The Procedure, Part 2
Posted on Wed Sep 4th, 2024 @ 10:48pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Civilian Brunel Winters
1,714 words; about a 9 minute read
Helping Brunel
Location: The Sentinel Medical Bay
Timeline: MD 16, After Part 2
* * * Procedure Room * * *
The positronic matrix was something of a wonder. When scientists were finally able to recreate its network in even the most simplest of forms, its application to medicine had helped the Federation find treatments and cures to even the most sinister of ailments. When the access to such resources were suddenly stripped away from the medical community, the effects were widespread. Doctors were now powerless to cure ailments that had once been overcome, and families of loved ones stricken by such diseases and injuries struggled to understand why the synth ban extended to this.
Dr. McEntyre had been practicing medicine for a few years when long arm ban on synthetics finally banned the use of positronics. Dr. Beckett hadn't quite finished his residency.
While Brunel rested peacefully laying on his side on the biobed, the matrix itself was suspended from it's interface system over the head of the bed. The blue, red, and yellow neural pathways representing the three different parts of the of the autonomous systems this particular matrix had programmed into it's functions. The matrix sat in a glass casing, surrounded with interface connections - this particular model had been primed for the physicians to access the enteric pathways, where it would teach Brunel's brain how his immune system was meant to work.
"We're ready to begin the transfer, Dr. McEntyre," Malcolm stated from the head of the bed. He was currently monitoring the computer that was controlling the matrix itself, and programming in the precise neurogenic transfers needed during the procedure.
"Thank you, Malcolm." J.R nods as he turns to the group.
"I know that this is a bit out of our comfort zone but I am confident in each of your abilities and skills to make this procedure a success. Even if we can't publish about this, this is still something worthy of the Carrington Award."
J.R smiles as he spoke. "Let's do a final rundown of the transfer. Dr. Beckett, can you begin with what work has been done prior?" He asks the Scottish doctor.
"We have a connection established with the hypothalamus, the positronic matrix is programed with a healthy version of Brunel's neuroimmune pathways. Once we start the process, it should take about three hours to complete. We'll want to keep a close eye, but several fail safes are in place, sir," Malcolm responded.
"If there is no more questions, we've got a life to save. Let's be about it." J.R smiled under his mask. "Nurse Thivi, keep a close eye on our patient's vitals. Report any changes. Dr. Beckett, initiate the transfer, let's start at one-third speed and see how Brunel tolerates the procedure.
"Aye, sir." Thivi turned around to monitor Brunel's vitals on the biobed monitor.
"Initiating at one-third speed and power, Doctor," Malcom responded. He watched the matrix carefully through a magnifying lens. The computer should stop the transfer if there were any errors, but everyone in the procedure room was being extra cautious with such a young life at stake.
* * * Waiting Room * * *
They had been in the waiting room for a while, and now that Alexandra was awake she had taken to Eirly and was in the middle of asking her a dozen questions about why she chose security and what kind of training she had to go through when someone came into the waiting room to talk to them.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Bolton - PhD, you can call me Zach. I have been working on the development on the project in recent years, and we've been monitoring things today. I just came to give you an update on the procedure. Most importantly, Brunel has done great so far," the scientist said. Dr. Beckett and Dr. McEntyre just started the main part of the procedure, where we expect ... our equipment to remap the important sequences needed for his brain to repair his immune system. This next part should take about three hours."
Nash looked up at the new doctor and got up to meet him. He extended his hand to shake it.
“Zach….Nash Winters. That’s my boy in there.” He continued after greeting Bolton. “Three hours, huh? I can realign a dilithium matrix faster than that. But I guess a humanoid brain takes longer, huh? Thanks for the update. I’m glad he’s doing well so far.”
Zach nodded in acknowledgement, "Yes, well. A sentient life form is considerably more complex, and even with the most advanced technology, the body will only repair and heal as quickly as it will. We will keep you posted."
"Thank you," Sara said. She squeezed Nash's hand as she nodded her appreciation to the scientist who had come to update them.
Nash returned Sara’s squeeze gesture and promptly pulled her close, shoulder to shoulder. He kissed her cheek and forehead and said, “He’s gonna be alright, sweetheart. He’s going to be just fine. I can’t wait to see him.”
* * * Procedure Room 3.5 Hours Later * * *
Brunel had been disconnected from the positronic matrix on schedule, and now was being monitored as his own systems took over to ensure that the procedure was successful and make sure there wouldn't be a need for any additional adjustments or boosters before moving him into recovery.
J.R. removed his mask and head covering. "Well done, folks. That was marvelous work. Ms. Thivi will you monitor Mr. Brunel's vitals. Malcolm, I think a friendly face should tell the Winters that the procedure went well, don't ya think?"
"I'd love to," Malcolm responded, nodding at J.R. as he stepped away from the table.
J.R softly smiled as he picked up his PADD to begin writing post-op notes (not that he could publish them with the synth ban in effect but good for reference if something went amiss in post-op recovery.)
* * * Waiting Room * * *
Nash was getting impatient, which was not typical for him. In his line of work, dealing with the inner workings of a starship required patience. But this was no warp engine, plasma conduit, or Cochrane equation calculation. This was his son.
Nash was pacing around the waiting room, getting more antsy as the moments passed. “I wish someone would come and get us so we can see Brunel. Been sitting here for over three hours now, Sara. Do you mind checking on things? If it’s me, I’ll come off as a pain in the ass. Which I know I can be.”
Alex looked up from her seat on the floor, her father's anxiousness starting to make her worried.
Just then Dr. Beckett stepped into the waiting room still in scrubs, "Hello, everything is still going well, right on schedule," he announced right away. "He's been off of the matrix for about half an hour now. We're monitoring him in the procedure room for another hour or so, just to make sure everythin' keeps on the right track. As long as we don't need to make any adjustments between now and then we'll be moving him to recovery 'round then."
"Will we be able to see him then?" Sara asked.
"Aye, he'll be groggy from the anesthesia, so we like to have family in there when we wake up a child. Not too many visitors at first," Malcolm responded.
“Thanks, Doc. You’ll be sure to let us know then?” Nash said.
"Right away, of course," Malcolm said.
Nash went over to where Alexandra was and cuddled up next to her. He pushed her hair from her eyes and gave her a couple of rapid-fire pecks on her cheek. “You doing alright, honey? I can tell you’re worried about your brother. Good news is that he’s in recovery and he’ll be awake soon. We’ll be able to see him very soon.”
"But you seemed worried," Alexandra said pointedly.
“Yeah, you know your dad too well. I was hoping you wouldn’t notice. I know Brunel has the best care in the quadrant, but he’s already been through so much at this young age. I just want to get him home.”
"Me too," Alex said with a sad look on her face.
While Nash was focused on Alexandra, Malcolm gestured for Eirly to come over. "Everything going okay out here today? Anyone giving you any problems?" He asked.
Eirly gave the Winters family a smile and left them to it before walking over to Malcolm and running a hand up and down his arm, "Hey, everything has been fine out here. Everyone has been waiting for an update on how he's doing. Alex though, has been the one keeping me busy by asking me all sorts of questions... I'm sure she would've gotten around to asking me about my love life if we were here any longer though!" She gave a small laugh, "How are you and the team doing after it all?"
"So you didn't get a chance to tell her about that strappingly good-looking doctor you've been seeing then?" Malcolm quipped. "Seriously though, everyone is doing well. The procedure went as planned, and we had good support from the scientists. If Brunel shows the progress we're expecting in the next hour, we'll be feeling pretty great."
Eirly rolled her eyes at his comment and laughed again, "We both know that if she knew, we'd never hear the end of it. But I'm sure Brunel will show progress and be back to his normal self in no time, the boy's definitely a fighter and he's fit right in with the perfect family.
"Aye, I hope so. I dunnae ken what to expect with how long it'll take him to feel normal again. But we'll get him healthy, that's the goal today." Malcolm looked about the waiting room. "I should get back in there, give Dr. McEntyre a break." He squeezed Eirly's arm and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
Eily giggled and felt her cheeks flush red, "Come on, get out there and we'll catch up when we know everything is going to be okay."
"Of course, m'lady," Malcolm responded with a playful wink and a dutiful nod. He turned to the Winters family before leaving, "We'll be back to get you shortly."