An Open Position
Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Ryan Keel & Captain Remy Johansen
2,023 words; about a 10 minute read
Side Plots
Location: Barisa Prime Starbase
Timeline: Barisa Prime, MD 5
The Bridge was empty except for a security officer and two members of an engineering crew who were running some final diagnostics on recent repairs. Shore leave was winding down for most of the crew and they were beginning to report back in, but there wasn't a need for a proper Bridge crew for another day or so. Captain Johansen stepped onto the Bridge from the turbolift and addressed the crew to remain as they were before they had a chance to react to her presence and made her way to the Ready Room.
"Computer, hold the door open," she directed, as she stepped through the door preventing it from closing behind her. She was expecting her a potential candidate to run the diplomatic division to show up anytime. She'd been hoping to get the spot filled soon, especially given the nature of their mission.
Keel fiddled with his cuffs as he rode the turbolift, his security escort standing quiet. They can never get the damned things right, he thought, irritated that yet another set of uniforms would have to be recycled. Catching himself in the reflection from the turbolift control panel, he forced himself to still, mentally singing one of his favourite Rigelian tunes. Astrea was easily one of the most impressive ships he had seen.
Coming in to the main shuttlebay, he had admired how the Galaxy-class refit vessel had been put together, the additional nacelles detracting nothing from the classic silhouette he'd grown up admiring. The additional phaser cannons and photon torpedo launchers appealed to the Marine in him, a display of power that could be used to back up the Federation's word as a last resort.
He was uncharacteristically nervous as the doors opened, depositing him on the Bridge. His security escort motioned for him to follow to the Captain's Ready Room, door open. Keel held his PADD containing his transfer orders in both hands to keep either from fidgeting. He was good at his job - he knew that - but he wanted to make the right impression too. As he stepped to the open door, he cleared his throat.
'Captain Johansen, I believe we have an appointment?'
"Lieutenant Keel? Come on in," Johansen replied as she walked out from behind her desk to greet the new arrival. "I'm glad the timing worked out that we could meet in person." Remy took a few steps over to a sitting area that was to left and tucked slightly behind the door.
"We can chat over here," the captain suggested, gesturing to the plush chairs. "Can I get you something to drink?"
Keel moved to the chairs, and nodded, 'just some water if you don't mind.' He looked over the well-appointed Ready Room, and felt a twinge of jealousy. I'd certainly like an office this nice, he thought to himself as he took a seat. From the short bio he'd dug out on the transfer transport over to the Astrea, he'd judged the Captain to be taller than what she appeared in reality. He had no doubt though she was just as formidable as what he'd read.
"Absolutely. I apologize for the mess around here," Remy said as she walked to the replicator to order a pitcher of water with three glasses and bucket of ice. She carried it over to the coffee table that was arranged between the seats. "We got hit with a few rounds of... novel ballistic weaponry trying to run down the Atarans this last missions. One of the nacelles was completely down. Our Chief engineer also didn't like how slip stream was configured, so we've got engineers crossing wires all over the place right now."
As Remy set the tray down she perched on the edge of her seat, prepared to pour the Lieutenant a glass of water. "Ice?" She asked.
'No, thank you,' Keel replied with a smile. 'I noticed some work on the nacelles on the way in. I have to say it's surprising that anyone would use ballistics in this day and age. You must have gotten up close and personal with ... the Atarans, you said?' Engineering wasn't a particular interest of his, so let the comment about the slip drive pass him by. The Engineers would sort it with their usual competence no doubt.
Remy nodded as she poured a glass of water and handed it to Ryan, then a second glass for herself. "The Atarans are a long story, but one you might find interesting." Remy took a drink of water and put the glass back on the table.
"Tell me what you've liked about working in the diplomacy division?" Remy asked. She leaned casually against the right armrest on the chair as she waited for his answer.
'That's a tough question to answer,' Keel admitted as he took a sip of his water. 'In all honesty, I really enjoy the research aspect of it. With most of my assignments, it's involved First Contact work, so there's been plenty of forewarning in order to do the prep work. It's when we're up against it, needing to provide comprehensive advice in a short amount of time that's excited me. When it leads to success, it's a great feeling.'
He leaned back in his chair a little, and adjusted the way he sat, 'the opportunity to interact and enter negotiations with other species and powers has been interesting too. Seeing them up close, what makes them tick. Ultimately being a part of finding solutions that benefit both the Federation and them has been a pleasure.'
"Really?" Remy responded with some surprise. "That's interesting and a bit exciting. I can't say I've been present for many First Contact projects. This last one was a bit of an accident. We thought we were looking through abandoned wreckage. A science mission."
Remy shifted her wait so she was sitting up straighter. "The work you'd be doing for us is likely to be less glamorous, but I'd like to think it's just as meaningful. Maybe even moreso."
'The Astrea is out on the frontier,' Keel replied earnestly, 'it's some of the most meaningful work there is.' He flashed a quick grin. 'Besides, I applied for the Astrea for the Chief position. I've been a part of many missions, but never headed up a negotiation myself. What I wanted was more responsibility, and a chance to influence things for the better.'
"The department could use some leadership," Remy admitted. "There is some young blood there, and the officers are hungry for experience. And many of our smaller member worlds have been vocal about wanting to feel more heard with the Federation Council. On top of that we have the Romulan Free State forming and no one really knows what that is going to look like, but we've got front row seats. If you take this position, you'd be balancing a lot. Shifting gears quickly in some instances."
"Of course, we'd support you. I've been working in the region for the last year and a half. And my first officer and chief flight control officer have their own unique connections - as I'm sure you do too."
'I have a small network of colleagues that can help out if needed,' Keel confirmed. 'I'm sure they'll come through in a pinch. And I'm sure I'll lean on your connections, at least initially. Nothing beats being the face locals see.' He drained his glass. 'And the department sounds ideal, young and hungry are a good combination.'
"I agree," Remy nodded. "Is there anything you'd like me to know, or questions you have?"
'What are the immediate priorities you'd like me to focus on?' Keel asked quickly. 'Beyond the formation of the Free State, that I assume is an ongoing piece of work you'll need me to look in to anyway.'
Remy nodded at the question. "I'm sure you'd want to organize the Department. Figure out everyone's strength's and weaknesses, and then figure out how we can best service the region, particularly the smaller member worlds I mentioned," She replied. "I anticipate potential needs in security or medical requests, we are resource strong in those departments with our Marines and our medical facilities, so those are departments you can tap into for projects as appropriate."
'I'll make sure to liaise with the Chiefs of those departments,' Keel confirmed, making a note on his PADD. He'd need to meet with a member of the Security and Tactical department anyway to get his phaser certs, so getting a feel for their department head would be fairly easy he surmised. He was probably due a check-up. 'Do you have any pending requests for assistance that need following up?'
Remy's attention had drifted unintentionally as they were talking. She was learning her job was going to be a constant juggling of tasks as intrusive thoughts about loose ends still regarding their prior mission, and the fact that a small team had just been deployed ahead of their next mission. She made a concerted effort to bring herself back into the moment.
"I'm sorry, um no, Lieutenant. No pending requests. That's not to say that they won't funnel them our way once the position is filled," Remy stated. "Though, if we do ever have some downtime, I'd encourage you to propose places we should visit. Goodwill gestures as you see fit."
"So what do you think?" Remy asked.
'I think I'm excited to get started,' Keel replied, flashing another smile. 'I'll introduce myself to the department, have them give me a rundown of the local systems and start outreach. I'm sure that they'll also be delighted to compile a dossier of places we can visit for goodwill missions as well. I'm sure you'll be happy to have a DH to take a small amount of weight off your shoulders too.'
"It has been good getting this senior staff positions filled with qualified people. Bigger ship, more responsibilities. And I'll be perfectly candid with you, this is my first year as the CO of a ship, much less one like this, so I imagine I may be changing some things as I come into my own, but the captains that I worked for who always seemed to be able to keep their cool, were able to trust their senior staff on the day to day," Remy explained. "If I pop in and say hi, it's most likely that I need something or just trying to be visible to the crew. Until someone gives me a reason not to, I trust everything I need to know is coming in with reports and at senior staff meetings."
'That's good to know - I understand that I'd be new to the position, but I think I'll be able to handle myself,' Keel replied, ever confident in his own abilities.
The captain stood up, "Well, the position is yours if you want it. I understand if you need time to think, or talk it over with someone you are close with. We are departing the station in about 22 hours or so, but don't consider that a clock on accepting. If you aren't ready by then, I'm sure we can make arrangements for a rendezvous later."
Keel got to his feet and tugged on his uniform to get it to sit better on his frame. 'There's no-one to consult,' he said quickly, smile almost faltering. 'Astrea was the type of assignment I was looking for, and if the ship is as no-nonsense as her Captain, it'll suit me just fine. Of course I'm going to accept.'
"That's good to hear." Remy extended her arm for handshake. "Welcome to the senior staff, Lieutenant."
Taking the hand firmly, and giving it a shake, Keel replied 'I'm looking forward to this.'
Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Ryan Keel
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Astrea