Just Checkin' In
Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 8:30am by Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D.
1,007 words; about a 5 minute read
Side Plots
Location: USS Astrea :: Sickbay
Timeline: During leave
It had only taken a couple of days for Jezra to settle into a habit. When first starting the day, they would compile a list of the tasks that needed to be done, prioritizing them, and delegating to other medical staff as they came in. They would complete the tasks assigned to themself and then take the time to memorize where things were in sickbay. Later in the day, she'd review medical records to make sure everyone was up to date. Jezra was in the middle of stocking supplies when the main doors swished open. Not immediately hearing a call for help that would have suggested urgent response, they called out, "I'll be with you in just a moment!"
The slender Caitian Doctor, J.R. McEntyre sat his gear down near his office. His ears twitched when he heard the unfamiliar voice calling out from what was supposed to be the empty CMO's office. His head tilts to the side.
"Hello?" He calls back in his rich Texan accent. "You talking to me there?" He asks curiously.
That was a rather unusual response, enough to make the Trill curious. Putting down their supplies, Jezra exited the office to see a species they recognized as Caitian. A look of recognition crossed her features as she recalled the face from the list of medical personnel. "Oh! Are you Doctor McEntyre? I'm Doctor Jezra Siv, I just transferred."
“A pleasure to meet you. John Ross McEntyre, folks call me J.R. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” J.R smiles, extending a hand paw to the Trill.
“I apologize for not being here to greet ya when you beamed aboard. Been a weird couple weeks. How are you settling’ in?”
Jezra accepted the handshake, then gave a wave of their hand that asked him to not worry about it. "It's no worries. I was expecting skeleton crew for leave, but not that much of a skeleton crew," they answered with a light smile. "Settling in has been quiet. Nothing drastic has come up yet, not to jinx it."
"Glad to hear that. So tell me a bit about yourself, haven't had a CMO in a moment so it'll be good to have Sickbay back to full staff."
"Sure," Jezra answered with a smile. They led J.R. back to where the Trill was stocking supplies to continue the work. "Professionally, I've been active in Starfleet for six years in a couple months, and the last year has been in a department head capacity. I have experience with a lot of different areas, but I think I enjoy pediatrics the most." She reached up to put a couple of items on a shelf. "Personally, I would call myself easygoing, maybe a little adventurous. I tend to just enjoy the company I'm with. How about yourself?"
"Graduated Med School in 79, Academy shortly after that. Did my residency at Starbase 375, spent some time in a MASH Unit before accepting a fellowship at Deep Space 12, near Baku. I'm a surgeon by trade. I'm more accurately titled as Ship's Surgeon, which is a dying breed."
J.R elaborated for Jezra.
"My great grandfather was a surgeon himself on the old Constitution Class. His son was a surgeon and my father before me was as well. Though most people only really know the McEntyre name for those who served and gave their lives in combat."
Jezra nodded along with interest. "A family trade, that's fascinating," they commented.
"Well, my cousin Clay will say that the family trade is defending the Federation as Soliders and Marines. Which to be fair, is also accurate, being descended from MACOs"
"That's a diverse background," Jezra said, finishing the stocking of supplies. "My interest in medicine came from curiosity about the symbiosis procedure, actually. My dad joined when I was young, and I always had questions."
"Then I hope we can answer them as we work together." J.R nods softly.
Jezra gave him a nod, then seemed to think for a few seconds. "Speaking of questions, I suppose we should chat about this one: I don't think I've seen a situation like ours, where the department head is outranked by someone else in the department. I would like to..." She paused briefly, mentally considering her phrasing. "For lack of better phrasing, I'd like to get your thoughts, any concerns or considerations you may have, because at least for me," they chuckled, "it's a little strange telling someone who outranks me what to do, you know?"
"I may be a Lieutenant in Rank, but I defer to you in all matters concerning Sickbay Operations, save for Surgical Matters as I am ranked Chief of Surgery. That's my primary specialty is Surgical Medicine. I'm an regular Bones McCoy."
The Trill nodded. It certainly made sense, and there were no objections there. "That works perfectly for me," Jezra replied with a smile. "Another question: as it's generally frowned upon for the patient to also be the doctor, could I recruit your help in getting my annual done?"
The Caitian beams.
"Absolutely, I'd be happy too. I never get a chance to examine a Joined trill. Your people are very close guarded on the relationship of the symbiotic relationship between symbiote and host"
"It's become a little more commonplace since more of us joined Starfleet," Jezra admitted, picking a bed and taking a seat. "As a physician, I think the reservations make inter-species collaboration difficult, because it's a lot more difficult to treat a Trill if you don't know how. Even if it is a very personal thing."
"I wouldn't be a good doctor if I didn't want to learn more. Only so much you can read from what limited materials that the Symbiosis Commission publicly releases." J.R. smiles as he picks up his tricorder and begins to scan.
Jezra gave a smile as the scan began, hands pressed into her knees. "Well, I know of a great publication I can send you if you are interested that's a good starting place..."