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Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2024 @ 6:59pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Civilian Alexandra Winters & Civillian Sara Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D. & Civilian Brunel Winters

1,773 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Helping Brunel
Location: Sentinel & Astrea
Timeline: MD 17, Early Morning (Shore Leave MD 3)

The Sentinel had begun its route to rendezvous with Astrea at Barisa Prime as soon as the physicians were certain that the procedure was a success and that they would no longer need the positronic matrix - and a reason to be held up outside of Federation Space. When the Sentinel dropped out of warp, Brunel was still in his room in recovery, Nash was asleep on a recliner in the corner, Alex on his lap with her legs hanging off one edge of the chair and her head on his shoulder. Sara had pulled a chair over to the foot of Brunel's bed. She didn't remember falling asleep, but had at some point, one arm barely touching his calf, her head awkwardly angled against the back of the chair.

Malcolm opened the door to let them know they were ready to beam everyone back over to Astrea and saw the family sleeping. He thought for a moment at how to best wake them, and saw Alex stirring in the corner.

Nash was known to be a sound sleeper, but still stirred in the recliner when he heard someone enter the room. He thought something happened with Brunel; he recognized the outline of Dr. Beckett. “Malcolm? Is everything alright? What’s going on?” Nash asked as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"We just dropped out of warp, Sentinel is ready to beam us over when we're ready. With your permission, Thivi and Dr. McIntyre were going to set up some monitors in Brunel's room in your quarters so he could sleep at home tonight," Malcolm said. "We thought house calls might be a welcome relief from all the hospital rooms."

Nash got up out of the chair, trying not to disturb the others. He spoke soft and low, almost in a whisper. “Not a bad idea, Doc. He’ll be glad to get back to Astrea. I’ll start waking my family here in a minute.” Nash put a friendly hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “Thank you for what you and the others have done for Brunel over the last few days. We appreciate it. And…um… this thing going on between you and Eirly….I’ll just say ‘be nice’. I’ll toss you from an airlock.”

"Malcolm looked taken aback by the sudden change of subject and threat. "Wouldn't dream of being anythin' less, Mr. Winters."

“All in good fun, Doctor. Don’t read too much into it. But she’s a very nice young woman who’s important to me and my family. We all want what’s best for her.”

"We can definitely talk about that in due course. For now, sir, we're set to leave for your quarters as and when you're ready." Thivi said, picking up a medical kit just in case.

"Time to go home?" Alex asked, sitting up once Nash had gotten out of the chair.

Sara heard Malcolm and Nash talking and sat up in her chair as well. "Alex come sit with Brunel, I'll go get our bags and we can all beam back together." Sara gestured Alex over to her seat.

Sara patted Malcolm on the shoulder as she brushed by him on her way back to their room. Alex slid into the seat her mom had been in and watched Brunel and wondered how he was sleeping through all of the commotion.

A few beats later, as if summoned by her thoughts, Brunel started to stir. Blinking his eyes open slowly, he smiled softly, when he saw Alex sitting there, looking at him. He lifted his hands and signed, "Are we home yet?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, mom went to pack all of our things. We should be beaming back soon."

The young teen sat up and stretched, yawning as he did so. When he was done, he signed, "I will be glad to get back home."

"Same. This ship is kinda weird," Alex said. "Everything is just white and silver and serious everywhere."

"And i don't think they have ice cream either."

Malcolm made his way to the transporter room where Eirly was already waiting with his bag. "Thanks for doin' that. I'm gonna try to get some medical equipment set up in the Winters' quarters straight away so I'm not in their business when they're trying to get settled back in."

"I'm sure they're going to be grateful either way for everything you've done for them," Eirly replied as she shouldered her own bag and waited with him. "I know for sure Nash is."

"Yes we are," Sara said shuffling in with their bags. "I'm going to go get the kids, but just use the medical override and let yourselves right in. We'll be right behind you."

J.R entered the transporter room last, PADDs under his arms, bag over his shoulder as he steps onto the transporter pad with a nod and a smile. A job well done by all accounts and a life saved.

"Just in time," Malcolm commented as he nodded to the transporter operator. "I think we're ready now."

The group rematerialized in Astrea's Transporter Room 4, the ship itself fairly quiet as engineering repairs were well underway and most of the crew was enjoying shore leave.

"I don't know about you, Malcolm, but I'm going to find a pot of black coffee." J.R says to Malcolm as he shuffled off towards his quarters...or the bar.

- - -

Sara returned to Brunel's room a short time later without any of their things in tow. Seeing Nash's look she told him, "Their just beaming our things directly to our quarters for us. And when we're ready, they'll transport us from here so Brunel doesn't have to make a trip to the transporter room."

“I suppose that’s a time saver, better for Brunel, too. I’m glad this is over, hon. Aren’t you? I’d like to spend more time with him, but I need to get back to work,” Nash said. He held up a hand to Sara. “I know. I’ll make time for shore leave. We need it. But, at the same time, my staff needs to see my face. Make sure they remember who I am.”

At that moment, Brunel came out of his room, dressed and in his hoverchair while Alex trailed after him. While he was feeling a bit stronger, from before the surgery, he was still weak on his legs. "Morning, Mama! Morning, Papa." he signed with a happy smile on his face.

"Oh wow, hi, good morning, honey," Sara opened her arms and embraced him in a warm hug. "We're ready to go, they were going to beam us from here. You didn't need to get dressed, are you feeling better?" Sara asked concern on her face.

Brunel returned the warm embrace, relishing the contact from his mother. When they released one another, he signed, "I didn't realize we would be leaving straight from here, Mama. I am starting to feel stronger "

"That's great, honey. I'm sure it was good for you to move around a bit. Just try not to overdo it," Sara said with a reassuring smile.

“Hey, buddy….,” Nash said with a smile. “We were just talking about you. Who wants to go home? Astrea can take us right to our quarters. No transporter room this time.” Nash lovingly caressed Brunel’s face and kissed his cheek. “We’re proud of you. You battled through all this like you were Kahless The Unforgettable. He’s the most famous Klingon warrior in the universe, by the way. Anytime you’re ready, ok? What’s the sign for ‘energize’? Make sure you show the Captain when we get back.”

The young teen smiled at Nash as he spoke to him. He was excited to be going home. He hoped that he eould be able to avoid medical treatments for a long time to come. He thought about Nash's question for a moment, then created a new sign for the word, "Energize."

“Ok, then, everyone ready. Alexandra, time to go.”

“Nash to Astrea. The sign has been given. Four to transport. Beam us home.”

“Acknowledged, Commander. Stand by,” said the transporter officer on duty.

In a blink, the Winters family materialized in their quarters, right in the middle of the living area. All their bags and belongings were stacked neatly against the wall between the sleeping area and the living room.

"Looks like we made it," Sara said as the familiar feeling of their quarters surrounded them. "Brunel, you let us know what you are up for, okay. We can help you back to bed, or if you feel like sitting up for a while that's fine too. Our bags can wait."

Brunel thought about it for a couple beats, then replied, "I'd like to sit up for a while, Mama. Perhaps we could play a game, or something?"

"Sure, Alex, why don't you grab the game board. We can pick something out," Before Sara had finished Alex was already in the closet. She carried a flat screen and a box of pieces over to the dining table.

"So, we have some card games like Uno in here. Or there's lots of board games to choose from on the board. What are you in the mood for?" Alex asked, turning the screen on and opening the menu.

Brunel shrugged, then replied. "I do not know. I've never played Uno before. We could try that, if everyone wants to?"

Nash scratched his chin, thought for a moment, and then piped in. “You know, bubba, it’s been awhile since I’ve played this game. But I think your old man can take ya. Ladies, are you in or are you out?”

Alex put the gaming board out of the way and took the cards out of the box and grabbed a seat. Sara took the spot opposite her. "Okay, when you get down to one card you have to yell "Uno," really loud and as fast as you can. Alex and Dad will jump on you if you don't."

For the rest of the evening, the small family enjoyed themselves, laughing, joking, and growing closer together, strengthening their familial bonds.


Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Astrea


Dr. Malcolm Beckett
Sara Winters, & Alex
USS Astrea
NPCs - Johansen


Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea


Brunel Winters
Civilian Family Member
USS Astrea
NPC - Spello


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