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Medical Team Gone Wild, Part 1

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 3:59am by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Civilian Aris Loch & Civillian Naliya & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D & Civillian Dekon Lera & Civilian Tyson Miller

1,995 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime (Bar Name - TBD)
Timeline: MD 3, Evening

When the group walked up the bar that Kasper had chosen the first thing that stood out for many was that outside there was a recreational axe throwing area with targets set off to the side out back of the bar. On the other side of the building, also outback was a small stage. Instruments were set up, and a few crew members appeared to be checking the equipment as they arrived.

Out front there were a dozen tables, likely for those wanting a quieter meal than whatever excitement waited for everyone outback.

"Alright, let's check this place out," Charlotte said, taking the lead and opening the doors and letting herself in, holding the door open for the next person behind her. Inside was a medium sized establishment, a bar took up a good part of the long end of one wall, with Dabo and Dom-jot toward one corner, and tables for dining closer toward the entry.

The energy in the bar was lively, with occasional clinks of glasses breaking up the banter at the Dabo table. Jezra followed Charlotte in, taking their time to look around. The axe-throwing area tickled that adventurous side of them, and maybe later in the evening they could convince some of the others to try it out. "Do we want to try for a table or hit the bar?"

"There's enough of us, we should probably at least grab a couple of tables for now," Malcolm suggested. He lightly touched the small of Eirly's back as he looked around for an open spot.

Even though she wasn't part of the medical team, Eirly was happy to have been included by Malcolm and Kasper. After all, someone had to keep everyone in line if they got too rowdy, the girls included. For once, her brother actually had a good idea when choosing a place for everyone to go. "There's a couple of tables over there," she pointed out a couple of tables towards the front.

"You lot can go on ahead. I'll keep the table warm." Thivi quipped, sitting down at a cluster of four square tables that were presently unoccupied. She was out of uniform for once, dressed in a dark blue top that contoured to her figure and jeans. "Um. Could you get me a Lissipan screwdriver please? The drink, obviously."

"I got it," Charlotte said, still standing. "Anyone else?" She asked looking around the group for any takers.

"I'll come up with you," Kasper said excitedly as he walked in behind everyone and took in the atmosphere. He knew he'd made the right choice with this place and was definitely looking forward to the axe throwing more than the dabo and everything else. "Do we wanna start off with some shots before getting into the good stuff?"

"Just get me a local hard cider," Lera called to them before talking with Thivi. "I'm not doing shots I'm taking my son to a park in the morning so getting hungover is out of the question. Besides, I throw axes better sober."

"I'll have a whisky, neat" The suave voice of the ACMO, piped up as he walked into the bar. He was fashionably late, wearing a white button down with the top buttons unbuttoned, a pair of pressed blue jeans and a stunning pair of cowboy boots, hand tooled from the look of them.

Charlotte's head was spinning with all of the orders. She looked at Kasper and counted on her fingers, "Alright we got a Lissipian Screwdriver, Local hard cider, whiskey neat - no specification bottom shelf it is," she said mischievously at Kasper. "Okay, and shots. I'm game - nothing Andorian. I don't need my ass kicked tonight."

"Right! Nothing Andorian!" Kasper announced with a nod as they ended up at the bar. A waitress came up and asked for their orders, "A Lissipian Screwdriver, a local hard cider, whiskey neat, ten shots of whatever top shelf you recommend, and one moment," he turned around and called out to Eirly and Malcolm and Jezra, "What do you two want? What about you, Boss?"

"I'm a simple..." Jezra paused for a brief second, "... Trill. I'll do a Moscow Mule, please."

"Scotch on the rocks, thanks," Malcolm said with a nod.

"Andorian Sunrise, please," Eirly added as she laughed when her brother gave her a deadpan look after specifically saying nothing Andorian.

Charlotte laughed in Kasper's ear. "It's alright, she's got Dr. Beckett to watch after her. He's a good one. These shots though, They aren't going to pick themselves. Okay, no Andorian shit, and no cinnamon. Citron - Vodka, Orion Rum - U'reon I think? Or we could just get some jolly ranchers for fun everyone loves those." Charlotte had a big grin on her face. She was momentarily distracted when someone she knew walked in and she waved toward the doorway.

"Whatcha thinking?" She asked Kasper. "Oh hey, that guy at the Dabo wheel is from our ship."

"Oh, I know she'll be alright, I've known Malcolm since medical school. He's a good guy for sure, but I can never be too worried about my sister." Kasper admitted to her before he turned back to the barmaid, "Jolly Ranchers for the shots sound good, and one of each of what the others said please.

He realized then what else Charlie had said and spun around to where the Dabo wheel was, "What guy?"

- - -

"Dabo!" A small crowd yelled excitedly, the center of their attention, a striking Romulan woman in a white sundress. Her long black hair was pulled into a high ponytail showing off her cheekbones and she smiled excitedly at the win.

The Ferengi running the table asked her for another round, but she politely declined. "No, thank you. I know how to quit when I'm ahead chief." She pressed her thumb to the scanner to cash out, and an Andorian stepped in behind her to take her place. Though he had a new customer, the Ferengi watched her leave with disappointment. That was part of the game - keep them there until they've lost their winnings. The only way to profit.

The beautiful Vissian and scantily clad Dabo girl was already siding up to the Andorian, and holding out an open palm with chips for him to pick out.

- - -

"The Andorian, Cash, or Khash," Charlotte said raising her voice over the growing crowd. "He's part of the Bridge crew."

"Ah!" Kasper said as he collected a couple of the drinks in front of him, "Never met the guy. Must be good at Dabo then if he's got a crowd around him! Should we take all these drinks back to the tables and get started on them then head over to see this guy in action?" His tone was excited as he swung back around to watch the barmaid getting the shots ready, but a person looking on might mistake it for flirty.

"Sure whatever," Charlotte shrugged, always good to go along with whatever. She pushed the rest of the drinks together and grabbed them up with her hands and carried them quickly over to the table, setting them down, before figuring out what was what.

"Okay guys, we got shots coming too," Charlotte announced. "Don't blame me. It's this guy," she pointed over to Kaspar and made a silly face. "Back in one sec."

When Charlotte came back to the table, Jezra helped distribute the drinks, if anything to help them remember faces. It also helped distract from the brief moment of confusion she felt earlier. They pushed it to the back of their mind, though, as it was supposed to be a fun night with coworkers and few friends. That was something for sober Jezra to deal with, later.

Back at the table, Eirly had been in conversation with everyone while keeping an eye on her brother and Charlie so she added, "Do you think either of them realize he's meant to have a girlfriend?"

"I can't say I know either of them well enough to know if that's flirting or not," Malcolm said. "How well do you know his girlfriend?"

"Never met her," Eirly shook her head, "I only learned of Kaia less than two months ago. And she's back on the Cassiopeia. But apparently, she's really nice."

Lera sat and watched the drama unfolding, "they're just talking at this point, I'd be concerned if your brother's girlfriend doesn't let him talk to others."

Back at the bar the last of the shots were just being placed on the tray. "We can handle these right?" Using her fingers, and the pressure of holding the shot glasses against one another Charlotte was easily able to pick up the first six. "You got those," she said looking down at the last four intending to leave the tray behind.

"That's why she gave us a tray?" Kasper queried as he picked up the remaining shots and walked back over to the tables where everyone was.

Once they got back and had put all the drinks on the table, Kasper handed each person a shot, "These are Jolly Ranchers, super sweet, full of alcohol and easy to drink. Blame Charlie here for the suggestion," he nudged her and smiled wide before picking up a shot and lifting it, "Here's to the Medical crew, old and new, the Security Chief included, and here's to a wild night that's just getting started!"

"Cheers!" Malcolm announced, clinking Eirly's glass first, then the air generally where everyone else was raising their glasses.

Eirly lifted her glass in toast as well and gave a beaming smile to everyone gathered. It turned out that the drink her brother had ordered was a Samarian Sunrise instead and she could see it slowly changing from clear to sparkling gold, and it had a slight citrus taste as it went down. "Cheers everyone!"

"Hear, hear! To a wild night getting started!" Thivi cheered as she picked up the glass and took a long, slow sip. "I think I might just go try my hand at the wheel. Anyone else game?"

"Mmp," Charlotte made a noise as she put her shot glass down and checked her mouth to make sure she hadn't made a mess. "Kash! That's his name. The ops officer. He's over there too! Kasper said we should go watch."

Kasper had already downed his own shot and slammed the empty glass on the table and was now watching Charlotte with a grin, "Ready whenever you guys are! Anyone else coming with us?" He smoothed out the dark blue button up shirt he was wearing while he waited for the nurses.

Jezra mimicked the group's cheers with a smile. At Thivi's question, they turned and gave a 'sure, why not' shrug. "I'll join you. It's been a while, so I might be rusty," she said with a chuckle.

"Not if I get there first!" It was unknown when exactly S'Niri had arrived at the bar, but the Ferasan hybrid seemed very excited indeed to be there. She'd dressed down for tonight, showing some fur in a crop top that left her stomach bare and a flowing skirt. S'Niri made a show of renowned Ferasan agility as she snaked her way through the crowd and making her way over to the queue for the dabo wheel.

"She's so competitive." Thivi remarked with a snicker. "I had to patch up her and her sparring partner a while back. She did a number on him, poor thing. Seemed like she was trying to tenderize him for dinner."

"I hope the damage inflicted wasn't too bad? I'll pass on going up against her, if I'm being honest, even if she's part of my department," Eirly commented as she continued to sip the drink in front of her.

Charlotte grabbed her martini from the table, "Okay, so I'm cheering on some Dabo players. Let's go then!"

~TBC in Part 2~


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