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Dessert for Two, Part Two

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 4:03am by Civilian Dreya & GM Nicole & Civilian Killian Jones

1,973 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD -1, After Part 1

That smile of hers was infectious, and Killian felt himself smiling, likely genuinely smiling back at her and his usually intense grey eyes soften as he placed a hand over his heart, "I promise here and now only to jump if there's a bungy cord attached to me. Otherwise, I'm happy to just see what the views like."

"Well then, let's go up." They picked up their pace now that the tower was in sight. When they got there it was a turnstyle entry to get under the arches and then short lines were forming to go up in the lifts. Dreya picked the shortest one.

Their lift was actually like a small car you sat down in during the ride up, and it had a panoramic view. It was just Dreya and Killian in their lift and the view was quite different from most other rides of its sort, and the arch like nature of the tracks meant it brought you out and then back in again.

Dreya divided her time between watching the view she'd seen before and watching Killian to try to see if he was having an okay time.

The view itself was breathtaking and he realized why she had suggested coming up here. The seats were comfortable enough to be able to relax a little bit and take it all in. "You keep looking at me like I'm going to do something stupid," he said quietly without directly looking at Dreya.

Dreya let out a little laugh. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were bad at this," she teased. "Maybe I'm just trying to see if you're having a good time or not."

An eyebrow raised in response to her teasing, and he could feel a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "I'm having a good time, don't worry, and I'm happy enough to be here right now. But yeah, I am bad at this."

"Well come on then," Dreya said, stepping out of their car when they got to the top. Their cart let them out at the dome that sat higher than most of the buildings in the city. Anything taller was so far away from where they were it was inconsequential to the view.

"You have to train your mind that the universe isn't out to get you," Dreya said gently. "It can take time, especially after something really tragic. Grief is... well it's not fair. But finding joy and not waiting for the other shoe to drop... I dunno, it's like when you live in a dark place for too long it hurts when you look into the light. But your eyes will adjust."

Killian simply nodded his head slowly in understanding; he wasn't one for being overly emotionally available, and Dreya saying this wasn't helping. "I get what you're saying, I really do." They walked past a couple of people who looked like they belonged with Starfleet and his hand clenched white out of instinct before he realised, mainly because he didn't want to scare her off. "Am I right to hazard a guess that there's no mister or missus in your life, if you're willingly here with a stranger you just me a few hours ago?"

Dreya chuckled. "Yeah, no. No strings attached. That would be a fun one to try to explain if I did, right?"

"You helped show a tourist some of the sights around town, easy as that." Killian shrugged. The voices in his head were quiet for once and he didn't want to have any further plans for today than what was happening right now, unless she had other ideas? "Well, that's what I'm sticking with, anyway."

"I guess I just never really had much luck in that department. Either they were never there, or over jealous. Or, you have to love the combination of both. That's a real treat," Dreya commented dryly. She tried to make it sound light, but then she worried she'd said too much. "Anyway, so yeah - lame tour guide. Thinking of a side hustle. Do I have any promise?" Dreya did a playful twirl to try and lighten the mood.

"If you do decide to give it a go and you need the muscle, I'm your man," His eyes danced with humour as they continued. "But I understand. There's nothing worse than being in a relationship and them never being there. And you're a wonderful tour guide, don't stress."

"Well then, might I suggest that now is a good time to enjoy the view." Dreya did a slow walk around the outer edge of lookout point to the area where you could see the city abruptly stop, and the ground take on a more natural hue as the mountains started up again.

"The cities here bring in the most traffic, competing with one another for the best shows and casinos and hotels. People forget about the hiking and the beaches - which is just as well for the locals and the tourists who do come here for that. Keeps it from being overdone like Risa or some other place," Dreya said.

"Have you ever thought about going into tourism at all?" Killian took in the view around them and started to appreciate it. Natural beauty collided with manmade, and it somehow just worked. He liked it.

"I've worked in some more touristy spots, it wasn't my thing. I like having a mix of the regulars and meeting new people too. We get both at the pub. It's steady work and I get to pick my shifts pretty much," Dreya said. "Doesn't really ebb and flow too much with the season. So what is it that you do again?"

He wasn't going to give it up that easy. Mind you, he didn't even know what his purpose was these days, so instead, he shrugged in reply, "Bit of this, bit of that. What do you think I do? Or what I've done?"

"Why all the mystery?" Dreya asked. "Now you sound like someone with secrets." Dreya leaned against the railing and looked out at the horizon and gave him a sideways glance.

"Gotta keep the secrets close and the enemies even closer," Killian replied as he moved closer to her and put his back against the view and looked at her. "I'm actually a freelance mercenary for hire and I'm just waiting for my latest target to make an appearance before I take them out." With a smirk on his face while he waited for her to reply, Killian folded his arms and tried not laugh.

Dreya took a quick glance at the lack of space between their arms now that Killian had moved closer and then looked playfully into his eyes. "Was that just your hint that I'm one of your enemies?"

He held her look with his own, "I can honestly say you're no enemy of mine, unless you give me good reason to be one." He shifted slightly closer, unaware that he had shifted closer again. "I like to think that the enemies to lovers trope is better anyway." The words had escaped before his brain had caught up with his mouth and he groaned at the embarrassment.

Dreya laughed. "So as a mercenary for hire, you're doomed to fall in love with the beloved protector of a country - or maybe even the Princess or Chief of Staff herself."

"Gotta go where the money and high ranking is, right? So I think I'll take my chances with a princess rather than a Chief of Staff." Killian gave her a wink and grin. "But if you were in my shoes, would you be going for the Prince or the bad boy merc that has a hidden heart of gold?"

"Always gotta go with your heart," Dreya commented. "Diamond crowns only look pretty when they are first shined. But they aren't lucky and money certainly doesn't seem to make anyone happy. At least as far as I've seen." Dreya looked down at her feet for a second before looking back up at him.

"Two opposites?" She said softly as she angled her face more towards his, a smile played on her lips as her eyes dared him to make a move.

Killian raised his brows in response and the grin slowly evolved into a smile at her unworded suggestion. He moved to stand in front of her and lean in with both arms on the rail either side of her and let his light grey eyes stare into hers before dipping to her lips and then back up, "Don't opposites attract though?"

Her gazed dropped as she noticed his did, then she looked back up again."That is what they say appears to be holding the universe together. Or at least our little part of it," she whispered. The hand nearest Killian slipped off the railing and she let it fall to her side as she turned her hips so her posture was opened up slightly toward him now.

He dropped his voice down low and looked at her again with a glint of playfulness in his eyes, putting a single finger under her chin and lifting it up, "I don't think you know how dangerous this little space we occupy can be, Dreya." It may have come across as intimidating, but Killian thought he'd just see how she reacted to it.

"Why don't you show me, then?" She asked, her voice unwavering.

He breathed in and out and all thoughts went out of his head as he leaned in, while still keeping his finger under her chin, and... he chickened out, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek instead. "Can't give you everything you want, can I?"

Dreya closed her eyes in anticipation of a kiss, then let out a disappointed breath when his lips landed on her cheek, but she kept the smile on her face despite her disappointment. "I guess it's not that dangerous," she said giving him a wink. "You wanna get out of here?"

"Ah, screw it." Killian responded as he noticed her disappointment mirrored his own and placed his hands to either side of her face, leaning in, closing his eyes and kissing her on the lips. It was gentle yet firm, and it felt like an enormous weight was lifted off his shoulders. "Now we can, if you want?" he asked as he pulled away and looked at her.

Dreya was stunned for a moment, then recovered and returned the kiss just for mere moments before he pulled away and looked at her.

"Um. Sure. It'll um, start to get chilly up here soon once the sun goes down," she said. She turned away from the railing and edged back toward the lifts. "Did you need to be anywhere tonight?"

He walked towards her with one hand in his pocket and looked around at how quiet it was. Everyone else had disappeared so it was just the two of them, "No, I don't. The only plans I have involve spending a few credits and getting some dinner and drinks. Unless you have something better to offer?"

"I know how adventurous you are," Dreya started. "Unfortunately I didn't have any base diving excursions or casino heists planned for tonight, or I'd invite you along," Dreya quipped as they went through the turnstyle and got directed toward a lift fairly quickly.

"But... How about a show? Have you gone to see Absinthe yet?" Dreya asked.

He gave her a look that involved a raised eyebrow, "What is Absinthe?"

Dreya gave him a big smile. "If you haven't seen it, I can guarantee you haven't seen anything remotely like it. We're going."

"I'll take your word for it then. Let's go." Killian nodded in reply.

* * *


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