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Dessert for Two, Part 1

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 3:47am by Civilian Dreya & Civilian Killian Jones

2,092 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD -1

Damn, she looked gorgeous outside of the work clothing. He pushed the second affogato across the table gently, "It was near impossible to resist eating it, so this is all yours. Good shift?" He didn't mind the small talk occasionally, as long as it was with the right person, and she was one of them.

Dreya smiled. "It wasn't too bad. Your friend seems nice," she commented as she picked up a spoon. "Why did he have to run off?"

"He had somewhere else he needed to be, thankfully." Killian replied with a single laugh, "I'm sorry, I only see him once in a blue moon and we've done a few odd jobs together, but it's always such a pleasure dealing with him," He rolled his eyes and then focused on the ice cream in front of him.

"I don't think I've seen you here before. Just visiting?" Dreya asked.

"I'm sticking around for the next few days, at least, so you'll probably be seeing a bit mode of me in here before I head out," he offered hopefully in reply, "Are you from around this area as well, or somewhere else and just working here?"

"I moved here around 5 years ago or so. Was kind of curious to see how the Romulans picking up colonies out this way might affect the economy, people. Not curious enough to leave Federation Space or get too close to the neutral zone though," Dreya responded. "I do like it here. There's a little bit of everything. Something to keep you from getting bored."

She took a bite of the affogato, pulling the spoon out of her mouth slowly, closing her eyes as she savored the taste. "What about you. Where do you call home?"

He watched her take a bite and averted his eyes to stop staring, "It's, uh, been a while since I've been back there, but I'm from one of the colonies on Rigel IV in the Beta Quadrant. It's a nice place, not gonna lie, but I've seen more of the universe and there are far more beautiful places and people out there."

"I feel lucky to be part of the society we are when we are. To be able to travel and see the different places. Pick up and move when things get a little dry one place," Dreya mentioned. "I feel bad for people who don't know what they're missing."

"I guess some people are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that, you're right, they don't know what they're missing." He took a spoonful of the dessert and ate it before adding, "So being open-minded to new experiences, adventures, whatever, is always going to be a big thing for me for anyone I meet." Killian could feel the rarely felt feeling of calm spreading through him while talking to her and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not but continued to keep talking anyway. "I mean, say you and I went on an adventure, we come to a waterfall that flows into a beautiful blue pool of water. Would you hesitate to jump off the top of it with me?"

"Jump off a waterfall. Is this like a test or something. There are a few around here actually. I'm jumping off as long as I know the water is deep enough and there is nothing down there that is going to eat me," Dreya teased.

Killian held up his hands defensively, "I promise, no test. But what if you can only see it looks deep enough without actually knowing if it is or not? Would you take that risk?" He had a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised to match. "How about we go to one right now and find out?"

"If I'm there, why wouldn't I just jump in from the ground and check, before breaking my neck on the waterfall?" Dreya asked, dancing around his other question.

"What if the only way to get to the ground is from up the top?" Killian retorted, noticing how she avoided the other question but let it slide. "Anyway, it was more of just an idea to step out of the comfort zone, that's all."

"There's stepping out of your comfort zone, and then there's reckless. Somethin' tells me you like to live on the dangerous side," she prodded.

"Take a risk, gain a reward. Isn't that how it goes?" His light grey eyes danced in amusement, and he hoped that the beautiful woman in front of him would never have to see the dangerous side of him that lived just below the surface.

"Or lose big. That's always the gamble, isn't it?" Dreya retorted. "Lotta folks come through these parts don't know how to play the game right."

"And what's the game you're playing?" He leant forward with the grin still there.

"Mmm... Just trying to enjoy as much of life as I can, while I can. But still work enough to keep ahead. Nothing too exciting or mysterious here," Dreya said matter of factly.

"Right," Killian replied as he moved back into the seat. He was starting to realize he was terrible at this whole talking to women thing and that Dreya was just there to humor him, "Sorry if that came across as a bit too forward. It's... been a while."

"Been a while since what?" Dreya asked. She'd taken more than a few bites of the dessert, but she pushed the rest away, placing an arm casually on the table and crossed one leg over the other. "Since you've tried to take a woman out? If you like girls who play games, there are plenty around here. Check out the Dabo wheels, the blackjack tables. And I'm not talking about the workers, just where you're more likely to find the types with some kind of agenda."

"But, you come out here, to a pretty low-key spot during lunch. I'm just a simple waitress. Sure, there's probably more to me than that, but it takes a hell of a lot more than a first date before I go revealing my hopes and dreams."

"I don't gamble. Drink, yes, gamble, no." He admitted in reply, trying to best word his next response without playing the sympathy card, so he sighed instead, "I lost my wife and our five-year-old son in a major accident almost two years ago, so I drink to remember, drink to forget, and everything in between. You, however, are the first woman I've actually had a decent conversation with in a while that hasn't happened through the alcoholic haze, so to speak."

"Shit. No one deserves that." Dreya took a deep breath in. "And obviously, you don't want to talk about it. So, what do you want to do next?" She asked, eyeing the door.

"I mean, you lose the person who you thought was going to be there for the rest of your life, along with the little person that you've created with them, and everyone just expects you to move on straight away like nothing had happened." Killian said in a resigned tone before pushing his dessert away too. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just unleashed that on you," he sighed again and mustered up a small smile, "I'll leave it completely up to you what to do, even if you decide to just walk away, I'll understand."

Dreya leaned in, "No. I mean, let's get out of here. Get some fresh air."

"Well, this is all paid for, so you lead the way, and I'll follow." He replied, pushing the chair back and standing up, stretching his muscles out by rolling his shoulders back and twisting his torso slightly.

Dreya stood up as well and extended an open palm to him, an opportunity to take her hand as she led him out of the restaurant.

He took Dreya's outstretched hand and out of habit with Evie, locked his fingers through hers. Her hands felt soft and warm, and he could feel the calmness in himself settling across his chest.

When they got outside it was still mid-afternoon, the sun was pleasantly bright and temperature was a perfect 22 degrees. Dreya thought for a moment. There were a couple of parks nearby, but she didn't want to risk running into too many children. "Have you been up in the Observation Tower yet?" She asked.

"Can't say I have, sorry. I didn't even know it existed, if I'm being honest." He laughed slightly.

"Well, it's better than sitting inside a dark bar all afternoon," Dreya suggested. "Come on it's this way." The sidewalk she took him down led them further away from the city center than they already were. She didn't try to oversell it or tell him he needed to feel a certain way about anything. Right now, it was just a walk in the sunshine and a breath of fresh air.

Killian inhaled the fresh air and thought back to one of the last times he'd taken a walk for no other reason than just because. He didn't know where they were going but was happy enough to just let Dreya lead. The scenery was actually quite nice, he had to admit that much, and he was glad he was here with her, even though an unfamiliar ache settled into his chest, "Where are we headed?"

"There's an observation tower just a few blocks away. The on you said you didn't know about. We can go up and get a good view of the city and the mountains if you're game," Dreya responded. She made a small gesture with the top of her head the direction they'd be walking. The sun shimmered on her loose waves, bringing out the different shades of blonde and brown that made up the dark blonde color he'd noticed before.

"I'm always up for something new," Killian shrugged in reply with a bit of a grin as he took in the sights before him, more so her than anything else. As they continued to walk, he figured he'd strike up a decent and honest conversation that was much like the one they'd had at the bar, but he didn't know how to start it. There was no manual or training for how to deal with this, and he didn't like it; didn't want to dishonor Evie by speaking to someone who wasn't her. If Dreya would've looked at him in this moment, she would see he was lost in thought with a pained look on his face as he fought with himself internally.

"So other than jumping off questionable cliffs, what else do you do for fun?" Dreya asked as they continued the walk.

"Anything that gets the adrenaline pumping really, how about yourself?"

"My friends have a boat on Lake Seymour. It's good weather for the greater part of the year. Winter here is short, but there's halfway decent skiing in the mountains. Nothing like Andoria. And you know, Earth probably has some better spots too. But it's something to do when it's cold," Dreya responded. "I used to read a lot, but I haven't really as much lately."

When they rounded the corner, the Observation Tower was visible up ahead. Two giant arches started on the ground and crossed paths 300 meters into the sky. A column protruded from the center of the arches, and on top of that was a large round dome shaped building. Around the edge of the building were walkways and guardrails.

"Want to go up?" Dreya asked.

"I don't see why we shouldn't," Killian replied as he made room for her to go on ahead, "So skiing, huh? I've never had the opportunity to do that or any snow-based activities for that matter. Nor have I lived anywhere long enough to enjoy that weather either." He thought about making a joke but then stopped himself and turned his attention to the structure in front of them, "So, what's special about this place?"

"No historical battles were fought here or anything if that's what you're getting at," Dreya quipped. "Mainly the view. Lifts will take you up one of the arches to the top, and you'll be able to look out of the windows on your way up. Then when you get to the top, there are a few shops inside, places to stand outside and look out. As long as you promise me you aren't going to jump that is." She gave him a sweet smile that lit up her entire face.



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