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T'lenn's choice

Posted on Sun Oct 6th, 2024 @ 3:30am by Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III & Lieutenant JG T'lenn

1,833 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: After Exploration Part 2

T'lenn and Jason were seated in reclining chairs next to one another each of them being attended to by an aesthetician. As a steaming towel was being wrapped around their heads, T'lenn spoke up. "There really is so little we know about one another. For example, I am not aware of whether you follow a skin care regimen."

T'lenn turned her head slightly, and raised a quizzical eyebrow at him as both were having a cleansing lotion applied to their faces.

As Jason sat there and let the technician work over his face, he replied. "Nothing crazy, just a simple, unscented face soap and then a matching lotion afterwards." When he was able, he turned his head to look at her. "What about you? Your skin is beautifully flawless and soft."

"Your compliments are gracious; however, I fear that you see only what you choose to see and that your perspective may be affected by the newness of our relationship."

T'lenn was cut off by her aesthetician who was now using warm cloths to wipe her face in a massaging pattern to prepare it for a moisturizing salt mask. "Honey, when a gorgeous man gives you a compliment, you don't argue with him. Because if he's flattering with you, then he's telling you his feelings. You keep rejecting what he's saying, you might as well be telling him you don't care what he thinks."

T'lenn considered the unsolicited advice without offense. "Is that so? I admittedly have much to learn about navigating feelings. Jason, do you agree with - I'm sorry I did not catch you name?"


"Am I being rude by rejecting your compliments?" T'lenn asked. Then before he could answer she continued. "I suppose when I put it that way, it does seem ill-mannered. I apologize."

At this point, the bottom half of Jason's face was covered in a light green salt mask with the texture of a very wet clay mixed with lotion. T'lenn's face was covered barely over her chin, the aesthetician slightly behind because T'lenn had been talking.

"It's okay, sweetheart," he said softly, not wanting to interfere with the beautician working on his face. "We both are learning how to make this relationship work. I wasn't offended." He reached over with his left hand and gave her right hand a gentle squeeze.

"Interestingly, when I had the replicator match a cleanser for my skin type one of the primary ingredients was from a wildflower that is common in many climates on Earth. It is called lavender. Are you familiar with it?" T'lenn asked.

Jason smiled slightly, careful not to disturb the mask too much. "I am, and I think it smells perfect on your skin." He gave her hand another squeeze.

A silicon eye cover filled with cooling gel was placed over Jason's eyes, and the aesthetician began massaging his temples and then his head. Seeing a break in the conversation, the woman tending to Jason asked, "Sorry, my name is Hena. Are there any skin care concerns you'd like us to address with you during the second part of your facial today?"

Though Jason couldn't see Hena with regular vision, as his eyes were currently closed and covered, he activated his thermal vision and, through the heat of his own eyelids, he was able to just make out the form of the woman speaking to him. "Other than what you are doing right now? I'm not sure there is anything else. My eyelids do get a bit dry, from time to time, thanks to my artificial eyes.

T'lenn was having the same conversation with her skin care specialist was was saying something about her eyes and pointing to an area under her brows and along her hairline.

"Surprisingly, my skin seems to be less dry in more arid climates. Likely a result of evolution," T'lenn could be heard saying as Jason finished talking with Hena.

"I have heard that from other Vulcans," Ilyn assured her. "We'll get you set up."

T'lenn leaned back and took meditative breaths as the salt scrub penetrated her skin and the cooling mask reduced inflammation around her eyes. The aestheticians set a timer and left the two alone for a few minutes.

"Where would you like to go after this?" T'lenn asked.

"Well," he began as he thought about it. "Why don't we go get some dinner, then maybe either a show of some kind, or we could go play some poker? What are your thoughts on it?"

"A show," T'lenn repeated. "It seems there are a lot of opportunities here for entertainment. It would be logical to take advantage of them," T'lenn surmised. "I have also heard that it is a good idea to keep Human males well fed, so we should eat first."

This made Jason laugh out loud. It wasn't a laugh of insult, instead, it was a full-belly, warm laugh. The kind one typically feels a rush of endorphins from. "Where...where did you hear that, sweetheart?" He asked between laughs.

"Friends on board have noticed that you and I have been spending more time together and were eager to offer their insight," T'lenn responded. "Have I said something humorous? Was that inaccurate?"

Shaking his head, as he calmed down, he reached out and took her hand into his again. "No, honey, not at all. I mean, the way you said it was funny, but the content wasn't. Actually, it was both quite sweet....and possibly a bit true as well. While I can't speak for the rest of my gender, I certainly am happier sharing a meal with someone who is important to me."

"Perhaps there is a restaurant nearby where you can explain the humor to me once we are finished here," T'lenn responded.

Though she couldn't see him currently, Jason nodded his head as he replied. "I'd like that, T." He gave her hand a soft squeeze, then gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.

The aestheticians Ilyn and Hena returned to room and took their places next to Jason and T'lenn. "This should feel good," Hena said as they both took warm towels out of a steamer and began to remove the salt masks from their faces by wrapping the soft towels around their face and gently pulling the towel up from the chin toward the forehead.

A blue light was pulled up from the side of the chairs and turned on, actually emitting cooling rays onto their faces while the women examined their skin and selected various lotions and creams for application. T'lenn was done first and she stood up to wait for Jason, her skin glowing from the treatment. As Hena was finishing up with Jason she handed him a jar of lotion.

"It can soothe the skin around the eyes and help with inflammation from overuse. I put some on today. If you like it we can have some sent up to your room for you," Hena offered.

Jason took the jar and nodded his head in thanks, smiling politely. "Thank you so much. My face already feels about ten years younger."

"Hope you guys enjoy your stay," Ilyn added with a smile.

Jason nodded again, then opened the door, allowing T'lenn to leave first.

As they exited the spa and walked out into the street, T'lenn gave a courteous head bow to Jason, then looked at her feet as they walked. "Interesting experiences. Thank you for enjoying those with me. You were a particularly good sport with the facials. For lunch, did you have a restaurant preference, or would you like to look into the hotel's room service?" T'lenn stopped walking for a moment and looked up at Jason. "You did go to the trouble to select such luxurious accommodations. Some time should be set aside to appreciate them."

Jason considered the options quickly. He turned to T'lenn, reaching out to gently lift her chin so he could look into her eyes. "I'd say, let's head back to the room and order room service." He shrugged and smiled suggestively, "Then you could teach me more intimate methods of massage."

Although T'lenn picked up on Jason's not-so-subtle implications she did not let on. "Are you not sufficiently relaxed after having been treated to both a massage and facial?" She asked stoically.

He smiled softly as he leaned in and whispered into her right ear, "I was hoping that we could be more intimate, in private."

T'lenn's eyes widened curiously, though she was not surprised by his forwardness. He had always shown himself to be forward with intentions, even when they were merely acquaintances. His behavior was nothing if not consistent.

"Curious," T'lenn stated as the two continued down the hall that would take them to the proper lift. "I am well aware that human males in their thirties tend to have particularly high libidos, but it truly is fascinating to experience it first hand."

He arched his right eyebrow as the entered the lift and he selected their floor. "And pray tell, how many Human males in their thirties have you been with to gain such awareness?" It was clear, by the look in his eyes, that he was playfully teasing her.

"I find it difficult to envision a scenario where there would be more than just one at this stage in my life," T'lenn responded seriously. "It is difficult to predict how long our relationship will last so early into our time together, but unless it were to terminate earlier than our current intentions then it is unlikely I will have sexual relations with any other human male in that age range."

Jason turned fully to face T'lenn, concern on his face. "If my words came across as insulting, in any way, that was not my intention, and I apologize. I was only attempting to be playfully teasing. I sincerely do not want our time together ever to end. In our short time in each other's life, I have been happier than I can ever remember being before."

T'lenn shook her head. "I am not offended. I was simply opining on the probabilities --" She stopped, the concern on his face finally registering with her. "I can see that was not the correct response to your teasing," she acknowledged. "You may say the statement again, I have prepared a more appropriate response," she offered.

Jason's features softened, then he smiled a lop-sided grin, as he stepped closer, sliding his hands around her back, pulling her to him, as he gazed deep into her beautiful eyes and asked, his voice a bit huskier, "And just how many thirty year old Human men have you been with, to gain that knowledge,"

"Just this one specimen," she stated, placing her hands on his biceps and making a point of directing her head downward to her right as if she were examining him. "And you have been most accommodating in assisting my further research," she added as her eyes met his.



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