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Raktajino, With A Side of Women

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 10:44pm by Attaché Phesg Tel'im
Edited on on Tue Apr 2nd, 2024 @ 1:33am

552 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Officer's Mess

OOC: Can we please continue this JP? Thanks! - (Shelly)

Shelly and Andrea were sitting at a table in the lounge drinking some sort of strong coffee that was a bit unusual to them. But, they forgot the name of it since they never had it while at their military training camp in Gillette, Wyoming. At the same time, they were happily talking and smiling at each other. They were conversing on having a few more women to be in love with someday. And, at the same time, they were giving off some pheromones that only women could smell, especially of the Romulan, Vulcan, Klingon persuasion (and, possibly) a Human persuasion and they did not realize it at the moment.

Tel'im entered the lounge set aside for officers. Though she usually would have gone for Ten-foreward to have a relaxing cup of something, she didn't want to get in the way of others, and thought she might find some new faces to meet. Ordering herself a cup of Lesian tea, she peered around. Spying two women, one human and the other definitely not, she headed in their direction. "May I join you?" she asked the pair, even though they seemed engrossed in each other.

Shelly replied, "Oh my. Yes, you gorgeous salty goodness." Both Shelly and Andrea licked their lips as they liked what they saw so far. Andrea winked at Shelly in complete approval.

Tel'im choked slightly and sat. "Goodness, wasn't expecting that kind of greeting..." She studied the lieutenant. "Pardon me, but you're some mixture of species--human, Bajoran, and... Vulcan? Rigelian? Not in a bad way, just..." She snapped her fingers. "Ah--I remember you from the party. Lieutenant Giverra, Helm, yes? And you must be Ensign Mitchell--pleasure to meet you both."

Shelly giggled a bit and said, "Yes, Helm, but my last name is pronounced as Guevera. I do have Human, Bajoran and Romulan DNA as well as some Feline DNA." Andrea replied, "It is a pleasure to meet you." Then, Andrea and Shelly said in unison, "We are glad to meet you." They continued to look at Tel'im with such wonder and amazement at her beauty. They were hoping that she would pick up on their pheromones as they became so attracted to her, but, they maintained their composure for the moment.

"Pleasure... So, you two together?" The Romulan quirked an eyebrow at their unison speaking, but she'd seen it before.

Andrea and Shelly replied in unison, "Yes, we are. But, we are also looking for two additional women for us to one day get married too." Andrea happily grinned at Shelly and then said, "It is our custom and how we were raised." Shelly happily smiled at Tel'im and asked, "Are you dating anyone?"

"I'm married, actually, but my wife is far away... We have an understanding that, as long as we communicate, and stay true to one another, other women are not a problem... I wish she were here, though."

Shelly and Andrea happily grinned at each other and Andrea replied, "Congrats to you on being married and are open to other women, of course. Communication is also important." Shelly also replied, "You know, you can be with us when your wife is not here, if that is okay with you and your wife."




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