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Exploration, Part 1 The Hotel

Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 3:34am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,437 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 1 / 1245 hours

After the Astrea had docked with the starbase orbiting Barisa Prime, and the Captain had granted shore leave to the entire crew, save for a rotating skeleton crew, Jason quickly went in search of T'lenn, the thought of spending more time with her causing him to smile brightly.

T'lenn was dressed in civillian clothes, as science was not scheduled for rotation into the skeletion crew until the repairs were completed in engineering. She did want to stop by two of the labs and make sure that some of the more sensitive experiments were secured before non-crewmembers were granted access to the ship. It was a secure Starfleet station, but it seemed prudent to excercise due caution. The Chief Science Officer had handled the main labs, and T'lenn was finishing up with the biology labs on Deck 12 when Jason found her.

She was surprised to see him approach. "I recall telling you that you did not need to wait for me. I would have been able to beam to your location on the planet."

"I know," he said with a warm smile. "I just wanted to walk with you. Besides," he leaned against a lab table facing her and continued, "You're worth waiting for."

"There are more efficient ways to make use of your time," she chastised. "However, I am finished securing the labs."

Jason continued to grin at T'lenn as she admonished him. Had it come from anyone else, he might take offense. However, knowing her as he did, he knew she was being playful, in her own way.

"Oh, I did make use of the time walking up here. I looked into a few different spas that we could try, got the rating on a variety of restaurants - some with robust flavors, other with more mild fare, and, I reserved a suite for us to stay in, while we want to be alone." A bit of playful mischief sparkled in his eyes as he said the last part, which he had waited to state until they were alone in the lab.

"Are ship's quarters not sufficient?" T'lenn asked innocently as she cleared the work area and approached Jason.

Straightening up as she approached, Jason shrugged slightly. "They can be. However, wouldn't it be illogical to not enjoy as much of what the planet had to offer us, before we head back out on our next mission?"

"Under that logic, I suppose I should pack my things so that we may depart as quickly as possible," she she stated, her eyebrows raising slightly, as the corners of her mouth tensed slightly. Someone watching closely enough might have accused her of being amused, though she would deny it.

Jason saw the change in her expression but kept it to himself. He knew enough about Vulcans, and this particular Vulcan, not to draw attention to any form of emotion while out in public. He knew her heart, and that was all that mattered. Turning back towards the exit, he extended his hand to allow her to go first. "After you, m'dear."

T'lenn led the way out of the lab and back to her quarters and quickly prepared a small bag. "Where are we going first?" She asked, her bag slung over one shoulder.

"Well," Jason replied as they made their way to the transporter room. "I thought we could stop by the suite, so you can drop off your bag, then we could go to spa for a couples massage?"

"Couples massage?" T'lenn repeated back with some skepticism as they walked. "What is the purpose of this activity?"

"From what I've heard and read," Jason replied, "the experience can be used to bring a couple even closer in their relationship, as a shared experience. We would be in the room together, each of us being treated by a masseuse. Unless, of course, you'd be uncomfortable with it?"

"Humans have far more inhibitions about their bodies than Vulcans do," she stated almost as if she were boasting a superior trait. As they passed through the transporter room and toward the transporter pads she continued, "I have no reason to expect discomfort. However, it does seem to be an unusual way for a couple to bond - each being massaged by a third party. There is no equivalent ritual on Vulcan. But as you have willingly partaken in several Vulcan activities and ceremonies with me, I am most certainly open to experiencing your traditions as well."

Jason nodded and smiled warmly as he stepped onto the transporter pad. Looking over at the operator, he gave their beam down coordinates, then reached out and took T'lenn's right hand in his left. "I know we're gonna have a good time, sweetheart.

Before she could reply, they dematerialized. Then, a few seconds later, their signals were reconstituted down on the planet's surface, outside a luxurious looking hotel. Tipping his head towards the main entrance, he stated softly, "This way." He then led her inside, to the bank of lifts, and up to their suite. Once inside, he gave her a tour of the accommodations. There was a comfortable sitting room, with a balcony that overlooked the ocean below, a master bedroom with a very comfortable looking king sized bed. There was a ensuite bathroom connected to the bedroom, with both a marble, clawfoot tub and shower, big enough for two to enjoy themselves as they also got clean.

"What do you think?" He asked after they finished the walk through, and were back in the sitting room.

"The suite is quite luxurious with a beautiful view. It is certainly more than we need to appreciate one another's company," T'lenn said modestly.

"Perhaps," Jason admitted, suddenly starting to feel that he had gone overboard. "Forgive me. I guess I just allowed my excitement to get the better of me. If...if you want, I will find us more appropriate accommodations."

"That is not necessary," T'lenn responded with a slight shake of her head. "It is just I have never even toured rooms quite like this, much less contemplated residing in such a suite if even for a few days. I know that Ambassadors and high ranking officials are often treated to such luxuries by alien hosts, but before the Federation, but outside of our embassy grounds for the purpose of complying with Federation traditions to reciprocate niceties, this type of accommodation is not found on my planet."

Jason moved closer and took T'lenn's hands into his and looked deep into her eyes, a soft smile crossing his face, now that he understood. "Sweetheart," he began softly, "When we visit Vulcan, and you show me around, I'll enjoy learning more about you and your culture. As for mine? We humans can be a very emotional bunch. One of the things we enjoy doing, is pampering, taking care of, and generally spoiling our loved ones. It brings us happiness, to see and know that our loved ones are enjoying themselves."

"The point is for me to experience pleasure from enjoying this luxury setting, and that in turn will cause you happiness?" T'lenn summarized. "I had not come across this aspect of human courtship in my research." She looked into his eyes innocently. At 33 she was still quite young for a Vulcan and experiencing romantic love for the first time. Her Vulcan upbringing was doing little to help her understand the Human she had managed to fall for.

Jason took her hand and walked her toward the nearest turbolift. Once they stepped into the turbolift and doors slid shut, he turned to T'lenn and pulled her into his arms as he replied to her. "Research only gets one so far, sweetheart. To truly understand something, you have to experience it. The doing will give you much more information than the studying ever could." He leaned in and gently kissed her lips. He then smiled at her softly. "I'm glad to be the one to be on this journey of life with you."

"You have a point, but I still prefer to be as informed as possible," T'lenn responded. "We are on our way to this couple's massage? Did we not need to bring anything?" She asked.

He smiled softly and shook his head. "Nope." He then paused and asked, "You have had a massage before, haven't you?" He was curious as to what they would have needed to bring.

T'lenn looked over at Jason and then straight ahead. "Perhaps not in the way they are administered here." T'lenn contemplated what the experience might entail... and how it was meant to bring couples closer together.



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