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An Emotional Response

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 10:39pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

2,702 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 2, After T'lenn's Choice

Though it was in his mind, Jason would swear that he could feel T'lenn's eyes move over his body. He found it...quite arousing. When their eyes met, his fire was already burning for her. He had no words for how she was making him feel. The sensations running through him were pure, instinctual, primal.

Before he could do anything, the lift doors opened onto their floor. Releasing his hold on her body, he grabbed her left hand and turned out of the lift. "C'mon," he said heavily, his voice dripping with desire and hunger to be with her, as he led her quickly to their room.

T'lenn almost had to jog to keep up with Jason's quick steps toward their room. As the doors closed behind them she was swept up into his arms again. "I take it that you do not wish to order room service first," she said, practicing her own form of teasing as her own desire for him began to take over.

As he backed her up against the nearest wall, Jason kissed T'lenn deeply, moving his hands over her body. T'lenn reacted in kind, responding with a gentle touch, responding to Jason's lead.

For several moments, they stayed there, just inside the door, as they continued to kiss and touch one another.

Jason finally broke the kiss long enough to take a breath and pull his shirt off over his head. His muscles were full from the adrenaline and increased blood flow that their exchange was causing. "God, I love you so much!" He gazed into her eyes, the hunger and fire still burning bright in his.

"And I, you," T'lenn responded, letting her own shirt fall to the floor as they made their way to the bed.

After they reached the bed, Jason laid T'lenn down upon it. Then, slowly, sensually, he kissed his way down her body, as the rest of their clothes came off he admired her long legs, all the while, his eyes were locked on hers.

When they made love, logic ceased to exist for T'lenn, its role in her life losing the grip it once had as Jason kept showing her things, new reasons for being. Sometimes, when she was with him, it could be struggle to stay grounded. In this moment today, she didn't bother fighting it, a flood of emotions overwhelming her to the point that she felt as if she were outside of herself looking in.

After they were finished, she held on to Jason tightly, nestling her head against his chest, the rush of emotional energy still causing her heart to pound at an excessive rate. "I, I, don't know what's happening to me right now," she said in a cracked voice, struggling to speak.

Jason could hear the difference in T'lenn's voice as they held on to one another. He tightened his grasp on her slightly, as if protecting her from the world. "I think..."he said between breaths, "what you are our souls becoming one..." he kissed her forehead gently. "I know...we've only been together a short time...but in my core...I have zero doubts...that you are the woman...that I want to make a life with!"

T'lenn's eyes began to tear. She reached up and touched her face near her eye with her right hand and felt the moisture and looked at her fingertips in confusion as the tears began to flow more. She sat up in bed, tucking a sheet under her arms to cover herself as she looked at Jason perplexed. "I do not know what I am feeling, but I do not think it is sadness."

Jason sat up and put his arms loosely around T'lenn. "Sometimes, powerful emotions can be overwhelming. Happiness can cause tears as well. It is perfectly natural."

T'lenn sat in stunned silence as anxiety over the compounding emotions she was feeling began to overwhelm her. "I--I think I did something wrong." She used her arms to crawl to the edge of the bed, letting the cover fall. She stared at the floor for a second before touching her toes to the carpet, then standing up. She took a step and reached out an arm to brace herself against the wall feeling unsteady. She turned to face Jason a helpless yet wild look in her eyes.

"This can't be what it's supposed to feel like." She closed her eyes and let her head hang, and began taking deep breaths.

Jason was on his feet instantly, putting his arms around T'lenn to support her. "C'mere, baby...sit down. Breath slowly. Focus on your logic." He moved quickly to the room's replicator and ordered som Vulcan redleaf tea, prepared just as she liked it. He then carried it back to her and knelt in front n her, offering her the tea. "Here, drink a little." He hen thought about what e had studied on Vulcan mating with Humans. Once she was done with the tea, he grabbed her right wrist, lifting her hand up towards him. After curling her ring and pinkie, he did the same. He then passed his hand to hers for a moment, before slowly rubbing his index and middle finger over hers, then returning to the starting position. "Now you," he said quietly.

T'lenn followed Jason's instruction passively, but then started to animate. "How is it that Humans function and sort through so many emotions all at once?" She asked. "I was feeling... I was feeling love, and sexual desire, and pleasure while we were intimate. I..." T'lenn paused feeling embarrassed. "I failed to keep my usual emotional suppression mechanisms in place." T'lenn paused.

"Deliberately," she finally confessed.

Jason looked deep into T'lenn's eyes. "I've read that Vulcans, especially women, are much more passionate when they find a mate. While you experience Pon Farr, the males, as you know, will die if they don't mate. While women just get highly aroused." He sat up and wrapped his arms around her. "You are safe here, my love. You can release. I trust you not to hurt me too heavily."

"I have no desire to hurt you!" T'lenn exclaimed. She was sounding emotional and not like herself at all. "I love you." She looked at him, tears in her eyes again. "Is it possible for love to cause physical pain? I feel that my love for you hurts," she said putting her hand on her chest, just below her throat. "When we had our first mind meld, I was overcome with emotion, and did not expect to ever feel anything so powerful again outside of another meld with you, but this is... It is not just love, there are other emotions as well. So many."

"T," Jason moved to sit on the bed, pulling her down onto his lap, where he held her protectively. "I know you would never hurt me deliberately. I just know, from what I've read, that when a female Vulcan is in full....lack of a better term....full heat, her strength is amplified. You could, inadvertently, cause me a few minor injuries." He put his right hand over her heart. "However, I know where it comes from. It is a result of your people burying their emotions. At times of mating, you're pent up emotions become extremely powerful." He looked her in the eyes. "I love you too, T. I'm not afraid. You are who I want to grow a life with, have children with. You will be my partner in all things."

T'lenn shook her head. "This is not Pon Farr. That would be a different experience entirely. That is a time of animalistic urges, it is not a time of sentiment. This is..." T'lenn put a hand on Jason's cheek. "I didn't know love was such a complex emotion," she said as if she were looking at him for the first time all over again.

He smiled softly, leaning into her touch. "It's one of the more powerful emotion in creation, if not the most powerful. I love you, T'lenn, with every fiber of my body."

"And now I am feeling anxious." T'lenn dropped her hand and looked around the room. "No, that isn't it." She stood up and walked quickly to the balcony, opened the door and stepped outside. She looked into the sun and took a deep breath. "I am experiencing a sudden burst of energy," she said turning back to Jason. "And I am hungry. Excitement? I may be experiencing excitement."

Jason smiled warmly as he stepped towards her. "While I know it's not normal for you, as a Vulcan, to experience emotions like this normally...given what is currently happening between us, it is perfectly normal to be experiencing what you are feeling. It is due to the high level of endorphins running through your blood, which is biologically normal, regardless of any mental training to expel emotions." He reached out and embraced her gently, then guided her back inside, before someone noticed her standing on their balcony, completely nude.

"I wish to eat," T'lenn stated, turned her head to look at him as she walked in the direction that she was being guided. "Are you hungry? Or tired? What do you wish to do next?" T'lenn asked, she was speaking faster than her usual pace.

As Jason guided T'lenn back inside, he replied in a calm, level voice. "I could eat something, my love." As he guided her towards the dining table, he let go long enough to grab the robe that had been set aside for her. With a gentle touch, he helped her put it on. He then guided her to her seat at the table. "For now, just sit down here. I'll take care of the rest." He then grabbed and pulled on his own robe, before placing an order with room service.

T'lenn looked around the room, the colors of the artwork hitting her in a new way - more stimulated. She found herself fidgety in her seat. As Jason was finishing the other she stood up and walked to the bathroom. "I am finding it difficult to sit still," she said as she turned on the shower.

T'lenn's eyebrows raised as the water turned on. It was a luxurious setup, especially for one used to living on starships. There were shower heads on either end of the spacious shower floor as well as one mounted from the ceiling. She left her robe on the hook and stepped behind the glass partition into the steaming hot water. She closed her eyes as the hot water hit her skin sending relaxing yet invigorating surges from her spine through to her extremities all at once. She put her hands in the air as she looked up at the water raining down from the ceiling.

"Jason, I have never felt anything like this before. Join me."

Hearing the tone in her voice, Jason apologized to the hotel kitchen, and said he'd have to get back to them. "Coming!" He called out from the living room. He then quickly made his way to the bathroom, removing his robe as he entered the bathroom. Opening the shower door, he had to switch his vision setting to see through the steam and hot water. Finally, he stepped inside and shut the door. "You called, love?" He asked as he slid his arms around her hips, pulling her to him.

"The water against my skin," T'lenn said, rolling her head back so that the water ran down her face. She turned around so that her back faced his chest, still in his arms, and held her own arms out in front of her. "The sensation is exhilarating yet soothing both at once. I am not sure if I am using the right words for these emotions. How would you describe it?"

As he held her, Jason considered the question carefully. "Well, sweetheart, that's a difficult question to answer. What one person feels from a certain stimuli, another might feel the exact opposite. However," he paused as he gently kissed the side of her exposed neck. "It sounds almost like you are describing euphoria."

"The experience of intense feelings of pleasure or excitement," T'lenn stated. "Yes, perhaps that is accurate." She turned to face him, a sense of wonder on her face as she processed the emotions that were normally so carefully suppressed. She reached out a hand and gently touched his chest, the hot water still raining down on them from three directions.

Looking deep into her wide eyes, Jason knew he was a goner. Though he had only known this woman a short while, he knew, without a doubt, she would be the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Despite being in the shower, his mouth suddenly seemed dry. After licking his lips slightly, he swallowed, and asked, "T'lenn, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

T'lenn used her free hand to hit the sensors for shower, stopping the water immediate as she stood facing Jason, both of them now soaking wet and standing naked in the shower. Her eyes met his with a piercing focus. There was no question that both of their emotions were heightened, and T'lenn admittedly had not been thinking clearly for at least the last hour. She focused on the souls of her feet, grounded on the shower floor, steady, and her breaths, taking deep breaths in, trying to concentrate on the moment. Focus.

She did all of this in less than a minute, though for Jason it seemed like an eternity. "Are you certain?" She finally asked, her voice now level and calm. Though the emotions were boiling just beneath the surface, her suppression techniques barely in place for this moment, she'd managed to sound more like the T'lenn he'd first met, and less like the one who was nearly panicking in the bedroom earlier in the day.

Jason looked deep into T'lenn's eyes for a few beats, then nodded slowly. "There is nothing I am more sure of, T'lenn." He reached up and gently touched her face. "I want to be by your side for as long as I draw breath. I want to build a life with you, have children with you. I love you, T'lenn."

"I accept," T'lenn replied evenly. She had expected their eventual nuptials once they had made the decision to bond telepathically. Though, the future is never entirely written, to her the bond was lifelong and not something she shared lightly.

A wonderfully bright grin spread across his face. He pulled her into a tight embrace, then kissed her deeply.

T'lenn collapsed in his embrace from exhaustion, trusting him implicitly. Letting down her emotional barriers had been an exhilarating experience, if not temporarily terrifying. She still did not feel like herself, emotional fatigue being a completely alien experience for her.

Jason quickly scooped T'lenn up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. "I've got you, baby," he whispered lovingly. He then carefully carried her out of the shower, then over to the sink basin. Setting her feet back down on the shaggy rug in front of the sink, he grabbed one of the folded terry-cloth robes, that were supplied by the hotel, and gently helped her into it. He then grabbed one for himself. Next, he grabbed a towel for her hair, and held it open for her to get her hair ready.

T'lenn looked at her feet while she used the towel to soak up the excess water in her long hair. She placed the wet towel over the sink and looked up at Jason. "Thank you. I'm sorry that you have to see me this way. Letting down my emotional barriers was an impulsive decision. Had I thought it through, I should have known that there would be consequences."

Jason smiled warmly at T'lenn, as he switched his visual sensors back to normal. "Sweetheart, you don't need to apologize. If we are going to have a life together, I will see more. You are safe with me, no matter what, my love."



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