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A Quiet Cabin for Two, Dinner

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 4:02am by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,904 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 2

"What would you like to eat, sweetheart?"
Remy grabbed Samuel's shirt and flashed him a look before slipping it over her head and fished a pair of blue hipsters out of her bag, and slipped them on, leaving her long legs bare.

"Pasta, a bottle of wine?" Remy wrapped her hands around Samuel's neck, and stood on her toes. She had a hard time locking eyes with his for too long - the intensity between them felt good... very good, but also overwhelming. She realized she could easily forget to eat, forget about ship even.

Samuel slid his arms around Remy's back as she hung on him. He was finding it more and more difficult to think straight when she was so close to him. Especially now, wearing his shirt, looking up at him as she was, it was all he could do not to take her again, right there.

Licking his lips slightly, he did the best he could to behave. For now. "I make an excellent shrimp and orzo dish. Why don't you set the table, while I get started?"

"Make?" Remy asked incredulously pulling back to give him a sideways glance. "You brought food out here, to cook?"

He smiled a cheshire cat grin, then released his hold on her, and moved to the fridge, pulling it open. "You think I was going to let you eat replicated food while we enjoy our time down here?" The fridge and freezer was filled with a vast array of food ingredients and snacks.

"What have I done to deserve you?" Remy asked skipping barefoot over to see what treasures were buried inside. She contemplated grabbing a snack, but stepped away, deciding to wait for dinner.

She stepped away to get what she needed to set the table. The plates were easy to spot in a cabinet with a clear glass panel in the door, and she found the silverware on the second try. She held everything in her hands and stopped to watch Samuel for a minute before taking them to the table. This was the first time they had been alone together. Remy was never alone on Astrea.

"Are you sure that's sanitary?" Remy teased, a devilish smile playing in her eyes. "Cooking without a shirt on, I mean."

He spread his arms out to his sides and grinned, flexing slightly. "And deprive you of this show?"

"You are right," Remy grinned back. "What was I thinking." She took the plates and silverware to the table and walked up to the far side of the counter, propping her elbow on it, so she could rest her chin in her hand while she watched.

Samuel was moving back and fourth, from the fridge, to the cupboards, to the pantry, and then to the stove. He was in his element and it showed. As he started to prep the ingredients the meal, he started to quietly sing and old Earth opera in fluent French.

Remy felt herself in a bit of a trance watching Samuel move around the kitchen preparing their food. It was quite the show having him singing and shirtless while he worked. His body was well defined, the lines of his muscles drawn clearly into skin. It wasn't his body that drew her in though, it was the way he made her feel when she was with him. Though she wasn't ready to say anything out loud to anyone, she was starting to see her future with him.

"I feel like this weekend is already going by too fast," she commented.

As he continued his preparations, Samuel paused in his singing to ask, "Who says it has to only be the weekend? I've rented this property until Astrea leaves orbit."

"I've got to go back to work sometime. The longer I stay here, the harder it's going to be to go back." Remy walked around the counter and stood behind Samuel and wrapped her arms around his waist, her right cheek resting against his back between his shoulder blades.

As soon as he felt her touch him, Samuel stopped moving, placing his right hand over her arms as they crossed in front of his stomach. Turning his head, to try and look at her over his right shoulder, he smiled softly and replied, "As I told you, beloved, we will stay here for as long as you want. I know that I have to share you with your other love. She was with you before I came into the picture." He put down the pot he was holding in his left hand, then carefully spun in Remy's embrace, until he was looking down into her beautiful face, his arms wrapped around her back. "I know Astrea, and any other starship that you are given to command while we are together, will always come first. As will your crew." He smiled softly as he gazed down into her eyes. "All I ask is that, from time to time, we get each other to ourselves."

"I want you all to myself," Remy groaned. "That's part of the problem. I can't think straight today." Despite the fact her words seemed to be voicing a complaint, her eyes sparkled as she spoke.

Samuel smiled softly as he gazed down into Remy's eyes. Leaning his head down, he gave her a sweet and loving kiss on the tip of her nose, before straightening back up and responding to her complaint. "My love, if you focus more on the time ending, and less on the journey, you will miss a lot of enjoyment." He pulled her in for a hug, kissing the too of her head, before slowly releasing her. "Now, why don't you find us some nice music to listen to, while I finish getting dinner ready? It should only be about fifteen minutes now."

"Get out of your way. I got it," Remy smiled playfully as she backed away. "Music... Something old, or something new. Computer, play a jazz mix." Remy walked around the cabin, looking at the details that made up the room, swaying her hips to the music.

"Do you have any family still alive?" Remy asked. She turned around to face him when he answered, though she was now well across the room.

Glancing over his shoulder, Samuel shook his head. "No. My parents are dead, and I have no siblings. So, it's just me in the universe." He smiled softly at her, as he added, "Well, just us now."

Remy smiled back. "I still just have a hard time grasping what being so much longer-lived than most everyone around you must be like. Once your people became scattered. I mean, how many times have you had to basically start over and rebuild your inner circle, close friends, chosen family whatever you want to call it with passing generations," Remy commented. "How do your people do it? It seems like it would be difficult."

"Some don't do well," he said softly. "It is true, having such a long life can be seen by some as a curse. Some of my countrymen still haven't recovered from the Borg. Others found solace in various forms of altered reality, unable to face the truth of life that we all must endure...death comes to us all one day." He finished plating up their dinners, then smiled softly. "Have a seat, my love. Dinner is served."

"My love," Remy repeated back as she glided across the floor to the table. "It looks delicious." She picked up a fork. "I saw my grandparents a few days ago, not for very long and only because I needed something. I feel kind of guilty about not staying longer, like I was just using them. Starfleet officers - especially captains, don't really see their families enough."

Samuel nodded in understanding as he sat down next to Remy. He opened the wine bottle and pour each of them a glass. "From what I've seen, the life of a Starfleet starship captain can be a very lonely one." He raised his glass to her, as he continued. "To the journey through life that we are about to embark on together."

Remy raised her glass to his, "I'm happy to drink to that." Their glasses brushed together before they each took a drink.

"Hopefully not too lonely," Remy responded as she admired the dish for a moment before taking a bite. She'd been hoping that bringing up her family might cause him to ask more question about them. Though she hadn't told her mom or brother about Samuel yet, she was secretly looking forward to introducing them, and conscientious to not propose the idea too soon.

"This is so good," Remy emphasized after taking her first bite. "I can't believe you cooked for us. I forget what real food tastes like sometimes."

Samuel smiled warmly as he listened to Remy speak. When she finished, he replied. "Well, my dear, so long as you're with me, I'll gladly cook you dinner every night!" He took a sip of his wine, them asked, "So, you mentioned your family before. I'd love to hear more about them, plus, any stories that led you to become the wonderful woman you are now."

Remy looked at Samuel curiously. He couldn't read her thoughts. Could he? "Well, my parents were both Starfleet. Actually, there is a rather long line of Starfleet service in my family. My brother and I growing up, there wasn't really any question in our minds that we'd join - it was just picking which field we wanted to specialize in that changed from year to year."

"I have two nieces. I don't think I've ever told you that. They are such cool kids. My brother actually took himself out of ship deployment when their first child was born. He's pretty much had Starbase and Outpost assignments since," Remy told him.

Hearing her speak about her family, Samuel could see that she cared deeply for each of them. "And what does your brother specialize in? Is he the elder, or are you?"

"I'm the oldest. Can't you tell? I thought I gave off that oldest child vibe," Remy said with a wink. "He's an engineer. Just like our father was."

He chuckled at her cheeky reply. "A gentleman never assumes a lady's age." He then paused a beat, before asking, "And before you got into the command track, what was your specialty?"

Remy sat back in her seat and looked at Samuel with wonder. "I know I haven't talked about work a lot with you, but you really never looked me up or anything?"

"I was a scientist. A daredevil one of sorts. I specialized in bioengineering and got into special ops pretty early. It's not a bad gig for when you are young enough to think that nothing can hurt you and optimistic enough to think you can change the world," Remy said, a nostalgic smile away. "And then... THEN, I was at Daystrom for a whole two months before my research was pulled. I suppose it's just as well, I dunno how long I could have survived in a lab anyway."

"What about you? You must have had several careers by now," Remy asked.

Samuel nodded as he thought back over the years. "Well, let's see...when I first made my way to Earth, back in 2000, I took part in the construction of the Millinum Gate, but I left soon after, when your world started to enter the Eigenics War, and later, World War III." He paused for a few beats, as his thoughts went back to that time of darkness and pain

I returned years later, and found myself in Montana, where I worked alongside the group of Humans who were hired by Zephram Cochran, during his construction of Earth's first warp-capable ship. I almost lost my life, when the Borg attacked the site, but thankfully, the Enterprise stopped them.

He took a few bites of his food, then continued. "After that, I decided to go home, with the idea that I'd probably stay, start a family maybe." He shook his head as he continued. "Unfortunately, the Borg descended upon us." His face changed to that of a haunted expression. "You have no idea the terror that you can feel, seeing all those cubes. They blotted out the sun there were so many. My people once counted in the trillions. After that day, we barely survived with roughly ten thousand."

He was silent for a few beats. Then shook his head, as if to clear the horrible memories clear. "Anyway...I drifted across the b with stars after that, taking various jobs here and there. Just recently, I was actually a barber, on both the USS Nimitz, then later, Starbase 80. I then became a bartender again, and found my way to your ship...then to you." He finished speaking with a warm smile, as he reached out and took hold of her left hand gently.

"I was only seven during Wolf 359, but I remember the fear and the aftermath. The energy on Earth was very strange. Quiet. My father fought there. Once he came home I never heard him talk about it," Remy stated. "We lost him in the Dominion War. Thankfully my mom's escape pod made it to safety. My brother and I were both at the Academy by then. It wasn't long after when most of my class were deployed as cadets. I thought my mom was going to lose her mind. She still blames that for all of her gray hair."

Remy smiled and laughed a little, "I can hear her voice in my head now. She still gets riled up talking about that."

Samuel smiled when he heard Remy laugh. It was beautiful sound to his ears. "And how do you suppose she will react, when you introduce her to the man you love, who is older than she is?" He gave her a flirty wink as he finished speaking.

Though she didn't realize it, her eyes lit up when Samuel mentioned meeting her mom. "Well, I'm sure there will be questions - that's to be expected. But ultimately as long as I'm 'treated right' and am happy, she would approve."

"Well now," he replied happily. "I dare say that I will be able to show her that I am treating you right."

Remy picked up her fork and pointed it toward the shrimp orzo. "Should you decide to cook for her, there wouldn't be any room for doubt," she said playfully.

Samuel chuckled, then replied with a big grin. "Well then, when do I get to cook for her?"

Remy's mouth dropped open in surprise, though the corners of her mouth were turned up and her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling too much. "You're ready to meet my mom," Remy challenged, staring into his eyes, her hand still holding his.

He smiled and shrugged slightly. "Of course I am. I know that you are the woman I want to spend my life with. So..why wait?"

"Well, she's serving on the Columbia on the other side of the Alpha Quadrant, but she has a ton of leave time, so one of us says the word she's already halfway there. She's at that stage in her career," Remy said with a playful eye roll.

Samuel put down his fork, then reached over and gently held Remy's left hand. "Whenever you are ready, say the word, my love. You know how I feel about you."

Remy let go of his hand to stand up and walk over to him, placing her hands around his shoulders. "If people heard us talking tonight they'd tell us we're crazy."

Samuel turned and pulled Remy down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her in the process. "Well, if I'm crazy, I'm only crazy for you, my love."

"And you're ready for all of this?" Remy crinkled her nose. "I mean, my family is pretty chill, but once you're in, you're in. If we went to my grandparents farm, they'd act like you already know where everything is after the first day."

"Rem," he said softly as he looked up into her smiling face. "I already told you, I'm yours forever. When you're comfortable, I will be honored to meet your family. I hope that one day, they would be my family too."

Remy blushed. "Well yeah. That's what I was saying, I guess," she said somewhat shyly. "Once my family starts meeting you, they'll treat you like family right away. They're weird like that."

"Then I'll gladly become a weirdo, as Humans say." He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. It was clear that he meant every word he had said to her.

"I'll look forward to it." Remy relaxed into him in a way that she hadn't really let go with him yet. The instant connection and giving in to passion just a few short weeks ago was one thing. Opening the door to her heart, and talking about letting him into her family was another. In past relationships it was usually these conversations that left her feeling suffocated, panicked as if she were tying herself down. But with Samuel, he just felt like home.

For the rest oof the afternoon, they sat, ate, drank and talked, as they grew closer and closer together as a couple.


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