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Exploration, Part 2 Couples Massage

Posted on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 3:42am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,812 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime Rejuvenis Spa
Timeline: MD 1, After Part 1

The turbolift opened and she stepped out, but then looked to him for directions.

Jason stepped out and tipped his head in the general direction. "This way," he then led her to the salon, which was tastefully decorated and had a young Andorian woman with a chic pixie cut working behind the front desk.

"Good afternoon. Do you have an appointment, or is this a walk-in?" The receptionist asked, her antennae perked at the arrival of the two guests.

Jason smiled politely to the receptionist as he stepped forward. "Yes, Ma'am. I set up an appointment for two, for a couples massage? Lieutenant Jason Williams III is the name on the reservation.

The Andorian tapped the screen once and stepped out from behind the counter. "Right this way," she stated as she lead the pair to the right of the reception area and down a small hallway. They stopped at Door 3, and the young woman used a card to open the doors, revealing a medium sized room with an open air feeling accentuated by skylights in the ceiling. Two massage tables were set up in the middle of the room, each covered with a thin silk blanket.

The Andorian gestured to two separate privacy screens on either side of the room. "You may undress over there. Robes are provided. And when you are ready, simply lay face down and cover yourself with the blanket and your therapists will be in shortly. Any questions?"

T'lenn took in the scene noting the details of the room, including the subtle scent of lavender and the soft green walls. "I have none," she responded.

Jason shook his head. "I think we're good. Thank you," he replied with a polite grin.

As the door shut behind the hostess, T'lenn turned to Jason. "It appears we are to disrobe." She turned toward the privacy screen that was nearest where she happened to be standing and found a hangar on a hook, a small shelf, and a light weight robe as promised. Without ceremony she began to undress as instructed.

"I'm sure, if your uncomfortable doing so, you could leave your undergarments on, T." He moved behind his own screen and did just that, stepping back out in nothing but his grey boxer briefs.

T'lenn stepped out in the yellow robe that was provided, her Starfleet issue underwear still on underneath. "I admit, I have not experience a massage on this type of table - bed before," T'lenn commented as she examined the accomodations. "I assume the technique will be new to me as well." There was a short rack next to the bed that she assumed was for the robe. She slipped it off and left it there, pulling back the cover and climbing onto the massage table as had been instructed.

"It's a form of acupressure," Jason stated, as he laid down on his table, placing his face in the hole on one end. Once he was settled, he pulled the sheet up, a bit less gracefully that T'lenn had. "And they will only rub and work the muscles that you allow. That's why we can wear our undergarments. It let's then know not to touch those areas."

"I am certain I will adapt," T'lenn said calmly as she waited patiently for their masseuses to arrive.

A few moments later, there was a gentle knocking on the door that they had entered through. A few beats later, it was opened, and two masseuses, a male Bolian and a female Trill, stepped inside. "Good afternoon," the Bolian spoke first. "My name is Malxx, and this is my partner, Glina. We will be your masseuses today. Before we begin, do either of you have a preference as to which of us will be working on you?"

Jason looked up, propping himself up on his elbows, as the pair walked in. After Malxx spoke, he frowned slightly ad shook his head. "I don't," he looked over at T'lenn and asked, "Do you?"

"I do not," she responded simply.

The two looked at one another briefly, each nodding, an unspoken agreement between the two, the Bolian approaching Jason's table, and Glina approaching T'lenn's. T'lenn placed her head face down into the pillow and waited for the experience to begin.

Jason settled back down onto the table and closed his eyes.

"We will begin, at your feet," Malxx said as he poured some warm oil on his hands. "Before we begin, is there anywhere that either of you do not wish to be touched?"

From the hole in the table, Jason replied, "just where my underwear is, please. Other than that, I think I'm good." He lifted his head, and looked back. "I'm sorry if I giggle. I can be ticklish at times."

T'lenn raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jason curiously. "Massages make you - giggle? Fascinating." To her massuese she stated, "I was under the assumption intimate body parts were to be avoided. Otherwise, I shall trust your training and expertise."

Jason looked over at T'lenn and grinned. "Sometimes," he admitted. "Especially my feet. They are very sensitive to touch."

Malxx smiled softly. "If that is the case, I can forgo your feet, if you'd like?"

Jason looked back and nodded. "Yes, please. Thank you." He then turned back and laid back down, ready to begin.

Glina looked at T'lenn and nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. If that is what you wish. I won't touch any of your private areas. If it is covered, I will avoid it."

Glina rolled back the cover over T'lenn's shoulders, drawing it back to her waist. When her hands touched T'lenn's shoulders she sensed a warm oil was being applied, the Trill's hands gliding effortlessly over T'lenn's skin, the warmth from the oil sending a soothing sensation over her back as the solution was applied.

At Jason's request to avoice his lower extremeties, Malxx mirrored Glina's technique on jason, first lowering the cover to his waist. When Malxx's hands touched Jason's shoulder's it was with the sensation of a warm massage oil. The warmth lingered on Jason's skin, long after Malxx's hands had moved to spread the oil to the rest of his back and then to this triceps, reaching under his arms to his biceps, and back up to the shoulders and covering the upper part of his pectorals and then his neck. With the warm, relaxing oil, was a very subtle scent similar to lavendar, but was actually a local flower with restorative properties.

As the warm oil penetrated Jason's skin, relaxing his muscles, Malxx began to increase the intensity, applying medium pressure into the strongest muscles of his back, the massuesse's hands expertly finding the locations where the pilot held his tension and started gently working to loosen the tight muscles.

"Man...." Jason gasped. "That feels good..." After a few beats, he called out to T'lenn. "How are you doing, T'lenn?"

"I am doing well. The self-warming lubrication is effective. I find it to be quite soothing," T'lenn responded.

Glina smiled. "If, at any time, you feel the pressure is too much, or not enough, please let me know." She continued to work on the various knots in the attractive Vulcan woman's back, shifting to more of a shiatsu-style massage as she worked.

"I am certain the pressure used will be agreeable," T'lenn responded.

Malxx continued his work on Jason's back and shoulders. "You could benefit from some deep tissue work, are you comfortable with that, Mr. Williams? We can certainly stay at medium pressure if you prefer." The Bolian's voice was melodic as he spoke, the sound not disrupting the relaxing atmosphere in the slightest.

Jason grunted slightly as he replied. "Go..ugh..go shead. You're the professional. I trust your judgement."

For the rest of the hour, both T'lenn and Jason received excellent treatment at the skillful hands of Glina and Malxx. Afterwards, when they were alone to get dressed, he slowly sat up. "Oh man, that was great! How do you feel, sweetheart?"

"The technique was effective, and the massage oil quite soothing," T'lenn responded. She walked towards Jason's partition as she was still fastening the buttons on her top. "Though if I am to be honest, I believe a more intimate experience would be to teach you acupressure so that we can share a mutual experience together. Although this was not a disagreeable experience, I would prefer that you to touch my semi-clothed body over a stranger."

Jason stepped out from behind d his partition, as he finished closing his pants. He was still shirtless, as he stepped over to T'lenn, embracing her gently, as he looked into her eyes. "I would love to learn anything you wish to teach me, my love." He then leaned in and kissed her gently, aware that while they were alone in the room, it wasn't the ideal location for anything further.

As the kiss ended, he asked, "Well, as I picked this, it's only fair that you pick our next adventure." He smiled happily at her, the love and devotion that he felt for her clear in his eyes and face.

"I believe I noted at reception that this facility provides facials as well," T'lenn suggested. She turned her chin lightly and watched for his reaction.

Jason thought about it for a second, then shrugged. "I've never had one before, but I am a man of my word. Lemme finished getting dressed and we shall go see about getting facials." He turned back towards the partition that held the rest of his clothing.

In moments, he was ready. "Shall we, my love?" He asked with a grin.

As they exited the room T'lenn spoke up again, "Perhaps later we could go to one of the casinos. I've been told before that I have a good face for poker."

Jason grinned slightly, then leaned in and whispered, "Everyone has tells. I've already started to learn some of yours, sweetheart." He chuckled softly, then straightened up as they made their way through the lobby of the massage center, nodding a friendly nod to the receptionist as he and T'lenn headed for the door. "But, it sure sounds like fun. I enjoy a good game of poker."

"Don't be so certain I have not let you see my... tells," T'lenn stated giving him a look indicative of mischief.

Jason's face lit up with astonished humor. "My good woman!" He whispered excitedly, not wanting to draw attention to them, now that they were out in the hotel corridors. "Was that a bit of emotion I just witnessed?" He grinned and winked at her as they continued to walk to the beauty salon, for the facials that she wanted to relieve.


Lt. J.G. T'lenn
Science Officer
USS Astrea
(NPC - Johansen)


Lt(jg) Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea
NPC - Spello


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