
Medical Team Gone Wild, Part 2

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 6:28pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Civilian Aris Loch & Civillian Naliya & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Civilian Tyson Miller & Civilian Zoe De La Fontaine & Civilian Killian Jones

2,444 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 3, After Part 1

Charlotte grabbed her martini from the table, "Okay, so I'm cheering on some Dabo players. Let's go then!"

"You're smart for doing that. I think she'd take a chunk out of you if she wanted. Ferasans are the very aggressive, competitive sort." Thivi's gaze swung over to the wheel, where S'Niri had reached the front of the line.

"Right. Here we go." S'Niri tossed a slip of latinum into the machine and spun the wheel...

Charlotte waved to the Andorian from Astrea, "Hey, I'm Charlotte, I think your from Astrea too? This is Dr. Andersen, he's new to the ship. And Thivi, that's my boss," Charlotte said pointing to the Kelpian in line at the Dabo wheel. "And do you know S'Niri?" Charlotte was talking louder than her usual voice trying to be heard over the crowd.

"Hi, Kash, operations," Kash responded, also straining his voice some. "Nice to meet you. Had a stroke of luck over here for a minute, but spun one too many times."

"Call me Kasper," Kasper responded to him with a grin and head tilt at Charlotte for being so formal about it. "Test the fates and see the outcomes, clearly you weren't so lucky after all... At least you draw a good crowd and are having fun though! That's the main thing, right?"

"For sure. I'm pretty sure it's rigged anyway, isn't it?" Kash said laughing good naturedly.

Charlotte had spun around and watching S'Niri at the wheel. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon,!" She cheered anxiously as she waited for the wheel to stop spinning.

Jezra didn't need to have any kind of empathic abilities to sense the bated anticipation in the group as the wheel spun. She lingered nearby, eyes watching the wheel slow down gradually.

"Dabo!" The teal skinned dabo girl announced, holding her arms high in celebration. Her short skirt hung low on her hips, and her cropped shirt stopped just below her breasts showing off a toned, yet smooth midriff. She wrapped an arm around S'Niri as she handed her the token for the next role.

"Are you feeling lucky?"

S'Niri turns to the dabo girl for just a moment and smirks. "I might be." She quips as she accepts the token and inserts it into the machine. "Though I'd feel even luckier if I won more than just latinum tonight,"

"I'm sure you've got all the luck in the quadrant following you around tonight," the woman responded sweetly.

"What if I won a little time with you in particular?" S'Niri asks brazenly as the dabo wheel begins to turn. She watches it intently, feline tail flicking and tongue sticking partly out of her mouth.

Like a good Dabo girl, Ixi took the hint and sided up to S'Niri, putting one arm on the Ferasian's shoulder while stroking the fur on her arm seductively with her other hand while they waited for the wheel to stop. "Awww," the teal skinned alien looked up at S'Niri sadly when the wheel stopped just short of a win.

Ixi bent forward making sure her cleavage showed as she grabbed more tokens, shaking them in her had as she presented them to S'Niri. "Gotta play big, to win big," she said, biting her lower lip, her long eyelashes fluttering with seduction.

S'Niri made a sound somewhere between a disappointed growl and a purr as the wheel stopped short of a win. She grabbed another token from the dabo girl and tossed it into the machine. "By win big, do you mean win a stack of latinum, or your time?" She asked with a feline snicker. "I know you're on the clock and all. What's your name, by the way."

"You can call me Ixi," the woman replied. "You're right, I am on the clock. I guess you'll have to keep spinning to see." Ixi winked at S'Niri playfully and gestured to the wheel.

"Sounds good to me." The Ferasan hybrid chewed on her lower lip as the wheel slowly came to a stop... on a winning section! It was a small-ish payout, but a win was a win. "Dabo!" She cheered, bouncing up and down on her paws.

"Dabo!" Ixi spun in a circle smiling at the crowd encouraging everyone to cheer. "Whaddaya say there, beautiful. Keeping rolling?"

"Keeping rolling." S'Niri tossed another token into the machine and hit the start button. "So tell me about yourself, Ixi. What's your story?"

"Just out here working and enjoying life with all of my friends," Ixi responded shrugging her left shoulder and giving S'Niri a coy smile. Ixi reset the wheel for S'Niri's next spin. "What's your name, hun?"

"The name's S'Niri." The Ferasan answered as she lightly placed her arm round the dabo girl's hips. Ixi could pull away if she wished. She hit the start button and watched intently as the wheel spun. "Though you can call me anything you like. What do you do for fun, Ixi sweetie?"

"I'm having fun right now," Ixi responded, giving her head a teasing shake. "Okay everyone, let's cheer for S'Niri on this spin, she needs some extra luck!"

S'Niri grinned a sharp-toothed grin as a raucuous cheer went up from the watching crowd. Her eyes widened as the wheel began to slow down, inching closer and closer to the biggest prize slot... and stopped right on it, causing the machine to eject a cloud of confetti and play music at maximum volume - what was that, Hall of Fame from the 2010s of Earth? Either way, the crowd exploded into cheering, and for a moment the bar was filled with the thrum of their collective excitement!

"Dabo!" Ixi cheered, bobbing up and down with a large smile. Her teal skin made her white teeth almost glow in the lighting of the bar. "Do you want to go for double?" Ixi asked, winking at the Ferasion/Caitian hybrid.

"No thanks. That's enough for me," S'Niri grinned as she collected her earnings - which took up a small box about the size of that her shoes came in. "Now, about the other prize - you free for a drink?"

Ixi tilted her head in regret. "I still have another hour or so on my shift yet," she said with a warm smile, the next person lining up behind S'Niri anxious to start rolling.

"An hour I certainly do have. I can wait." S'Niri maneuvred out of the way to let the next person take the wheel, so to speak, and headed off to get something to eat.

Nearby, the Romulan who had just won at the wheel and stopped playing had started listening to Charlotte as she pointed out the people from Astrea. Naliya had heard there was a newer Starfleet vessel by that name in the sector.

Thivi, meanwhile, seemed to have decided to get another drink for herself. God, how fast did this Kelpien drink? She trotted past Naliya on her way to the counter, empty glass in hand.

Naliya switched seats at the bar so that she could grab one closer to Thivi. "I couldn't help but overhear one of your friends. Quite a few from Starfleet here tonight?"

Thivi seemed a bit surprised, honestly, but she smiled at the Romulan woman nonetheless. "Yes, that's right. We're here to relax and blow off some steam." She said, sipping from her drink with a wide smile. "In a figurative sense, of course. We've just come off a rather long mission. Why do you ask?"

Naliya leaned in and lowered her voice, "Not a lot of Starfleet types come to this bar." She sat up a little straighter, "At least not in such large groups. Oh it happens from time to time, but you all tend to gravitate toward cleaner places, if you will."

"Well, we normally do. Around these parts, though, any respite is good respite." The Kelpien replied with a grin. "I'm sure you agree. How about you, what brings you to these parts?" As far as Thivi was aware, the Romulan people were in a pretty precarious spot - especially after the loss of their home. Maybe Naliya was merely searching for somewhere to go.

"There's a small colony here of Romulans. I was with a group that made it out with Starfleet before they abandoned their assistance with their evacuation efforts," Naliya explained. "There are mixed opinions about that still. Some are very strong."

"I... I understand." Thivi's cheeks felt a little hot out of embarrassment. She'd heard about that in brief - the question was why. Why should Starfleet withdraw support from a people that'd lost everything when it'd been pledged. "I'm sorry to hear that. How has life been since then? Since you've settled here?"

"Barisa Prime isn't bad. It's one of the nicer places we ended up. There's an economy here, work. And the locals don't seem to mind if we're Romulan or not. Some of the other places, not so lucky," Naliya said with a shrug. "What brings you so far from home? I didn't think many Kelpians chose to go off world. It seems a strange time to do so."

"I have a debt to repay," Thivi replied, deciding not to add more details - for the time being, at least. "But I've never regretted my decision to be here. I love what I do. I'm the head nurse of the Astrea."

"Medicine. That must be rewarding. Especially in Starfleet. Most days anyway. How long is your vessel here?" Naliya asked.

"For the next few weeks at least." Thivi smiled. "I promise we won't cause too much trouble. We've just come off a long mission and we need a good break, all of us."

"Starfleet types usually aren't too much trouble out here anyway. I wouldn't think they would be anywhere. Isn't it pretty difficult to get into Starfleet? I would think that officers would want to be on their best behavior to keep their commissions."

"It is - but I would call it very well worth it." Thivi replied with a grin. "I've never regretted walking this path. I do so much good here. Did you know there are still a ton of people who don't much like nurses and doctors?"

Naliya laughed. "I can imagine."

"Oh yeah! Tonight's gonna be pretty lit!" Rilaxa cheered as she trotted through the door with some of her colleagues. After hours of preparatory work in Engineering, she was honestly happy to be able to get out and do her thing. The Bolian wore a snug-fitting grey top and jeans as she trotted past Jezra over to the bar to make her order.

"What's everyone drinking tonight?" A tall dark-haired man with broad shoulders and one too many buttons undone on his shirt walked up and set down some coasters.

"Get me a whiskey on the rocks. Thanks." Rilaxa said, smiling sweetly at the tall man.

A familiar voice made Jezra turn, her eyes scanning the crowd. Their eyes widened slightly when they spotted the blue-skinned woman, their heart skipping a beat. "Rilaxa..." they breathed, leaving the dabo table. "Rilaxa, hi!" It wasn't until she was right next to the Bolian at the bar, close enough to certainly catch her attention in case her words didn't, that Jezra realized that these feelings weren't her own. Their eyes widened slightly in realization. In fact, the more the Trill focused on those feelings, the more it reeked of the sweaty frat bro atmosphere that was reminiscent of Jedex's personality.

Rilaxa seemed a tad confused as she turned around to see the Trill talking to her with a dreamy expression on her face. Nonetheless, she smiled sweetly and addressed her anyway: "Have we met?" She asked, sweetly, in exactly that same playful lilt that Jedex would remember. "What's your name?" She held out her hand to be shaken. Maybe this girl was one of her old fans, she reckoned, from her previous life.

Her voice was so familiar, and it made Jezra's heart flutter. No, those weren't her feelings. Jezra's response was slight disgust from how Jedex idolized this woman, mixed with significant embarrassment for drawing attention to it. A warm blush crept onto their cheeks as they tried to return to some sense of normalcy, as if they didn't just run after an influencer that a previous host knew of, with the intention of declaring rather embarrassing emotions that weren't even theirs. "I am so sorry!" Jezra stammered. "I didn't mean to bother- I mean, I guess I did? I'm a fan-was a fan- wait, sorry, that sounds bad, I-" The blush that was already present on her cheeks became more pronounced, even as she took in a breath through her nose to simply calm down. "Sorry. Jezra." Before they could embarrass themselves any further, they accepted the handshake.

For a few moments, a look of utter confusion crossed the Bolian's features as she processed the Trill's words. Then, understanding blossomed over her face, and she smiled. "You're joined, aren't you," She guessed. "It makes sense. One of your previous hosts was a fan of mine. I'm guessing the last one, considering how long it's been between me leaving that life for this one." Rilaxa laughed and put an arm gently on her shoulder. "Well, I guess that means we'll need to get reacquainted, if you know what I mean! Maybe if you gave me a name?"

If it were possible, Jezra's cheeks got even redder. "His name was Jedex. I don't think the two of you ever met, at least I have no recollection, but he was... fond of you." More like had a massive crush, Jezra thought.

Full confession: Rilaxa didn't really have a list of which of her fans was which in her head. She'd never really met most of them, in fact. The name Jedex didn't ring a bell at all. Nonetheless, she smiled and patted the shoulder of Jezra. "I'm sure he was. I don't know how this joining thing works, but, um. I hope he feels a little better now. I guess?"

Jedex didn't really exist anymore in a way to feel emotions anyways. Perhaps the closest equivalence could be a sense of satisfaction from Siv. Jezra was still trying to deal with the secondhand embarrassment and simply let out a quiet, "y-yeah," instead.

"Don't worry about it. We can definitely still be friends if you want!" Rilaxa offered with a bright smile.

Glad that the Bolian had no objections to moving past the embarrassing moment, Jezra gave a smile in return. "I'd like that."




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