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Starfleet Hates Me

Posted on Sat Feb 17th, 2024 @ 4:37am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Joey #640

1,155 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Deck 12: Counselor's Suite
Timeline: MD: 0 1615 hours

Remy found herself wandering by the Counselor's office, somewhat involuntarily, but also in need of advice. She'd finally taken a break from the Bridge after launch, and was hoping that the Counselor could spare a few minutes for her. She stepped into the main suite to see if she'd find him there.

It had been a pretty crazy week for the ship, Joey was run rampant with admin issues and then had to deal with the most serious patients because of his years of experience. Anyways his clinic had been kitted out with what he requested from Starfleet Medical and it was the most colourful area of the ship.

The Mental Health Nurse, Human, brunette hair lax spanning down her shoulders as if she was Rapunzel who manned the reception desk smiled and greeted Remy, they exchanged convocation and before you knew it, Remy was in the waiting room while the Nurse dashed off down the corridor it must had been a minute before she came back. "He'll see you know." She said, leading her towards his office.

As the Nurse and Remy entered, Joey shot up like a stray energy relay from behind his desk. "Remy, how nice to see you. Thank you, Clara, by the way, you're looking radiant today." Joey stood in front of his desk approaching Remy as the Nurse pulled back out of the room, closing the door behind herself. "Please, have a seat... Or stand," Joey said sitting back down on a Green sofa by a mural of various colours, a sky of yellow could easily be made out but there were other strands of colours and pictograms. "How are you?"

Remy took in a deep breath and sat down. "Oh, just peachy. And you?" She asked. She was warming up to the idea of just laying it all out there to someone she just met. The fact that the person was an android who likely would not forget a single detail of their conversation did not make opening up the conversation that much easier. Still, he was the Chief Counselor, and he was to be the one entrusted with the mental health of the command staff.

Unbuttoning his jacket and flinging it across his lap, he yanked his black t-shirt down. "A bit overworked," He laughed but he could sense something was up. "What's up, Remy? I take this as an off-the-record cheer-up before Bozo the Clown puts on a show for the crew and their family at 20:00 hours? I have to admit his material isn't the funniest for adults but his animals impressions are a killer for kids."

"You know, this is silly. You have a lot on your plate. I'm sorry for stopping by," Remy said, brushing off her uniform pants and standing up to leave.

"At this time?" Joey asked her, she should know the shift patterns of the crew. "The Apha shift is coming off duty soon, Beta shift is waking up. I have plenty of time Commander, now, please. What is bothering you?" He was using her tower of intellect against her by saying now was the best time to see him.

Remy sat down and let out a huff of air. "Oh boy. I'm sure I'm going to sound like I am just whining. I mean taking on a mission as an acting captain is a great opportunity. It just seems a little convenient if you ask me. I mean, just a few days ago Captain Conroy was supposed to be here before we launched, and now he's not. I only have a little over a year's experience as an XO, I haven't even put in for an actual CO spot. But still. It's a good opportunity right? I should be excited?" Remy shook her head.

"But on top of all of that, our mission changes last minute, and now my ex is tagging along? Dr. Jackson from HQ's Science Administration Department. Of all the times to have him on board, he's here now? I'm just being silly right? This entire scenario is dumb. I'm overreacting." Remy looked at the Counselor for affirmation.

"It just feels like someone is playing a cosmic joke on me."

Joey bobbed his head like he was listening but really he laughing inside at how emotions made Humaniods imperfect. "Remember the Attack on Mars? The Federation had no intel on the attack, and Starfleet Intelligence was purged thereafter. Without intelligence, there is no intel correct?" He asked rhetorically knowing he was being cryptic. "Captain Tryla Scott was the fastest person to become Captain. How did she get there? She questioned everything gaining intel."

The android threw his jacket aside and stood up, meeting Remy halfway. "The right person in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up, wake up and smell the ashes... Question everything, your former partner has a purpose onboard. What is your purpose for commanding this ship?"

"That is actually an excellent question. Until two days ago, Captain Morgan Conroy was supposed to be here by now," Remy stated. "I have been questioning the fleet admirals on this daily - sometimes twice ever since I arrived to Jupiter station to start receiving crew, and I have never been so stonewalled with information in my career."

She looked at the Android in the eyes. "And I'm sure you are aware about how little information I was given when they shut down my research into finding cures for silicone based pathogens after the synth ban. This was even stranger than that," she said. "And I can be downright insubordinate when Admirals pull that shit. I can't imagine they *want* me running this ship."

"Rule breakers work best on their feelings and not guts therefore they need an awe-inspiring Acting CO for a developing crisis." Joey did know what she meant by the Synth ban, but in his eyes, those Soung-wannabe androids were just jokes compared to how superior he was.

"Okay, so enough with the aphorisms, tell it to me straight. You obviously have a wide knowledge base and an analytical brain. What do you think is going on?" Remy asked.

Remy had assumed the role of Captain quite quickly, one minute looking for help then looking for the truth. "The Tal Shair was the main legal force for this region and known throughout the galaxy as a brutal force. The Romulan Sun went supernova early, so early it was not in the early prediction timeframe." He stated, turning back and sinking into the green sofa. "The Tal Shair could be back..."

"I'm certain they were never gone," Remy said bluntly. "We can continue this later, Counselor. I have work to do." Remy stood up and excused herself from the session. "I appreciate your time.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Astrea


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