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The Science Conference

Posted on Fri Feb 9th, 2024 @ 4:49am by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Captain Remy Johansen

2,001 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: Vancouver Island, Earth
Timeline: March 3, 2383 1200 hours

Remy Johansen let out a bored sigh as she walked out of the third panel presentation for the day.

To herself or no one in particular she muttered, "I don't know why I bother coming to these, the presentations are so dry and sanitized, every second year science student at the Academy should know this stuff."

Vila Johnson, as she was currently known, was also exiting the panel. She, however, had liked the topic-"Molds and their practical applications." She had a fondness for botany, but it wasn't her specialty-she simply thought that flowers were pretty. She saw the interesting looking redhead muttering.

"Aw, it's not that bad, is it? I could be biased, though, the presenter is the wife of a friend of my husband's," she said. Ben was one of those people who knew EVERYONE and made friends easily. Vila was friendly, but less socially inclined and had only a small circle of close friends, most of them from her time in the Resistance. "That said, I read there's a luncheon now. Care for some company?" Young Vila smiled. "I can't promise that it'll be a good spread-the Fleet doesn't usually spring for that kind of thing for us. If we were doctors, maybe..." She made a face. "Besides, it'll be nice to sit in a room with other adults and have a hot meal to myself for once. I have a kid and..well. My time is no longer mine," she explained.

Remy looked over, startled to hear a response. "Oh sorry, if I insulted someone you know. The presentation was fine if you're into that. It's just that I know we're working on meatier things than this. I can read about molds anytime. I want an opportunity to pick the brains of people working on front line kind of stuff. That's what we're out there doing when we're under pressure, you know." Remy knew because she was working on meatier things than this, and Starfleet refused even a sanitized version of the topic. She was certain there were others out there as well.

Vila laughed. "It's ok, Lahki can handle it," she said. "I admit that botany is sort of my side passion, so for me, it's interesting but I do understand. It's a much more useful application of my time to learn more about Boson particles or something," she said. "Let's go," she said. "What kind of meatier, battle-ready things do you mean?" The Bajoran was a chemist by training, and on their current posting, she and Ben did most of the lab type work, or were sat at the console.

"Artificially created black holes, ethical issues in synthetic workers - holographic workers too, dangers of carbon based life and silicone based life interacting, weaponizing solar anomalies, temporal mechanics. They want to leave it a mystery, while yet expecting us to be competent enough to get everyone out of a pickle when something shows up," Remy said bluntly. "And that's really just naming a few." Remy had buried her own research in the list she had babbled off, along with that of some of her colleagues.

Vila nodded as they made their way to the banquet hall. Sure enough, it was sandwiches and such-finger foods that wouldn't sustain a child, let alone bored adults. "I see. That actually sounds interesting," she said. "I did a bit of work with black holes at the Bajor Science Institute a few years back. Well, technically, it was on the ship but I was on staff there as a research fellow," she said. "If you remove the double helium particles, it collapses," she said. "I was only able to sustain it for a short time-about fifteen seconds-but it was fun," she said. "My husband is also a scientist, but he does Astrometrics," she said. "He's on dad duty this time," she said. It had been years since she'd left them home alone, and she was bored.

Remy plated some of the finger foods, ignoring the sandwiches. She lowered her voice a bit as they walked the food line. "Everyone is acting a little too safe since the war ended. Or at least trying to put up that face. There are still real threats out there, and in this day and age they need us informed on a wide-spread basis, not working in quiet little pockets of study."

Vila nodded. "You're telling the wrong person," she said. "I lived through the Occupation of Bajor. I recognize the need for scientific responses, not just to revive a planet's surface but such to improve weaponry, defense, and so on," she said. Vila helped herself to a sandwich, some grapes, and whatever the brown stuff was. As she'd suspected, the Science Council hadn't sprung for much. Could they, next time, get a conference on Risa or something like the doctors did? Quite unfair.

The two found a table near a window overlooking the ocean. "Yeah, well. It's just a little hard to sit through this fluff when I have actual research I've been working up in response to real threats. Others here too. That's what these conferences should be about." Remy shook her head as she put a shrimp roll in her mouth.

Vila nodded. "Yes, I agree," she said. "For a few of us, it's a paid vacation, though," she said. Some days, she'd sit through a lecture on wall painting if it meant a few hours away from her responsibilities. Then, a stately looking man entered. "OH SWOON. Who is THAT?" She asked, pointing with a fork at the door.

"He works for the Department of Research blah blah blah," Remy commented dismissing him with her hand. "He's behind the scenes managing this thing. I told him what I thought of the topics this year too."

"I see," she said. "He's cute, though. If I weren't married, I might have to go chat him up," she said. "What about you? Do you have a family?" Vila asked, biting into the sandwich.

Remy shook her head as she took a drink of water. "No, no time for that right now. Maybe ever. Not really in a spot in my career where that would work, and I like where I am at. I'd like it better if HQ's science department didn't have their heads up their asses," Remy let her voice get louder as Jackson walked by.

Jackson stopped in his tracks, pausing a moment before turning around to face the women, the left side of his face scrunched up a bit in thought. He saw Remy and his face relaxed in recognition as he pointed Remy out. "You again. I thought we already talked about that." Daniel extended his hand to Vila, "Dr. Daniel Jackson, research developer for Starfleet Headquarters, and you are..." he let his voice trail off for Vila to finish his sentence.

Vila smiled. "You two know each other?" She looked slyly at Remy. "I am Lt. Dr. Vila Johnson," she said. She had long forgone the traditional Bajoran naming customs. Ben had always, always just called her Vila, so she was used to it now. Besides, "Johnson Vila" sounded stupid. "And uh, yeah. We ALL wish the Council would remove their heads from their asses," she said. "We're a bunch of scientists and not one of us have figured out a cure for that kind of incompetence," she said, shaking her head. "Please, join us, Dr. Jackson," she said, indicating a seat. "I was just asking Remy if she had a family after telling her about mine," she said.

"I'm sure Dr. Jackson has better things to do than sit here with two disgruntled clients. He's running this little show," Remy said. She took another drink of water and eyed him over her glass.

"Thank you, Dr. Lorut," Daniel said, giving her a slight bow of appreciation. "I would actually, but I'm speaking on one of the next panels and we are getting ready to coordinate now." Daniel looked at Remy. "But if the two of you would like to tell me more about how we can make this a better event next year, there is a local restaurant up the street. Service is a bit better than here, I'll admit."

Realizing he'd held Remy's gaze for longer than necessary, he blinked and turned to Dr. Lorut. "We could all have dinner there, and skip whatever they are serving here." He turned back to Remy.

Remy scoffed, "After what just happened earlier, you're offering dinner?"

Vila looked from Remy to Daniel. Hmmm....She simply smiled, though.

"Well, I am up for that. I have a lot of input, really. But if you're busy, please go, and we'll meet tonight. And you two can tell me what's going on with these little heart eyes," she said, a sly look on her face.

Daniel squinted in response to Vila's answer. "I - I think you must have misread things. The Lieutenant and I just met yesterday, and we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. This would be a purely professional dinner, friendly-friendly professional dinner, among colleagues and hopefully we can be friends and resources for one another as well. That's all I meant."

Remy rested her head on one hand as if she were bored and started into her chips. "Sure, whatever."

Vila simply shrugged. "Sorry," she said. But she wasn't. She wasn't born yesterday, after all. "I guess I must've. Anyway. If you don't want to join him for dinner, I will," she said, a sly smile. She was married, so nothing would happen, but she was in need of companionship. She didn't have many friends on the ship, and she only knew Lahki here at the conference, and now, Remy.

"I'll ignore Ms. Johansen's lack of enthusiasm for now, and just take is a challenge to be more entertaining than this conference later," Daniel responded. "I'll make reservations. See you both in the hotel lobby at 1930?"

Remy sat back up a little straighter. "Yeah, sure. Decent food right?"

Vila raised an eyebrow. "1930. uniforms. I don't wear one if I don't have to," she said. She finished her sandwich. "Alright, what's next for you? I have the panel on "Galaxy Blasters-inside a black hole," which is sure to be absolutely scintillating," she said, with a sigh. Next time she left the boat alone, could she at least end up on Risa or something?!

As Daniel walked off Remy picked up an agenda from the table. "Archaeology: The Key to Technology More Advanced Than Our Own." Remy tossed the agenda aside. "See you at 1930. No uniforms, but I'm not dressing up."

As the women parted, Vila went to the final panel of her day-the Black Hole panel. It was actually interesting, but her mind was a million miles away. She went through her wardrobe options in her head. She could replicate something, of course, but she had brought along a nice dress that wasn't too over the top. That'd do. She tuned back in just in time for the Q&A session. She asked a few questions, and, as soon as they were dismissed, she hauled her ass up to her hotel room, and got ready.

Remy managed to catch Dr. Jackon's panel. He was intelligent, but as with the entire conference, everything seemed to be filtered and watered down. She found herself restless in the time between the last panel dinner. When it was time to get dressed everything seemed kind of blah. She had told Vila that she wouldn't be dressing up, but then found herself in the predicament of what to wear.

Everyone always said she looked good in green, so that's what she chose. A dark green top, and fitted pants. If nothing else, it wouldn't look like she was trying too hard.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea


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