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Medical Team Gone Wild, Part 3

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 12:29pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D & Civilian Tyson Miller & Civilian Zoe De La Fontaine & Civilian Killian Jones

1,734 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: A bar on Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 3, After Part 2

Osirin had been told about the medical team's get-together earlier in the day. He hadn't been sure he wanted to accept the invitation at the time, not because he wasn't sociable. He was quite sociable. His research and sparse interaction with Federation personnel so far had alerted him to the fact that he was sometimes too sociable.

The issue was that alcohol tended to lower inhibitions. Lower inhibitions lowered people's defenses and often increased their emotions. The more people drank and the more people drinking magnified the emotions hanging in the either. That made it difficult for Osirin's mental shield to keep all those stray emotions out.

He'd decided to come anyway. How bad could it get. He'd been drinking the night before. Of course that was in a quieter bar with less people, still, he could handle it.

He walked in took a Romulan Ale from a passing waiter and moved to the gaming tables.

Charlotte shuffled her way to Jezra, "Hey do you guys know anything about the Counselor coming aboard this stop? The exchange officer from Akadia? Doesn't that look like him?" Charlotte gestured over to where Osirin was standing trying to subtly point him out to Kasper and Jezra.

"Right, I'll go find out for us all, shall I?" Kasper piped up and gave Jezra and Charlotte a slightly inebriated grin, having just finished his third drink, before he walked over to the newcomer and picking up another drink from a passing waiter as he did so. "Hey, I'm Kasper, one of the Medical Officers on the Astrea. Are you one of the new guys on board? Either way, good to meet ya! Come over and have a drink or two with us, if you want," he motioned to the others.

The blond man approaching Osirin vaguely resembled the man he'd met the night before. It clearly wasn't him, Osirin hadn't been that drunk, but the hair was the same color and the build was similar. His eyes widened slightly when Kasper introduced himself, but Osirin's face didn't change otherwise.

"I am one of the new guys as you put it," he said as he picked up his ale and pushed away from the bar he'd been leaning against and walked over to the table where some of his new crew mates sat.

A small part of Jezra was relieved that Charlotte came over. While Rilaxa was nice, Jezra was internally fighting for their life to keep the embarrassment at bay. The Trill then watched Kasper go off to introduce himself to the person that Charlotte had pointed out, debating if they should go after him. "I think I heard something about an exchange officer, yeah," they answered to Charlotte. "Where is Akadia? That's not familiar to me."

"Gamma Quadrant actually. We've only been in contact with them six or seven years I think," Charlotte guessed.

"Oh, interesting," Jezra replied, her curiosity piqued.

"So." Kasper said as they got back to the table with Osirin and took up a spot next to Charlotte. He put his drink down on the table and made introductions going in a circle for who was there, "This is Charlotte, Jezra, and Rilaxa." He took a drink before adding, "I'm sorry, I made all these introductions but forgot to ask who you are, aside from being one of the new arrivals."

"My name is Osirin," he pulled his hair away from his face revealing his feral-looking eyes and slightly upturned ears. I'm actually not in Star Fleet. I'm an exchange officer from Akadia and I'm going to be the Chief Counselor."

"Well, I'm sure you'll have your work cut out for you," Charlotte offered a hand in greeting. "I'm a nurse, so your office will be nearby. I'm sure we'll run into one another quite a bit."

"I have little doubt that I will be busy. I am sure we will be interacting quite a bit. What more could you tell me about the ship."

"So like generally or what?" Charlotte asked. "Galaxy II, the Galaxy was the largest ship in Starfleet for quite a while. It's still one of the larger designs, and one of few meant for families which means there's a bit more to do on board for civilians so we get the benefit of that," Charlotte explained. "This one was just refit. It was a Dreadnaught during the Dominion War, we still have decent fire power, but we have more space dedicated to science and medical now too."

Charlotte tilted her head her eyes up and to the left in thought. "I don't personally know the Captain, but there are quite a few on board who were with her as first officer on her last ship. And I've heard that some of the senior staff know her further back than that. I don't know anyone who has worked with the XO before though."

"I guess it will be a learning experience for me, getting to know everyone I have heard something about the Galaxy class and you're correct they are one of the bigger of your ships. Federation vessels are larger and faster than any Akadian ship out there. Our engineers could learn a lot from you and some of my counterparts on other Starfleet vessels will glean quite a bit."

"I however am not really technically minded. I am more skilled and experienced in dealing with people."

"Oh mate," Kasper said with a wide smile in an excited and slightly too loud tone, "You're going to love this posting then. There's always plenty of people to talk to." He finished off his drink and thought about getting another one.

"Well that is good to know, but from what I hear, I'm going to have my work cut out for me," Osirin responded.

Jezra spent more time just listening to the conversation rather than engaging. The rush of emotions after chatting with Rilaxa left them a little overwhelmed, the noise of the bar starting to feel like pressure against their body. The Trill didn't mind conversation, but this time it was just a little much. "I'll make sure we have time to get acquainted, but for now, just enjoy the shore leave," she said, offering a smile that contradicted the subtle tension in her body.

"I will endeavor to do so," the Counselor responded.

* * * *

Eirly had been sipping her drink and watching everyone and making sure they were still having a good time, but she was paying more attention to Jezra who looked more overwhelmed and left off to the side of things than anything. So she decided to go up and make them feel more comfortable.

"Hey Jezra, I'm about to go and get another round of drinks for everyone, do you want to come up with me?" She offered as she slid off the stool and gave Malcolm a squeeze on the shoulder, "I think I'm going to need more than two hands for these."

Turning to the new voice, Jezra gave an appreciative look to the new person. "Sure," they replied. To try and relieve some of that pressure, the Trill had stepped slightly away from the conversation, but this offer was an out that offered a break. "It's been a while since I've been in a bar this rowdy," she admitted.

"You looked like you were having a bit of a crisis there," Eirly replied in a softer tone as she went to order the drinks, "If I'm to guess right, seeing as you're clearly a Trill, your empath abilities are a bit more heightened than others, and being here is overwhelming?

* * * *

Out at the ax throwing area, Tyson was lining up his third shot. Taking a beat, he pulled back and hurled the single-headed ax towards the target. It landed with a strong THUNK, as the top corner of the blade dug into the wooden target, sharing the bullseye with its two counterparts.

"That'll be the fifty strips of latinum that you owe me." He turned to the Human man that he had been gambling against.

"Damn!" The man grunted. "You sure you don't want to go best out of four?" The man was clearly desperate to keep his money.

Tyson considered it for a brief moment, or at least, seemed to consider it. Instead, he stepped over to the older man, put his arm around his shoulders and whispered something into the man's ear.

Whatever was said, caused the man to blanch with fear. He finally handed his satchel of latinum over, then scurried away, leaving the bar before anything happened to him.

A soft voice said, "Hmm what exactly did you say to him, Tyson?" Zoe stepped up behind him, her normal outfit of black shirt, pants, and duster coat, was not that out of place.

Tyson turned his head, grinning softly at Zoe as she approached. "Oh, I just reminded him about the error it would be to try and skip out on paying his debts. Possibly added a few details about his family too."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "You are mean" she mocked

"Someone's certainly got a bit of a wicked streak in them, don't they?" Killian laughed from nearby. He'd had been sitting down nearby watching everything going on and had spotted a few familiar faces while still listening in to what Zoe and Tyson were talking about.

Tyson looked over at Killian and shrugged. "What can I say? I hate it when someone tries to skip out on not paying me." He moved over to the target and pulled the three axes from the wood. Stepping back to the throwing line, he took a quick look at the target, then threw the axes in rapid succession, each one landing in the bullseye.

Killian rolled his eyes in reply and laughed into his drink, finishing it before he replied, "Righto then, that's fair enough. I'm gonna go grab another drink, anyone want one?" He saw the look on Zoe's face and added with a grin, "Don't worry, this is the last one for me."

"I'll have another bottle of beer, thanks." Tyler replied as he held up the bottle, so Killian could see the label.

Zoe didn't order anything. She wanted a clear head, she shook her head.

"Fine by me," Killian shrugged and sauntered off to order another couple of drinks for him and Tyson.



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