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Inside the Docked Shuttle

Posted on Fri Feb 9th, 2024 @ 2:26am by Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign Dani Harper & Captain Daniel Jackson PhD
Edited on on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 4:52pm

1,297 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: The Nostromo, Unexpectedly Docked to an Alien Vessel
Timeline: MD 1: 15:15 Hours

>>> Continuing from the JP "From the Shuttle, A Closer Look" >>>

Ensign Dani Harper holstered her tricorder and looked to her commanding officers for their next move.

"I know Commander Johansen said to stay, and we will until we hear back from her I'm sure. But what's the harm in looking?" Daniel asked. "I mean if we can't undock, we can only do so much from in here. The answers are inside that ship," Daniel suggested, ever the scientist always wanting to push the limits of exploration.

Shelly gave a rather disturbing and unapproving glare at Daniel Jackson and said, "Now wait just a damned minute, sir, but Commander Johansen gave an order and we will comply and wait for further orders." Shelly was not having it and not complying with Johansen's orders. Then, she continued saying, "You will satisfy your curiosity once given the order to go in. We will all be able to do so." Shelly was feeling a bit nervous as well.

"Whoa, I didn't say to disregard her orders. But Commander Johansen is going to call back and ask for our recommendations. It is worth considering. I've been studying this technology for a while, Ensign Harper is correct about the readings. We just activated a trigger of some kind - like what happened with the bracelets. There should be a switch, but it isn't going to be in here," Daniel posited.

Shelly replied, "Very good." Then, she thought for a moment and said, "What I wouldn't give to check out their flight controls. That is so tempting to me." She evilly grinned at the thought and silently chuckled at that thought as well.

"We were only to do a visual inspection of that ship. No one said dock with it. If I am wrong, say so." Mundy looked at the others. "That ship," he pointed to the ship out the viewscreen, "used some sort of tractor to force us to dock. To me, that sounds like hostile intent. We should try to release the ship, and move to a safe distance."

Shelly looked at Mundy and said, "I tend to agree with you 100%, Lieutenant. It looks more like more than sounding like hostile intent. It seems to me that something or someone wants to start something with us. But, I am going to try your idea to release us." Shelly turned back to her controls and tried her best to release the Nostromo without damaging it, but, to no avail and she said, "Damn it." She was irritated and frustrated.

“Nash to Nostromo. The docking port on the alien vessel is giving off some kind of radiation. You could get into serious trouble once you get inside. And the interference from said radiation will make emergency beam out problematic. I’m sending over transport enhancers to fix that . Also, Shelley I’m going to need you to adjust the polarity of the field coils. Once that’s done, send an isomagnetic pulse to compensate for the radioactivity. I’ll transmit the new frequency for the field coils. Initiate a five second burst when you’re ready. Beaming over the enhancers and transmitting new frequency now. Please let me know that you have it. Nash out.”

Shelly turned around and saw the enhancers appear and then she saw the frequency and replied, "Copy that. Thanks, Commander Nash." Then, she looked at the crew and said, "Please set up the Enhancers while I do my thing." Shelly then began initiating a five second burst. She turned to her fellow crew and said, "What are the results? I am maintaining my job." Then, she tapped her comm badge and said, "Lt Guevera to Commander Nash, what are the results on your end, sir?"

Tel'im moved from her chair and grabbed an enhancer. "Mr. Mundy, I could use a hand?" she querried the Operations officer.

“Looking good, Lieutenant. Sensors show 200 rads and dropping. Check your scans. Once the levels get to 50 rads or so it should be safe. Just don’t take off your EV suits to be on the safe side. And…Shelley, it’s just “Nash”, ok? Good luck everyone.”

Shelly replied, "Understood, sir." Shelly continued to look at the sensors which, to her, seemed like an eternity.

"I wouldn't be too alarmed," Dr. Jackson told the team. "With this type of low level energy it would take a day or so to feel any real effects. Think of it like being in the sun too long. This won't give us a sunburn, but a similar type of exposure level."

Shelly said, "What? I don't relish the thought at all." She shook her head as it bothered her. Soon enough, the levels went down to at 52 rads. Still, the idea of this slow exposure bothered her, though, it would take a little bit longer for her to feel any real effects. Though, it did scare her since she would have rather bad effects than the rest of her away team.

Dani stood up and picked up one of the enhancers and looked at Mundy. "There's not really a ton of room for these things in here. Where do you want me to start?"

"The best place would be to around the ship, and near the docking port." Mundy moved closer to Dani and whispered, "Don't worry, we will get out of this."

"Sure," Dani shrugged. She was trying to play it cool and not say much. "Looks like the levels are still dropping at a steady pace." She gestured with head toward Shelly's station before moving toward the back with one of the transporter enhancers.

=^= "Shuttle Team, this is Commander Johansen. We're reading levels closer to 15 rads now. Winters' little trick worked fast, but it's slowed down for now. We're beaming down a security contingent to meet you on the other side of the airlock assuming it's safe. If they run into any trouble we'll be looking to beam out." =^=

Mundy went to the back of the shuttle and returned with a hand phaser and a phaser rifle.

Shelly grabbed her high profile AK-47 Rifle and a Glock Hand Gun as her weapons of choice as she did not like using any Starfleet issued Phasers of any kind. Shelly was a grand master of using these types of weapons and a sharp shooter and won numerous awards. Also, her feline instincts kicked in as well and became more and more alert and was ready to board the alien vessel.

Dani chose a simple standard issue phaser, and then was somewhat alarmed when she saw what Shelly had brought aboard the shuttle. "Do those fire bullets?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes, they do," Daniel said as he looked disapprovingly over at the firearms.

Shelly looked at Daniel and said, "What? These are more effective than those phasers and has much more of a kick. And, FYI, I am not sorry that you disapprove. Besides, it is my preference."

"Don't underestimate a good old-fashioned slug-thrower. Romulan ground forces used them to great affect against the Jem'Hadar," put in Tel'im from where she was finishing setting up an enhancer. "Set..."

From elsewhere, Vila's voice trilled down the COMMS. =/\=Lt. Mundy, we're ready to board if you are. Commander Nash, on my order.=/\= she said. She signaled to her team. =/\=Do it.=/\=. It was the order to open the Airlock and meet them. With luck, it wouldn't take long.


>>>> To Next Post Boarding the Alien Vessel Initial Response Team >>>>>

Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer (2nd Officer)
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Jules Mundy
Chief Operations Officer
USS Astrea

Attaché Phesg Tel’im
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Astrea


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