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Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 1:31am by Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Captain Remy Johansen

2,563 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Spacedock at Barisa Prime.
Timeline: MD 3 0830

Osirin didn't need to sleep, or at least he didn't need to sleep as much as Terrans did. He didn't know a great deal about them yet, but he knew that much. Just because he required less, didn't mean he liked it less. Especially the dreaming. He had always found that fascinating.

He'd been having a pleasant dream, which was always better than the alternative, that much he knew. Unfortunately, when his internal alarm clock had gone off in his head, he couldn't remember any of it. His memory was not close to being eidetic, but it was above average. Dreams though tended to be more tenuous especially when alcohol was involved, and there had been alcohol involved the previous night, that much he remembered.

He didn't open his eyes at first, just reached to the other side of the bed The sheets were still warm though barely so and he caught a faint helm of cologne on the pillow next to his, which didn't belong to him. It was a bit musky for his tastes although the previous night it hadn't.

The sad thing was that while he could recall ever detail of the appearance of his former bedmate and remembered every detail of what had happened, he couldn't remember the guy's name.

There was a minor twinge in the back of his head, but it wasn't much of a hangover. Not pain-wise anyway. The only real issue and it was a minor one, was his mental shielding was lower than normal

He had turned over to go back to sleep when the communicator on the nightstand beeped.

He ignored it.

It beeped again. This time LOUDER.

Cursing in his native tongue, he answered it.


"Is this Sub Lieutenant Acainus?" came a familiar and not entirely friendly voice.

Osirin sat up, making no effort to hide the rolling of his eyes. He was pretty sure his Commander couldn't see him.

"Yes sir, it's me."

"We have an appointment in less than an hour. Are you ready yet?"

He considered lying for a second or two before responding honestly. Lying wasn't in his character. Usually. And the lie would have been caught immediately. "No, but I will be. I will meet you there and I'll be on time I don't need a night nurse though, I can take care of myself."

"Of course, you can," the voice replied, but orders are orders. Try to remember your Terran manners, it's a breakfast meeting."

"I am aware," the Counselor said, his eye roll even more dramatic than his first.

He rolled out of bed and pondered not taking a shower, but he bore a rather distinctive odor that he didn't want any of his new shipmates to detect. It wouldn't have made a good impression.

Half an hour later he arrived at the Golden Earring with five minutes to spare. His Commander wasn't there yet but he saw a rather attractive woman in a Starfleet uniform. His sharp eyes made out her rank from the hostess station and he moved past the young lady standing there, his head turning toward the table that was his target.

"Good morning, ma'am," he announced as he neared the Captain. Sub-Lieutenant Acainus reporting.":

"Good morning, Sub-Lieutenant," Remy offered a warm smile. She dipped her head slightly in acknowledgment, which seemed to be a universally acceptable form of greeting. Starfleet's database was woefully lacking in Akadian social protocols, and she didn't want to make the officer uncomfortable with Human customs such as a handshake.

Osirin was surprised that his new Captain hadn't offered him her hand, but he kept his face impassive. He was sure that she was being polite because she didn't know about his culture. It was a valid concern, some species didn't like to be touched. He didn't mind, especially if he saw it coming. It was true that physical contact made it easier for him to sense emotions, or in some cases read thoughts, even when he didn't intend to. A handshake though was rather innocuous and wouldn't have caused either of them any issues. There was no reason to bring that up with her at least at that point in time.

"Thank you, ma'am," as he took a seat.

"I'm pleased that Astrea is able to host an officer from Akadia through the exchange program. It will be a privilege to have you aboard," Remy added as she took a seat as well.

"It's my honor to have been selected, and I am looking forward to the chance of serving on board your conveyance."

"How do you prefer to be addressed? I have heard that some female captains prefer sir, rather than ma'am."

The captain tilted her head to the side before answering, a fair question. "Either is fine. Sir is Starfleet protocol and a safe default if you don't know someone's preference. Though you'll hear ma'am often enough," she responded.

"Understood... Captain." Osirin responded.

Just as the Counselor was finishing his response another Akadian approached. He was older than Osirin, though it was difficult to determine how much older He was a good two inches shorter, but forty pounds heavier than the Sub-Lieutenant.

With hands clasped behind his back, he cleared his throat.

Remy stood up to greet the commander. "Commander Denal, Captain Remira Johansen. It is an honor to meet you. I was just telling Sub-Lieutenant Acainus that we are looking forward to having an Akadian exchange officer on board. I hope the detour to Barisa Prime wasn't too inconvenient for you," Remy stated as the commander approached.

"I was simply following orders," came the reply. "My convenience is not an issue."

His eyes cut to Osirin, then back to the Federation Captain. "I hope that the Sub-Lieutenant will comport himself well. Akadians pride themselves on honorable service even when assignments might be seen by those in authority to be less than ideal."

Remy was more of a scientist than a diplomat and was not one to put on airs just for the sake of it. The commander's passive-aggressive message was heard loud and clear.

"Well, Commander," Remy said dryly. "I admit, I would not know the first thing about serving on an Akadian vessel, but being given the opportunity to serve as head counselor and part of the senior staff of the fleet's senior tactical vessel for the sector is quite an honor, that I should hope wouldn't be squandered."

Remy took a second look at the sub-lieutenant and back to Commander Denal. "Having the Captain's ear is earned and not given, but I'm sure that once we get to know one another, I am confident that Osirin has the potential to become a valued member of the team. Please sit down, Commander. You look conspicuous standing there. And we should order?" Remy turned around abruptly and sat back down.

A smile flickered briefly across Osirin's lips before his face returned to a neutral position. while Denal who mumbled something in Akdadian under his breath sat down, before saying, "What would you suggest Captain Johnansen?"

"Well that would depend on your palate," Remy cautioned. "The Orion dishes here are all notoriously spicy, Human breakfast dishes vary widely. If you like something sweet, I'm a big fan of pancakes. If you enjoy eating meat, I'd definitely recommend something with bacon - no animals are harmed in our meat sourcing of course."

It looked as though Denal was about to make another comment when Osirin subtly put a hand on his soon-to-be ex-captain's left elbow. A frown crossed Denal's face, before he finally replied "I'll just have coffee, black, thank you very much."

"I have heard a lot about bacon," Osirin spoke up, " We don't have those kinds of animals on Akadia. What about French Toast, is that any good?"

"It is. It's also sweet. It's flavored with a spice called cinnamon. Some people make it sweeter by adding powdered sugar or syrup," Remy responded.

"I have heard of cinnamon, but what exactly is syrup?"

"Well, maple syrup is made from the sap of a maple tree, basically it's turned into a liquid sugar that has a thicker consistency. It also has a flavor, it doesn't taste like plain sugar. You could always try it on a bite and decide if you like it," Remy suggested with a shrug.

"That sounds like an excellent idea. I'm always open to trying new things, but a little discretion never hurts. I think I'll try what you suggest."

Denal cleared his throat, "Lieutenant Acainus is quite capable of fulfilling the duties you have outlined, but on an Akadian ship we don't the the luxury of just filling one role. Do you intend on using all of his skills?"

Remy's eyes widened at the commander's question and she was about to answer when a server approached to take their orders. Once they had given him their orders, Remy revisited the topic.

"You don't think that ship's counselor on a vessel with a population of over 1,000, senior staff duties, and being a diplomatic advisor will keep your officer busy enough?" Remy looked at Osirin. "Tell me, Sub-Lieutenant, what other skills do you possess that we should be tapping into?"

Osirin looked noticeably uncomfortable, perhaps even embarrassed. His skin even turned an interesting ocher color.

He regained control of his composure and replied, "I think what my Captain was talking about are skills I picked up prior to joining the Akdadian version of Starfleet. I don't think any of them will be relevant, but I know my way around security systems and am pretty good at moving quietly and not being observed."

"I can't say that I've ever heard of a Starfleet officer who had trouble keeping busy. The sectors we're assigned to are pretty busy. I suspect that even when things are routine, we'll all have to be on our toes," Remy commented. She continued without a beat so she could get a word in before the commander. "Commander Denal, I can't help but notice that you seem to have some apprehensions about sending an officer over to my service. I'd welcome you to be more direct and speak freely your thoughts on the issue."

The Akadian Captain gave Remy a curt nod.

"Well, if you put it that way, I will be direct. I think that while the Federation might be a good trading partner, that is the extent that Akadia should be involved. We don't need to be entangled in Federation politics. We have enough of our own issues and we don't need to be dragged into a Federation-inspired war."

"Then there is the whole issue of equality, where one person, no matter how much they work and strive can't be any more successful than someone who does no work and survives on the Federation teat."

"I don't see that as utopia."

Osirin failed to keep his face impassive as much as he tried and held his right hand on his brow shading his eyes.

"It has been said that Earth is supposed to be utopia," Remy admitted. "But, I don't know that I've ever spoken to anyone who thought that a true utopia was actually achievable. It was more about it being a safe place, and yes people without want. Though enough events in recent history have opened everyone's eyes a bit that even the heart of the Federation isn't untouchable."

"As far as whether or not membership is best for your world or not, I'm no evangelist. To be honest as long as you weren't our enemy, if you ever wanted our protection you'd get it regardless of whether you were a member world or not," Remy shrugged. "That decision is for your people to decide, and we have people who aren't me who go over the logistics and ins and outs. I shouldn't think having eyes and ears on a few of our ships wouldn't hurt anything. We are always eager for cultural exchanges any way we can get it."

"I can't say that you've convinced me, but you're right, it's not up to either of us."

"I am still not overly fond of this idea, but it is what it is. Try to bring the Sub-Lieutenant back in one piece, you don't want to deal with his family if you don't."

"I always aim to bring all my crew back in one piece, Commander." Remy turned to Osirin, "You can expect to be treated well. Starfleet crew are very welcoming. Eager to meet new people."

Just then the server returned with their food, pancakes for Remy, and French toast and bacon for Osirin. A carafe of coffee was left for the Commander.

"Anything else?" The waiter asked.

"Nothing for me," Denal said.

"I'd like some syrup please," Osirin said with a smile.

"Yes, there's some right here for you to get started, sir," the waiter said politely, moving a small white pitcher with a dark syrup closer to Osirin. "I'll bring more out for you straight away." The waiter nodded to everyone quickly before rushing off, returning quickly with a second container of syrup.

Remy picked up her knife and fork, and cut into her pancakes, eyeing the counselor for a reaction to his food.

Osirin mirrored Remy's action with her knife and fork and smiled contentedly. "This is very good. The syrup was a great choice. Thank you, Captain."

"I'm glad you like it," Remy said with a smile. "You can of course bring any recipes from home for our replicators, and my, uh we have some very good cooks on board as well who I'm sure wouldn't mind trying their hand at your cuisine. It can be the little things that you miss sometimes."

"That is good. Our food can be quite spicy. We are, for the most part, not vegetarians, but we don't eat a lot of meat. The meat we do eat isn't replicated though."

"You'll have at least a couple of days to settle in," Remy said. "The repairs that are holding us up involve removing some ballistic material from the nacelles. A highly reactive metal that was unknown to Starfleet until earlier this year. Part of some ancient technology that has proven to be quite a headache. Once that task has been completed, we'll be up and running in quick order. Right now, we're just running a skeleton crew, and most are enjoying the downtime. I'd suggest taking advantage of it yourself. It might be a while before we get any kind of extended shore leave again."

"Downtime sounds like a great idea. I can explore the station a little more. And I've never really experienced your holodeck. I'm looking forward to giving that a try as well."

"There will be plenty of time for the holodeck, I'd take a lead from the crew and get out and enjoy the planet while you get the chance. And if there is anything you can think of that we can do to accommodate your time with us, please don't hesitate to ask," Remy stated. "Same to you as well Commander. We want the exchange program to be a success, regardless of Akadia's ultimate decision on membership."

"I will keep all that in mind," Osirin responded after he had wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Thank you for your hospitality. I am looking forward to this assignment."


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