya need me to. I just can't with the paperwork. Name's Malcolm Beckett. Pleasure to meet ye."

Dr. Beckett smiled and shifted his weight on his feet a little bit. He had not done any work on the duty rosters, and while he always completed his own reports, he hadn't touched any for the department. He hoped the Chief wouldn't mind.

Ta'Feel paused for a moment while Sei listened to the translations Hir implanted UT provided Hir, then replied, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Beckett. I require full reports by ..." Sei paused for a moment. .Chix'alk numbering systems were foreign to other species, so, to expedite the conversation, Sei continued, " ... by then end of the work day tomorrow."

"I stay on top of my own reports, sir" Malcolm responded. "I dunnae ken what reports you're after but ya see, I'm not an administrator, I'm just a doctor."

There was a clanging at the door, a large dolly being pulled in by a Tall Caitian Doctor. Their tail swishing softly as they tried to bring in several large crates of supplies.

Ta'Feel heard the clanging noises, and turned away from Dr. Beckett to watch the Caitian wrestling with the dolly. The door seemed barely wide enough to allow the crates to fit through.

“Sometimes we’ve got to be administrators there, Doctor. Nature of our jobs as officers. Hi, John Ross McEntyre, call me J.R. I’m the new Assistant Chief Medical Officer.”

It was almost gratifying to see someone just slightly shorter than Sei was. Sei blinked twice in rapid succession, then spoke in a low, monotone, unintelligible voice, with Hir eyes changing colors in rapid succession. After a few milliseconds, Hir comm badge announced "Ta'Feel is pleased to be acquainted with J.R." Not sure whether it was customary for a senior officer to salute on first acquaintance, or to shake hands, or to nod, Ta'Feel decided to respond in a similar manner. After the double-blink/speak, Hir comm badge responded, "J.R. is allowed to call me Ta'Feel." Sei would wait to see if either person responded in any manner.

"Ah yes, Ta'Feel, will do so long as you call me Malcolm that is," Malcom responded.

Ta'Feel turned back toward Dr. Beckett and, after a quick "blink-speak" (something that Sei had heard while attending the Academy and, after some quick telepathic discussion with the other members of Hir family unit, was considered an acceptable description of their unique conversation abilities), responded with "Ta'Feel will address Dr. Beckett as Malcom." Before Sei could say anything else, the door to Sickbay opened again, and Ta'Feel turned to look in that direction. Sei was greeted with a pair of beings, one that was surprisingly taller than Hirself, that was speaking to the shorter being in a soothing voice.

"...hey, hey, don't worry! The chief medical officer's not going to eat you, okay? Here." Thivi was next to arrive, ushering in a short Bolian woman who looked no older than nineteen - and likely was, judging by the senior grade pips on her collar. They made for an odd pair - the Bolian came up to no higher than Thivi's lower chest. She looked shell-shocked, the poor girl. "This is cadet Zaba. She's a nurse in training, freshly assigned to us." She clarified to the rest currently present.

"Oh! I'm lieutenant junior grade Thivi. Head nurse." She added.

Ta'Feel paused for a moment, looking from one being to another, Hir head bobbing slightly as Sei looked each one in the eyes. After several seconds, followed by a quick blink-speak, she responded (via Hir comm badge), "Ta'Feel is pleased to have each being here at this moment. Ta'Feel is looking forward to getting to know every being more." After a short pause, Sei turned toward Thivi, did a quick blink-speak, and continued, "Especially with Thivi."

"Busy Sickbay today for no patients," Malcolm noted. "That's a good sign at least for just gettin' started."

"Excellent" J.R commented, finally able to wedge the dolly into the sickbay proper. "That should give me time to get all these boxes downstacked and unpacked. Where is my office?" He asked with a grin, a disarming smile.

Ta'Feel had reviewed all of the technical details of the Medical department several times, to make sure Sei would be prepared for at least the minimal amount of interactions and queries.

Sei raised Hir right hand and pointed in the direction of J.R.'s office, did a quick blink/speak, and replied "The office for J.R. is located in that direction."

"Whenever you'd like, sir." Thivi was once again reminded starkly that no matter how unique she thought she was, there would always be another person who was even stranger. At least she still communicated with words and walked on two feet and so on. "For now I'd like to settle cadet Zaba in before she begins rounds proper,"

Ta'Feel paused for a moment, reflecting on being called "Sir." by Thivi, then remembered that was the standard protocol used to address a senior officer. Sei decided to respond to Thivi's second statement. "Dr. Ta'Feel agrees with Thivi assisting cadet Zaba."

Malcolm's face crinkled with displeasure. "I s'pose that means, I'm gettin' stuck with the reports in. I'm done with duty rosters though. Don't ask me to do nunnae that," he said shaking his head.

J.R shrugs at Malcolm before pulling his crates into his office to begin organizing them and settling in himself.

Ta'Feel turned to face Dr. Beckett and replied, "I would be pleased if you would inputting the reports." Sei was not sure if a little levity would be appropriate, but decided Sei would attempt it. "You will receive an extra gold star for your accomplishment." Sei then turned to walk away.

"Oh, a gold star ye say," Beckett muttered as he shuffled off to do the reports.


Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Malcolm Beckett, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Astrea


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