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Eirly's Quest for Drunken Shenanigans, First Food

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 12:18pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen

2,382 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Location: Barisa Prime
Timeline: The Night of MD 3, Morning of 4? We lost track... After "Medical Team Gone Wild"

Eirly had one thing to admit to herself after going out with everyone tonight: she was a lightweight when it came to drinking. Especially if she was drinking Samaritan Sunrises and mixing other drinks with it too. She was somewhat inebriated at this stage, but she could still walk and talk.

She walked out of the bar arm in arm with Malcolm and a cheesy grin on her face as she rested her head on his shoulder as they continued to walk, "I really like you, you know that, right?"

"Oh, I think we worked that bit out some time ago, but I don't mind hearing you say it," he answered cheekily, an amused grin on his face.

"Like I really like you!" She giggled in response before suddenly getting a burst of energy and pushing off him to skip around for a moment before walking backwards while still smiling at him, "So where to now? Somewhere else to get some more drinks and food? Maybe a playground, or go see a show... What do you want to do? Let's have some fun!" She reached out for his hands to take them and join her.

"I really like you too. We might need to get some food in ya first, my bonnie lass. There's been a lot of drinkin' already tonight."

"Oh come on," Eirly whined and pouted, "The food is just going to combat the alcohol and win, and then we'll be sober again."

"How late are we stayin' out? You have to think the long game. I don't want you getting sick on me too early," Malcolm teased.

"Okaaaay... We stay out for a couple more drinks, we get some food in the middle of it, and then we can have some fun" Eirly rolled her eyes in mock defeat and threw her arms around him for a hug and kissed him, "We're not due back at any set time, so we make the most of the night. Please?"

"Anything for you, my love. You know they do have these places that serve both drinks and food. You dunnae have to choose one or the other," he said winking at her devilishly.

"No wonder you're the smart one in this relationship." She admitted with a smirk on her face, "So if we're getting drinks and food, then where are we going? There's what looks like a casino down the road so we can gamble a little bit too, or there's a couple of easy looking restaurants too?"

Eirly took a second to realize that, her eyes going wide, she was acting too much like a teenager and that she should be less exuberant and more placid. In an instant, her whole energy changed and she let the playfulness die down a bit, "Sorry, I should just take your suggestions. How about we just get some food and call it a night?"

"Whoa, whoa, what just happened there? A second ago you were ready to paint the whole town. Did you see a ghost or somethin'?" Malcolm asked emphatically trying to get her energy back up.

"Don't worry, I'm not seeing ghosts." She reassured him, "I always got told growing up that it's not lady like to be acting over the top and like an idiot in public and I guess I forgot that until just now. Alcohol tends to do that though." She was embarrassed enough but still slipped her arm through his and walked in step towards their destination, wherever that was.

"I thought once you were grown up, you got to make your own rules. No one to tell you that cannae have that chocolate cake for breakfast or stay up as late as you want anymore."

"True that" She admitted sheepishly before realizing that the mood had been brought down. "Sorry, this is why I don't drink much: I get into a downer of a mood eventually. I would, however, be open to getting drunk with you and sharing that side more only if we can get a hotel room somewhere for the night and sit on the bed and eat some super moist chocolate cake?" Hopefully that idea lifted the mood a bit.

"It's not that often we'll be at a stop to do this sort of thing, you know. We shouldn't waste it. Who knows when the next time will be. I don't think you want to give up this early," Malcolm goaded shaking her arm a little bit. "This is why I think we need to feed ya. Get that blood sugar back up."

He turned and let them through the open doors of a large hotel casino. Inside, the bright lights and high ceilings made one forget that it was well into the evening hours. They walked into a large open area, a grand hallway that led off into an even larger casino on the right, conceirge was to their left, and it was difficult to tell where the winding hall ended - if it ended. Malcolm took her by the hand and led her at a slightly faster than normal pace past the casino, where three different restaurants had their entrances staged into the hallway. Sample menus were posted, and it was easy to see the atomosphere inside.

"Judging from earlier - and by earlier, I mean approximately seven minutes ago, you were more in the mood to let off some steam than be pampered in an upscale place," Malcolm suggested, pointing to one of the places that seemed to have a lively crowd inside.

Eirly had gazed in wonder at the grandeur of the casino they had just passed and then smelled the aromas of the different foods coming from the restaurants. Too many choices! "But I like the pampering: fluffy slippers, fuzzy robes, sipping on some champagne while getting a massage... What's not to love about that?" She laughed, feeling the happiness returning and the lingering tipsiness disappearing.

"I mean, you didn't have to twist my arm too much for it, but let's get some food and drinks and live it up for tonight!" What trouble could they get into anyway?

"Aye, we can get a room and order hotel service before we leave, but for tonight I was meaning did you want to try the upscale restaurant there to the right where it looks like we might have to behave," Malcolm said noting the difference in atmospheres at the restaurant fronts. "Or did you want to try the place that looks a wee bit sportier?"

"Adulting would mean going to the upscale restaurant and being fancy and all that, but I kinda really want to go to this one," She pointed to the sportier restaurant and started moving toward it, "So how about we get some hopefully really yummy food and drinks here? Believe it or not, I'm quite keen to try out some different cocktails if they've got them?" She knew it was contradictory to what she said before, but Malcolm was right: it wasn't often they got to do things like this.

"Aye, here we go then. I hope they have fried pickles," Malcolm said leading the way.

Inside the door he pointed to some open seating at the bar. "There or table?"

"Really? Fried pickles?" Eirly asked with a shake of her head and laughed, "How are we even dating? I'm happy to just get a seat at the bar if you are."

"Have you even tried them!" Malcolm exclaimed as he led the way to a couple of seats at the bar. "Not replicated, hot, fresh out of the fryer."

She shook her head again, "I can't say I have, but it sounds like an American thing for sure. I guess you haven't tried something like fried pickled herring then, ja?" She raised an eyebrow and smirked. It wasn't exactly one of her favourites, but she still ate it when the whole family got together.

"No matter where it originated, fried pickles are a bar food delicacy. Can't say I've had pickled herring, but I'm sure it's less offensive to most than haggis," Malcolm teased. He raised a couple of fingers, and the bartender stopped to wait on them.

Her eyes widened in recognition, "Ooh, I've heard of that and seen people's reactions to trying it. Based on that, I'm sorry to say but I think I'll give that a wide miss." Her nose wrinkled in unpleasantness at the thought of it. Turning to the bartender, Eirly ordered a drink, "Can I please get an Andorian Sunrise?"

"Scotch on the rocks, fried pickles, and..." Malcolm turned to Eirly to see if she wanted to add an appetizer.

Eirly wrinkled her nose at the mention of fried pickles again, but this time did so with a smile, "I'll get the fried chicken poppers?" Turning back to Malcolm, "I guess I'll just have to try them, yeah? The fried pickles, I mean. You can have the scotch on the rocks all to yourself."

Malcolm situated himself on the barstool so that he was facing her more than the bar and his legs were angled outward framing Eirly in her seat. He propped his right foot on the bottom rungs of her chair under her back, and lightly brushed the small of her back with his right hand.

"They're made with a salty pickle, not a sweet one," he said picking up the freshly poured scotch that was just placed in front of him. "Goes well if you're looking to keep drinking." He leaned in like he might nuzzle her ear, but he didn't get close enough before he pulled back.

He lifted his glass as he saw Eirly's cocktail being presented to her.

The Andorian sunrise was a mixture of red, orange and yellow, served in a hurricane glass with a lime wedge on the side of it, and Eirly could smell the mixtures of alcohol in it: the tequila, the Brandy and the white rum. Tasting it was just as delicious.

As she sipped, her eyes went wide momentarily and she made a happy sound. "Mm, do you want to try some?" She offered Malcolm the drink to try, hoping he would. The small things he did like his hand on her back, the big things like bringing her here or going dancing, she really appreciated it all and hoped he knew it.

"Alright, hand it over," Malcolm said taking the glass. "Does it bring out the color in me eyes?" He asked as he took a sip of the colorful drink.

"A sweet treat," Malcolm said handing her the drink back. "Just like you," he added, lowering his voice.

Eirly rolled her eyes with a smile as she took it back, "Takes one to know one..." She leaned in closer to him and kissed him, "You've got the most brilliant blue eyes out of anyone I know, so be proud of that."

"Well I'm just on me best behavior around you. I know I'm out of my league, I can't be messin' it up now can I?" Malcolm raised his arm that was resting on the small of her back a little higher and gave her a light squeeze.

The bartender brought back their appetizers, placing the fried pickle chips and chicken poppers on the counter with a tray of assorted dipping sauces. When he asked if they'd like anything else, Malcolm piped up. "Yes, I think we were wanting to do a shot. Two Mind Melds?"

Eirly nodded at the choice of shots, it would be something different, and waited as the waiter walked off to go get them. She was looking forward to trying the food, "Tell me. How are you out of your league? And how would you mess that up at all? You've already got me, made a good impression with Kas, and I'm not going anywhere." She took one of the chicken poppers and ate it.

"Well, you've got me beat in the looks department," he said letting her see his eyes gaze over her body for a brief second. "You're much more of an officer than I'll ever be, and then there's all the cooking and taking care of people that you do. I think I know when I'm dating up. Trick is to keep you from realizing it."

Eirly simply raised an eyebrow and grinned, feeling herself go red for a multitude of reasons, before she picked up her drink and drunk from it again, "Now who's having the confidence crisis?" She grinned again, "You're perfect the way you are, and I love it. I wouldn't change a thing, if I'm being honest. You're caring, kind, funny, and I'm surprised I haven't managed to frustrate you into speaking fluent Scottish yet. And you're not dating up and I'm not dating down." She leaned back in towards him and stroked the side of his face, focusing on actually looking at him.

Malcolm laughed. "Like I said, as long as I have you fooled." He gave her a playful wink, as their shots were set down in front of them.

He held his up, "To dating up?" He said jovially.

"To dating," Eirly corrected with a coy smile and the raising of her own glass.

Malcolm threw back his shot then chased it with a bit of scotch and grabbed a few of the fried pickles with his fingers and put them in his his mouth. The tangy saltiness was the perfect contrast to the scotch.

"Okay, so if you could do anything you wanted tonight, what would it be?" Malcolm asked.

Eirly followed suit by throwing back the shot and chasing it with her own drink, the sweetness in both drinks becoming slightly too much and making her wince, "Ooh that's sweet!" She shook her head, "I'm fairly certain that by the end of the night, the answer to that will be you,but in the meantime, I'll settle for... something crazy and spontaneous that'll have us wondering how we got to this point in the morning."

She grabbed one of the smaller pickles and bit into it, immediately tasting sourness and scrunching her nose up, "Nope, not for me, sorry. At least you know I'll never steal these from you!" And she laughed.



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