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Their Own After Party Part 2, Kasper, Charlie, and a Couple of Bottles

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 12:16pm by Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D

1,766 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: MD 3 or 4... After The Club

After a few minutes, she happened to catch Kasper watching her, and she threw her hands around his neck and pressed her body against his, urging him to move more with the music. She then spun around so her back was to him and put his hands on her hips and danced back into him. "Where's that person you were looking for?" She asked, scanning the crowd without breaking the beat.

Slightly startled out of his trance by Charlotte, Kasper gave into the beat and rhythm and started dancing with her. He was acutely aware of where his hands were and gave her hips a little squeeze. The alcohol was doing a good job of making everything feel fuzzy, including his hands, so he was feeling amazing, Charlotte was feeling amazing, his entire world was feeling amazing!

He bent his head down toward the crook between her neck and collar bone, talking loud enough only for her to hear and not the rest of the club, "Yeah, I did find them, I don't think I need a wingman to get them though." He could feel himself starting to warm up.

Kasper's breath was hot on Charlotte's neck and sent tingles down her spine. She felt the energy between them shift with his last words spoken into her ear like that, their bodies pressed against one another. She suddenly realized she could change the trajectory of the evening with her response, but even though her mind was fuzzy she didn't want to change anything right now.

"Just like a doctor... thinks he can do everything on his own," Charlotte teased, trying to find a way to keep it light as she continued dancing, now keenly aware of the tension building between them. She was starting to feel hot.

"And behind every doctor is a nurse telling him what to do," Kasper replied with a chuckle as he removed his hands from her hips to put one around her waist and picking up on the feeling between them, tugged to make her spin to face him while not breaking the rhythm they had going, "We just don't listen. But I'd listen to you though." He flashed a wild grin.

Charlotte felt her face flush even hotter, the attention from Kasper hitting her hard. When his hand had moved to her waist her breath has caught in her throat, and now that she was facing him it was harder to keep her cool, especially with the alcohol and the dance music pounding in her brain.

"I don't know if that makes you smart or just gullible," Charlotte responded in an attempt to tease him. She then immediately felt like her response sounded dumb and squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment and laughed at herself. "I don't know what I'm saying..." she shook her head back and forth.

Kasper chuckled more to himself than anything as he watched Charlotte, "I'd say more gullible." She was cute when she felt embarrassed. He reached up and pushed her hair out of her face and saw that she was looking a little flushed, "But I think I know what you're saying. We're just the Gods of our profression," then he gave her a wink and playful smile.

"You've had way too much to drink, Mister Doctor. I'm cutting you off," Charlotte said in what might have sounded stern, but she was a bit too drunk herself to come across any kind of serious. There was a conga line forming that she was tempted to join, but she suddenly felt lightheaded.

"Maybe we should go sit?" She suggested, putting her palm on his chest to steady herself.

"Careful now," Kasper replied as he held her hand on his chest and steadied himself too. Wisdom would have it that fresh air was good for both of them at this point, "Come on, let's go outside. Fresh air and all that is meant to be good for us." He moved to hold her hand and guided them outside through a set of doors and into the night air where people were standing around with drinks in hand and chatting.

Navigating them to a couple of free seats, Kasper sat in front of Charlotte with his elbows resting on his legs and his arms hanging down as he leaned in, "You all good?"

Charlotte took a deep breath and felt her energy coming back. "Yeah, I'm great. It was just hot for a second. How about you, Mister Doctor?" She asked, poking him in the arm, the silliness starting to come back. She found herself not wanting the night to end.

Kasper watched and grinned as she poked him in the arm, "I.. I'm great. Here with you, having fun.. I don't think I've been this drunk in a while. Maybe no more of those shots though. I have an idea though," he dropped his voice a bit, "We sneak out of here, grab a bottle or two of something, and go sit at a park and cause chaos there?"

Charlotte lowered her voice as well, "Okay, but who are we sneaking away from?"

"Well, there's a couple of guys who've had their eyes on you for like the last five minutes, and I'm pretty sure there's one woman back inside who will try and corner me if I'm seen alone," Kasper admitted with a laugh as he looked around subtly. He could've gone for another drink but he also needed the bathroom and couldn't make up his mind which was needed first.

"Were they cute though?" Charlotte craned her neck, an amused look on her face as she peered back toward the door.

"I'm gonna say yes?" Kasper asked slowly with a confused look on his face. He didn't exactly go around checking out guys on a regular basis, "Come on Miss Nurse, focus on me for a second," his eyes were full of mischief and the corner of his mouth pulled up in a grin, "You're outta their league anyway. Do you want to keep dancing?"

As hard as it was to hold her head still in this drunken stupor she focused on Kasper at his request. "I thought we were leaving?" She asked confused. She was starting to have a hard time keeping up with the conversation.

"Just making sure you're still with me, that's all." He grinned again and helped her stand up, putting an arm around her shoulders seemingly protectively and leaned in close to her ear as if to say something as they walked past the guys he mentioned earlier. Kasper also saw the woman he mentioned and how her expression fell as she saw Charlotte on his arm.

Once they were outside of the club safely, Kasper took his arm back from around her, "Sorry, won't happen again. But I'll be right back." He'd spied a bottle store just across the road and disappeared, half jogging toward it and leaving Charlotte to walk over by herself. Coming out as she got there, Kasper held out his hands, "Two bottles of wine to keep us going! Unless you want something else?"

Charlotte took one of the bottles from him. "Whiskey beer, Whiskey before beer you're in the clear," she said proudly. "I don't know what they say about wine," she giggled.

Kasper shook his head not having heard that before, "Only that It's the nectar of the Gods," He posed in a regal fashion with his bottle held firmly to his chest. "Let's go before people start thinking we're drunk." He was slurring his words slightly but was still coherent enough to make sense.

"We are drunk," Charlotte said laughing. She handed back the bottle so that Kasper was left holding both bottles and she took off running down the walkway. After 100 meters or so she slowed to a jog and started looking around.

"Where are we going again?" She called out to Kasper.

"Good Lord, woman," Kasper said in an out of breath tone as he caught up to her. How can she be running?! Seeing a sign that was marked Carousel this way, he pointed in that direction, "This way. To the carousel we talked about earlier. Remember? See? I remember things."

Charlotte took one of the bottles back then grabbed his free hand. "What are we waiting for then?!" She exclaimed. "Let's go!" She added as she dragged him in that direction.

Kasper stumbled to keep up with her but made sure he had a firm grip on the bottle so he didn't break it. He loved her enthusiasm for life and felt like her being drunk just enhanced it. The carousel itself was a big old grand machine with bright colours and the horses and various other animals being used as seats were going up and down, around and around at a reasonable pace. The music was dulled for this hour of the night but it still carried a nostalgic tune. It was definitely a sight to behold.

He moved ahead of Charlotte and with a well-executed jump, Kasper managed to get onto the carousel without it having to be slowed down or stopped. Reaching out his hand to Charlotte, "Pass me the wine and then I'll get you up here."

Charlotte jogged alongside to hand him the other bottle, then turned around and walked quickly around in the opposite direction so that she would meet Kasper head on as he came back around. Kasper saw what she was doing and started walking around the moving carousel so that they would meet up sooner. The animals bounced up and down around him as Charlotte approached jumping up on the platform. When Kasper took her by the arm, Charlotte still had the forward momentum from jogging in the opposite direction the carousel was moving and she pitched forward falling into his chest as he caught her.

She paused briefly, caught up in what was almost an embrace, then stepped back tucking her hair behind her ear, her face flushing for what felt like the 100th time this evening. "Sorry, guess I'm a little clumsy," she said with a small shrug.

"Don't apologize," Kasper said softly, still caught up in the moment of her falling into him and he sobered up a little as she moved back. It would've been stupid of him to move forward and into her space right at that moment. Instead, he took a seat on the outer ring of animals between a horse and an elephant and let his legs swing over the edge as he opened one of the bottles.



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