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A Spoonful of Sugar

Posted on Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Civilian Brunel Winters
Edited on on Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 4:00am

2,245 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 13, 0900 Hours

Charlotte's warm and inviting nature entered Brunel's room in Sickbay followed by Sara who walked up to take Brunel's hand.

"Are you up for some ice cream this morning?" Charlotte offered. "Or we could do some pudding or soup. Or if your appetite is back, maybe some toast and eggs? The doctor is going to be in here shortly with some new medicine to try and we want you to have had something to eat."

Brunel smiled softly, then signed. "I think I can eat the toast and eggs, please?" while he was still feeling weak, he was getting stronger, a little at a time, as the days passed.

"You got it," Charlotte said, winking at the young teen as she stepped out to get his food.

"The medicine the doctor is going to try today might even get you feeling strong enough to come home tonight, sweetheart," Sara said as they waited for Charlotte to come back. They hadn't told him about the possibility of something more permanent yet - they didn't want to get his hopes up if it didn't work out.

Looking up at his adopted mother, Brunel smiled warmly at her. "I hope so, Mama! While everyone here has been taking such good care of me...I don't wany to be in the hospital anymore." his eyes fell, full of regret. "Please don't think I'm ungrateful! I am far from it! I just feel..." he looked up at Sara, the look of a scared and unwell child clear on his face.

"Oh sweetheart, why would you worry that I'd think you're ungrateful," Sara said reaching one arm out and alongside his head, and she smoothed his hair softly with her hand. "No one likes feeling sick, or having to stay in Sickbay. It hurts Dad and I to see you here, and we want you home as soon as possible."

Sara leaned in and kissed Brunel's forehead. "It's okay to feel frustrated right now."

"And hopefully, with this new treatment regimen, we'll be able to send him home, Ms. Winters." The southern drawl of J.R spoke up, as he stood in the doorway of Brunel's room.

"How are we feeling today, young man?" He asks as he steps inside, a tricorder in his hand.

Brunel looked from his mother, to the Doctor. "A little better, Sir, but still weak."

“I’ve worked on a new treatment regiment for you and looking optimistic that it’ll let you get out of here soon. It’s not a cure, mind you but a first step.” J.R commented as he scanned Brunel.

“It’ll be a couple hyposprays a day and if you keep on the regimen I don’t see what I can’t have you back on your feet in a day or two.”

Charlotte stepped back into the room with a tray of toast and eggs. There was jam on the side and a couple of fruit juices to try as well. "Good morning, Dr. McEntyre," Charlotte said with a smile as she walked by with the tray and placed it on the table next to Brunel.

"Brunel tells us his appetite is better today, and I think Mom's hoping to take him home tonight."

“Good Morning Ms. Dawes. I concur, improved appetite is an excellent sign of his progress in recovery.” J.R smiled at Dawes and turns back to face Brunel and Sara. “I can inject the first round of hyposprays and let you eat if that’s ok?”

Brunel nodded and grinned at the doctor, glad to hear that he would be going home, his new home, soon.

Sara took a quiet breath in and nodded. "I think we're ready, Doctor. I think everyone's ready to get a little sense of normalcy, if this might help us get there, we trust you."

J.R nods, moving over to press the hypo into Brunel's arm, pressing the injector til it click that the medicine had been administered in the proper dosage.

"I'll be doing regular tricorder scan for the next couple hours to see how he takes to the treatment. I'll also be consulting with a specialist, Dr. Henglaar on Deep Space 12 later this afternoon. DS 12 Medical specializes in Metaphasic research due to it's location near Baku. My hope is possibly adapting that into a viable treatment."

"While we wait, do you think we could walk around a bit if Brunel is up for it?" Sara asked.

"I don't see the harm, so long as you remain near sickbay." J.R smiles a big kitty smile with a tilt of his head.

"Only what you feel like doing, sweetheart," Sara looked at Brunel and gently tucked his hair behind his ear, and spent a few seconds smoothing it out. She wanted so desperately to make up for lost time, well aware of how quickly they grow up at this age, and how sensitive. She and Nash wanted to do everything they could to make him know he was a part of their family.

"I bet we could even take an antigravity chair and meet dad out somewhere," Sara suggested excitedly.

Brunel felt a warmth in his chest when Sara moved his hair. It was a tender act that his birth mother used to do when he was sad or unwell. It must have been just something that all mothers knew to do. At the mention of getting out of the Sickbay, he nodded excitedly. "Yes, please! I would like to leave with you, Mama!"

"We'll have the nurse get a chair and let Dad know we're busting you out of here for a while," Sara said. She stood up and laid a gentle hand on the top of Brunel's head before walking toward the door. She whispered something to the nurse, then tapped her communicator.

"Sara Winters to Commander Winters. The Doctor said we can take Brunel for a walk. I'm going to get an antigrav chair to be safe. Can you meet us?"

Nash had just checked in with his team and was checking his terminal in his office when his communicator chirped.

“Hi, Sara. I just got to the office, but, sure I can meet you down there. The usual routine here so far. Give me five minutes or so. Nash out.”

Winters got to sickbay to find Sara and Brunel. Brunel was seated in an anti-grav chair.

“Hey, you two! How are you feeling, little man? You’re certainly looking stronger.” Nash couldn’t resist kissing his wife and even planted one on his son’s forehead.

Brunel grinned and nodded as he signed, "I am feeling a little better, Papa!"

“Now that’s what I like to hear! I’m sure you’re glad to get out of that room, at least for a little while. Now that we’re here, where would you like to go?” Nash asked Brunel.

“I will need to see him again in a couple of hours for another hypospray injection and scans.” J.R commented as the Winters got Brunel settled in the hoverchair.

“Will do, Doc. Thanks. Won’t be gone too long. Alright, kid. Shall we? One-quarter impulse on your order. Standing by,” Nash joked. He looked at Sara for a reaction as he watched Brunel’s smile flash like a supernova. He was really happy.

Brunel thought about the right words to say. The way that they has welcomed him into their home and family, as if he had always been there, was almost more than he could stand. It was the same love and protection that he had felt from his birth parents. Being here, with his new family, felt right yo him in every way imaginable.

Finally, having decided on a reply, Brunel signed, "Take us out, Mister Winters." he then continued to grin. Had he been physically able, he would've giggled as well.

Sara felt a sense of relief as they made their way out of Sickbay. Whatever happened, at least they had a few hours of normalcy today. "Alright, well, Brunel's choice. You've been stuck in Sickbay for so long... What do you want to do? We could go for a walk or pick out decorations for your room. Anything come to mind?" Sara asked.

He thought about it, then asked, "May we do a little of both, Mama? There is still so much of the ship that I haven't seen."

Nash tried to think of some interesting places to take Brunel. “Well, you’ve already seen the Holodeck and arboretum. I’d like to steer clear of anywhere too crowded or busy. What about the science labs or auxiliary control? Mom knows people in the labs and I think I can get us into aux-con. What do you think, bubba? Want to give it a go?”

"Honey, I don't like to pop in on the science labs unannounced. We only have so much time. How about we walk that promenade area on Deck 9 with the shops and things so Brunel can pick out some things and see something different. On the way you can check with Auxiliary Control and see if it's alright if we stop by after," Sara suggested.

“Works for me." He turns his eye to their new son. "Mom’s right, Brunel. Deck 9 is perfect. All the shops and people. You’ll see things you may not have seen before." He paused then spike to Sara again. "I’ll give the duty officer a call on the way. See if there’s any problem bringing Brunel by." Finally, grinning, he looked back at Brunel. "Come on, kiddo. Let’s go shopping,” Nash said.

Brunel gave his father a thumbs up, a gesture he had learned from Alex, that meant one liked what was just seen or heard.

"Shopping first though," Sara said enthusiastically walking next to Brunel as Nash called. "Brunel, I don't even know your favorite colors. Maybe we can find something you'd like to keep in your room."

"I like blues and golds, Mama," Brunel signed as he looked up into Sara's smiling face.

“Good choices, buddy. I think there are a couple of places that have just what you’re looking for. At the same time, if you see any other establishments you’d like to visit, Brunel, just let Mom and I know. This is your time. OK?” Nash said.

Brunel looked over at his father and nodded, a warm grin on his face. "Thank you, Papa!"

“Don’t mention it, little man. Ooooh…Brunel—-look!” Nash said excitedly as he and his family arrived on the Promenade level. “I know you want to go shopping, but how about a snack? Are you hungry? Look at the all the food vendors! I know there’s a lot of things you haven’t tried. There’s a Klingon place over there, Bolian? Andorian? Bajoran food is fun. Want to try some hasperat? Sara, what are you in the mood for?”

Sara touched Nash gently on the arm. "I don't know how brave we are feeling about food just yet. He finally wanted some toast and eggs today." She turned tousled Brunel's hair, "Maybe we skip the food and look for something for the wall or your desk. Something that's just yours. I'll find you some blue and gold sheets later, maybe Alex can help while you're resting later."

Nash scratched his chin and thought for a few seconds. “Mmmm…yeah, you’re probably right. Wouldn’t want to put too much pressure on him and rush his recovery process.” He knelt down in front of Brunel. “Sorry, kiddo, with what you’ve already been through, Mom’s got a point. Too much too fast is not a good combination right now. Let’s go pick out something for your room.”

Brunel couldn't help but feel a warmth at how excited Nash was for him, and how much he wanted to help him explore new things. Thankfully, Sara was being the perfectly protective mother, just like his birth mother had been. The combination of the tea of them, Nash and Sara, plus the affection he felt from Alex, almost brought the young man to tears of joy.

Reaching out, he gently touched Nash's left arm, then replied. "Thank you, Papa. I do wish to try all of the new foods available to me, at some point. However, right now, I feel that I should stick to more...gentle options. At least until the Doctor can cure me? I hope I'm not disappointing you." The look on his face conveyed that worry as he finished signing.

Nash was visibly moved by Brunel’s display of emotion. He wiped the tears from Brunel’s face and kissed him on the cheek. “I couldn’t be more proud of you, buddy. We love you more than you know. Please know that you will never disappoint us. Mom and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Alexandra, too. This is your first shopping spree as a member of this family and crew, so let’s do have some fun.”

Dr. J.R. McEntyre
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea


Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea


Sara Winters
Civilian Microbiologist
USS Astrea
(NPC Johansen)


Brunel Cal-Torin Winters
USS Astrea
(NPC Spello)


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