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Communication Part 5, Jason & T'lenn

Posted on Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 1:05am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Jason's Private Cabin
Timeline: MD 11, Following Part 4

T'lenn closed her eyes as Jason's lips pressed against her palm, her body instinctively moved toward his, her hand moving from his lips to the base of his neck, her fingers interlaced with his hair. She was breathing heavily as the space between them was closed, first her cheek brushed against his, then she kissed his lips gently, just as he had kissed her hand a moment before. T'lenn opened her eyes once, taking him in briefly with her eyes before kissing him again more deeply, pulling his body toward hers with her arms, still wanting him even closer.

Jason's arms were wrapped around T'lenn in an instant. As he relished the sweet taste of her kiss, his hands moved over her back. While one went to the small of her back, holding her against him, the other moved up to gently press the nerve cluster in the base of her skull, that he had learned through study, was an erogenous stimulation zone for Vulcan woman.

T'lenn was feeling the desperate heat of desire as she finally let go of the inhibitions that had been holding her back. As Jason's hands skillfully caressed her back, she found herself leaning back into the pleasure he bringing her, letting out a soft moan when he finally reached the sensitive spot on her neck. She stopped kissing him briefly and let herself almost drunkenly feel the sensations down her spine.

She responded by taking the hem of his shirt into her hands and pulling it off over his head. She then did the same with hers and looked at him expectantly.

Looking deep into her eyes, Jason could see that T'lenn was wanting to be closer as much as he was. Reaching for her hands, he stood up, pulling her with him, he then led her over to his bed, were he gently lowered her down onto it, as he laid beside her. Slowly, he ran the fingers of his left hand over her newly exposed flesh, as he took every square inch of her into his memory. Looking back up into her eyes, he spoke softly. "You are so beautiful." He then slid his left hand behind to her back and pulled her in closer, kissing her deeply.

T'lenn held herself back while Jason gently touched her, watching his hand travel over her body. When he finally pulled her in to kiss her, her hunger for him took over and she pushed him onto his back and kissed him forcefully while manipulating the removal of the rest of his clothes.

She paused for a breath and looked Jason in the eyes. "My desire for you is overwhelming," she stated.

Briefly surprised by T'lenn's strength in moving him and removing the rest of his clothing, Jason quickly remembered that Vulcans were physically stronger that humans. When she looked down at him, he felt an exceedingly strong sense of arousal. "Mine for you is equally overwhelming," he responded as he reached up and interlaced his fingers with hers. "I give myself willingly, and fully, to you, T'lenn."

T'lenn didn't have to be told twice. She knew that Jason had been waiting for this moment as well. Though the chemistry between them was something that was alien to her - something that she could not explain, it was undeniable.

When they joined together once again, and again in a way that surprised T'lenn. The emotions that Jason seemed to extract from deep within, coupled with the physical pleasure, was something more than she realized was possible.

Even in the heat of their growing passion, Jason was cognizant of the fact that T'lenn was sharing something more than precious with him. She was trusting him. He would not betray that trust in any way. As their bodies began to intertwine, and they started to learn what ignited each other's fires, he continued to show her the full respect she was due. Of course, when the passion started to reach its crescendo, he started to devour her with more primal needs.

Logic became irrelevant as passion completely took over T'lenn's senses.

** Fade to Black **

T'lenn was stretched out alongside to the left of Jason in a way that was sort of on her side and partially on her stomach, her right arm rested partially on Jason's chest to prop her head up. Her left hand traced the definition in his muscles.

She walked her fingers up his chest and looked him in the eyes for a moment before speaking. "What we have shared... My -- feelings toward you are something that I had never imagined as possible."

Smiling softly down at T'lenn as he looked into her beautiful face, Jason held her against his side. "I'm honored that you shared that part of yourself with me, my love. You are a phenomenal woman! I am so very happy that we met and that you are in my life. I want to experience everything that life has to offer, with you by my side."

"Perhaps one day many years from now, you will show me the memory where you first had that thought," T'lenn said softly as she brought her right arm down to her side and rested her head on Jason's chest.

Leaning in, he kissed the top of her head, then replied. "Everything I am, is yours, T'lenn."

"Ahh, but leaving some things a mystery heightens desire, does it not?" T'lenn replied, her fingertips reaching for Jason's hand. "On Vulcan we have a saying that somewhat translates to having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting."

Jason grinned warmly as he listened. "Then I shall work diligently to always keep some mystery about myself for you to pine over." As he finished speaking, his smile reached his eyes. There was no mistaking how he felt about her, about them.

T'lenn raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a look that almost registered as a smirk. She then looked down at his bare chest briefly before tilting her head back to look at him again. "May I stay with you tonight?"

The look of love that washed over him was very evident. He nodded as he replied, "You can stay forever, if you wanted to." He squeezed her gently against his side, then relaxed the embrace, his left hand starting to gently run up and down her spine.

T'lenn closed her eyes and let out a sigh of contentment as she lay her head back down and thought of Jason's endearing offer. "Forever sounds nice," she said softly.


Lieutenant J.G. T'lenn
Science Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Commander
(NPC Spello)
USS Astrea


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