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The Circus

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 12:56pm by Civilian Dreya & Civilian Killian Jones

2,175 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD -1, Immediately after Dessert Part 2

They were still a block away from the circus tent when men, women, and everything in-between dressed in burlesque clothing and accessorized to the nines started appearing to set the mood. Some offered champagne, others buzzed by on unicycles or showed off an acrobatic flyer launched by people walking on stilts. The talent wasn't afraid to get flirty, or offer a crude joke, and somehow Killian ended up with a purple feather boa, and Dreya was wearing a tiara by the time they made it into the show.

Dreya started laughing with enjoyment the moment the first entertainer had popped into view, gasping and awing at some of the stunts being performed outside of the show. As they entered the tent, she looped her arm under Killian's, "It just gets better and better."

The purple of the feather boa kind of offset the all black clothes Killian was wearing, and he couldn't help but grin and gaze in awe at the performers as they went about their performances. The show was something different and with a sudden pang of guilt, he wished that Evie was there to share it with him; the guilt of wanting it to be her and not Dreya.

As Dreya looped her arm through his, he stiffened slightly and hoped there wasn't a visible reaction on his face. "Yeah, it does. So what else are we in for if this is just the start?" He could've used another drink right about now.

Dreya led Killian to their seats and sat down. She let go of his arm and pointed out features on the stage. "Well first off, the show tells a story, it's meant to be funny don't worry. And the acrobatics, well, the things they do - there's a lot of aerial work and props. It's beautiful at the same time."

Food vendors dressed to the theme walked up and down the aisles selling snacks and beverages including everything from frozen margaritas to an old fashion.

"I feel slightly underdressed being here, even in this feather boa," Killian appreciated the skills that went into being a performer and the amount of training that went into it. "Drinks and some snacks, tell me what you want and I'll get it, my shout."

"Don't be silly, all kinds of kinds come through here," Dreya said. "We're fine. Just a vodka and soda would be great."

"Okay, so a vodka and soda and a whiskey and coke." He got up and shuffled out of the row to where the vendor was selling everything, getting himself a double shot of whiskey in his drink. Once he got back to the seats, he passed Dreya her drink and sat down to tap a sip of his own.

"So," he leaned in towards her, shoulder to shoulder while keeping his eyes on what was happening, "I might be starting to have a good time now this show is starting..." his tone was slightly playful.

"NOW, he's having fun," Dreya teased. "Well, I can just go home then, leave you here if that's all it takes, I've done my job."

In keeping up the happy pretense, Killian put his left arm around her shoulder and sipped his drink with his free hand, "I think you've done more than your fair share of the job, but I'm not letting you go anywhere: you're stuck here until this show ends."

While they sat through the show, Dreya could tell that Killian's mind was barely half present, if that, but it was always a good show, so she sat back and enjoyed it for what it was.

Once the show was over, Dreya stood up to leave and offered Killian a hand out of his seat. "What did you think?"

He took the offered hand, even though it should have been the other way arounds with him supposedly being a gentleman and all, "Well, that was," he gave a huff of a laugh, "Definitely something different. I mean, how is it that people can contort their bodies into all those positions? I struggle putting on a sock! Occasionally, of course. Either way, I thought it was great. How about you, did you like it?"

"I love it," Dreya said. "That was my third time seeing it. Though the last time was over a year ago and they do change it up."

"Anyway, it's getting late. I'm just going to take the same transport we came in on back home. It was nice hanging out with you," Dreya said as they started walking back the way they came.

Killian nodded and let her walk in from of him for a few steps before moving to grab her wrist and stopping her, forcing her to spin around. "Look, can I be honest with you for a minute? I'm sorry if I've been all over the place with everything. You're the first woman I've been out with since Evie and I hope I'm not messing anything up." The guilt in his voice was written all over his face.

Dreya looked down at her wrist where Killian had grabbed a hold of her somewhat startled, then back up at him. She shook her head, "That's fine. Look, we barely know each other. You don't owe me anything. You're still figuring stuff out," Dreya shrugged. "That's nothing you need to apologize to anyone else for. The only person you are holding back is yourself."

He let go of her wrist after realizing he'd probably gripped it too tight and moved his hand down to hers, lifting it up slightly, "It's been two years, I've already seen the signs to move on, and now is a good a time as any to say that I do need to move on," He could feel his heart start to beat faster, "And I want to get to know you better and not hold back any more."

Dreya took a step toward him. "We have some chemistry, and there have been some great moments today. But it doesn't take a detective to notice that you weren't on this date all night." She didn't say the words accusingly, she was sweet about it more than anything.

"I'm not saying I need to rush into anything either. I'm not really out there looking to be honest. But it's probably better that we not really rush into anything while you're in this headspace still. We'll both end up getting hurt." Dreya made herself a little taller to gaze into his eyes, moving her focus back and forth from left to right. She then closed the space between them, and went up on her toes, putting one hand around Killian's neck and kissed him.

Pulling away, she said softly, "You know how to get a hold of me."

He let his eyes remain closed for for a moment as he grimaced and nodded saying, "Right," before he opened them again. He was already kicking himself for it. For everything. "I'm sorry. I thought I was present for the entirety of tonight. But I did have a good time with you and I did enjoy being on this date."

He shifted back onto the balls of his feet. "If you'd accept, I'd like to walk you back to the transport, just to make sure nothing happens to you."

"Sure, I'd like that," Dreya said with a smile. "But just so you know, I can totally hold my own," she added playfully.

Killian nodded in agreement, "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Strong independent woman and all that. Just let me at least be a gentleman for once in my life and do something nice, yeah? My momma would kick my ass if I wasn't." He chuckled lightly, even though he was still crestfallen at the outcome of tonight, knowing exactly what his mother would say.

"Oh, I didn't peg you for a momma's boy. That's sweet," Dreya commented. "And, I didn't turn you down."

He sighed in resignation and ran his hand over his beard, knowing full well he just opened a portal to his softer side, "Yeah, momma's boy through and through, also have a younger sister too, if you must know." He missed them but knew he couldn't go back and see them.

"Where are they?" Dreya asked.

"Back on Earth, in a town in Vermont that is absolutely beautiful in the fall." Killian replied as he looked down, "My sister would like you, ya know. She's kind with a gentle soul who's always able to forgive a person and their misdeeds."

"Yeah? How often do you talk to them?" Dreya asked.

"Last year sometime, I guess." He shrugged in reply as they started to walk toward the transport, "It gets hard to keep in contact when you're moving around a lot. What about yourself?"

"Oh that's not nearly enough," Dreya said matter-of-factly. "No wonder you're stuck in the past. You need your family to help you move forward, especially if you care about them the way you seem to."

"Me, I also don't talk to my family enough, but I touch base with my mom at least every week. Probably subspace every other week. My brothers, we send each other pictures more than anything, but if we can't get together in person for birthdays and holidays, we'll at least try to schedule a call together."

"Now you've got me jealous." Killian admitted. He truly was jealous of how tight knit Dreya and her family were and wished he had the same with his family too but unfortunately, due to actions taken by various family members, it was broken and couldn't be repaired. "But unfortunately, family can't help solve everything. Sometimes they're the cause of the problems. Except my sister, she could never do anything wrong."

"Now I don't know if you're being sarcastic or sincere?" She asked scrutinizing his expression.

"Sincere," He replied. "Some family rifts can't be un-rifted. Is that even a word?"

"And why can't you talk to her then?" Dreya pressed.

Killian took a breath in and out before and waited a moment before saying it, "Because of my father. He's an asshole." No point in denying what the man was, "Look, the issues I have with my family aren't really a first date kind of topic to get into. Different topic maybe?"

"Well, it seems to me that if you're both adults you could find some common ground to get your relationship back on track regardless of, in spite of whatever is going on with him," Dreya said ignoring his request to change the topic. "You don't want to wait until it's too late."

"Anyway. Looks like here we are," she said slowing her walk. The transport wasn't busy. Just a few scattered groups of people milling about. She looked at him for a second as if giving him a moment to say... or do something.

He could tell she was just trying to help him out, and he really appreciated it, but he just couldn't put it into words. The anger for his father and what had happened between them was still simmering under the surface and couldn't be let go as easily as Dreya suggested.

Instead, Killian turned to face her, crouching slightly so that he was more at her level as he looked her in those beautiful green eyes. At the same time, he moved he hand up to gently push a few strands of hair back behind her right ear, "Thank you, Dreya. For everything you've done and said over the last couple of hours. You're an amazing person, and I want to see you again. Before I leave and after, and when I get to come back." He didn't want to lean in and kiss her on the lips just in case that wasn't what she wanted.

"That's fine. But you're in charge of what we do next time," Dreya replied, somewhat flippantly.

"Ok," he said slowly in reply, kind of confused about the sudden change in her attitude, "I mean, it's going to be hard to beat the circus, but I'll try for sure."

"I guess I'll wait to hear from you." Dreya gave him a little head nod as she turned to walk toward the transport

"Well, have a good night then," he said quietly in reply with a kind of grimace on his face, wondering how soon was too soon to get in touch with her. He sat down on one of the nearby seats with his legs stretched out and ankles crossed and his hands behind his head and thought about how he could do things better.

Dreya stepped out of the transport terminal in her neighborhood and bit her lower lip as she let out a sigh and started the walk to her flat. She wasn't sure if he'd call. If he did she hoped he wouldn't be another mistake. Not wanting to talk about his family could be a bit of a red flag, but red flags had never really stopped her before.



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