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Closer than Expected: Status and Recommendations

Posted on Thu Feb 8th, 2024 @ 7:33pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant JG Cheryl Barton & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren
Edited on on Fri Feb 9th, 2024 @ 3:57am

1,695 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Main Bridge, USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 1: 1500 hours


"Lieutenant Guevera, do you still have control of the Nostromo?" Remy asked as she watched the shuttle become docked and locked onto the larger vessel. Remy looked at Vila and pointed at science ops. She wanted every scan the ship was capable of ran, but she didn't want to announce orders while keeping an open comm with the shuttle.

From the Science console, Vila stood, watching the data pour in. "Tachyons are elevated, probing that. No life signs, as previously reported, but there's damage to the aft, left outer hull," she said. "Their ESH isn't responding, either. Must be fully dead in there," she said, her brown eyes scanning back and forth as she read the onslaught of data. "Probes are sending back climate control information-SOMETHING is alive in there, or at least the backup power systems are still working, but likely running only essential life support," she said. She wasn't an engineer or ops person, though, so she could only guess.

“You might need to widen the scan for life signs- if you’re using the default settings, it doesn’t pick up plant life, small animals, and bacteria. If the life support is still on, some mushrooms might have thrived in the cold, dark depths of space.”

"I'm aware," she said into the Comms. "They are set for boolean settings-fine tuning, however, will be a good idea. I will remove humanoid life from the program. I am sure molds will be among what is found. Likely bugs, rodents, maybe flora," she said. "Keep an eye out for all of that, Ghiram," she said, making the necessary adjustments.

“Yes ma’am, thank you for reminding me to do my job, ma’am.” Ghiram said, his fingers gliding across the console.

Vila smiled. "Anytime!" She settled back down, pleased.

“Captain, despite the docking procedures, still no power readings coming from the alien vessel. Whatever is happening, it’s a totally independent system that’s operating that aperature,” Nash said.

Shelly looked at her console and said, "I agree with Nash. Personally, I do not like what is going on." Whatever was going on in the ship is giving her the wiggins' which is unusual for someone with a disciplined mind and personality.

"Johansen, we have an abundance of tachyon particles in the area of the docking port," Vila said. "Lt. Ghiram is going to take some local scans. Do we know if temporal activity is a possibility?" She wished she knew more about this race.

“Just because there’s tachyons doesn’t mean there’s temporal activity- that’s like saying just because there’s wind, there’s going to be a tornado.” Ghiram rolled his eyes and started sifting through the data from the probe. “We’ve got tachyons, but none of the other conditions required for a temporal event to be a genuine risk.”

Vila replied. "I am aware, Lieutenant. Please double check the probe for any kind of atmospheric anomaly, as well. Perhaps a wormhole or somesuch." She sighed deeply. She was used to sassing back, or being the one to sass at the Engineering types who thought that putting things into Jefferies Tubes made them command material. Any monkey could wield a wrench. It took brains and tenacity to put yourself in front of possible chemical exposure and such on the daily.

Nash addressed the away team from his engineering station on the Bridge. “Shelley-it’s Nash. I’m reading no energy signatures over there. There’s some self-contained system that’s within the docking ports. Be careful. Nash out.”

From the Science console, Vila spoke directly to the away team. =/\=I have scanners on. Be aware of temporal activity-the chronitons in your locations are abnormally high. Remind everyone to suit up. =/\= She shook her head. She missed away team stuff, but she didn't mind sitting behind a console, reviewing data as it poured in. =/\=Are your Tachyon readings high at your location?=/\=

Dani had sprung to action and had been accessing one of the aft stations since they lost control of the shuttle. =^= Negative Commander Lorut, not reading Tachyon particles, but I am getting the same anomalous low-frequency energy readings that the bracelets and the controller were giving off when they were in activated status. Dr. Jackson noticed that there appeared to be trace amounts of what appeared to be a similar metal around the docking ring. =^=

Vila raised an eyebrow. =/\=Thank you, Ensign.=/\= She clicked off, and ran some data through the computer. "That's not good news, Remy," Vila said.


Dani stood up and took a tricorder further back into the shuttle, the airlock still sealed. =^= I believe it's sending the energy through to the shuttle. =^=

Daniel chimed in. =^= We're here, we might as well go take a look. =^=

=^= NEGATIVE =^= Remy's voice echoed on the Bridge as her voice raised significantly in response to Daniel's suggestion. "Nostromo crew, stay put. Gather as much information as you can. We'll be working here. Closing the open comm for now, but call us if anything changes. =^=

Remy stood in front of the viewscreen at the front of the Bridge and faced the crew. "What do we know? We came here to board and look around. Any information on if we let them go will we be able to transport them back?"

Vila looked up. "Well. The metallic readings aren't good," she said. "My mind automatically goes to nanotechnology, but it could also be magnetism. Dr. Winters, down in the Civilian Research Lab had some questions earlier about the makeup of the alien metals but I don't know if anyone from the science department has had time to review it," she said. "At any rate, I don't like it," she said. "If it IS the same metallic compounds...I wouldn't touch it. Think something akin to radioactivity."

Nash proposed a possible solution. “Captain, I have a temporary fix. If the shuttle sends out an isomagnetic pulse through the field coils, it could dampen the radiation. I just don’t know how long it will last. A couple of hours at the most. I can talk Shelly through it. As far as the transporter goes, just beam over some transport enhancers. Boost the annular confinement beam, some tweaks to the Heisenberg compensators. No problem getting our people back to the shuttlecraft.”

Vila looked at Nash, and then to Remy. "It's as good of an idea as any," she said. How did an Engineer come up with that idea?

"Okay, Commander Winters, let's get started on lessening their exposure. Patch a comm through from engineering and get them started on that," Remy ordered. "And have someone get those transporter enhancers ready just in case."

“I’ll get right on it, Captain. I can calculate the correct frequency at which to calibrate the field coils. Should take just a few minutes. Enhancers are standing by. Can transport on your order. Channel is ready to hail Nostromo,”. Nash said

"Commander McEntyre, Lorut. Now that know we can go, opinions on whether we should send additional officers over, or just get the team out now?" Remy asked.

Vila sighed a minute. "Send a few more. Make them wear EV suits. I have some antidote at the ready, and I am sure Medical does, too, but you can't be too cautious," she said. "I'd send another science officer, and maybe a security person," she said.

"I'll go get suited up. Wanna come along, Commander Vila? Teach a Soldier some of you fancy science?" Clay asked with a smile. "I'd also draw Type 3 phasers from the armory and meet in Transporter 3."

Johansen looked at McEntyre then to Commander Lorut. "Commander Lorut, assuming Winters is able to neutralize the radiation problem, we could have McEntyre take in a security contingent to meet the shuttle team on the other side of the docking ring. Assuming an all clear, send the rest of the team over to follow. Thoughts?"

Vila considered for a moment. The fewer people exposed to what is currently higher than usual amounts of radiation was good, but was necessary. After a moment, she nodded. "I think it's the best idea," she said. "Commander, make it crystal clear to your team that they need to wear EV suits and avoid exposing their skin to the elements," she said. "Do it, Johansen," she said, with a sigh. That was the part of Command that was more difficult for Vila-making calls that would put some people in harms way. If people were going to be injured or killed, she'd rather it be her.

"Lt. Ghiram, are you monitoring the radiation levels coming from the docking ring? Has Commander Winters' idea to dampen the effects of the radiation had an impact?" Remy asked.

"Yeah, of course I'm monitoring it- it's at 15 Rads and dropping. It started dropping rapidly, but it's slowed down. Well below the safety threshold." He huffed.

Remy closed her eyes for a brief second. "Thank you Mr. Ghiram."

"Commander McEntyre and Lieutenant S'niri take who you need security wise to Transport Room 3. You'll beam to coordinates inside the vessel and make sure all is clear before the shuttle team opens the airlock and boards," Remy ordered.

"Commander Lorut, go ahead and have your team ready and on standby in down there as well. If all is good there is no reason for you all not to get right to work." Remy gave Lorut a curt nod. Despite how hard she'd worked to make rank the last few years, Remy wasn't sure she wanted to get used to being on this side of command. Staying put did not sit well.

Vila looked at Remy for a minute, hard. Finally, she nodded. "If you are staying put, I can go," she said. "We'll switch next time," she said. She turned away. "You heard the Commander. Let's move," she said, to the assembled crew. "

Taylon followed the data coming in from the docked shuttle, and maintained an open line of communication. It was go time.


> > > > Away Teams Next Post is Boarding the Alien Vessel: Initial Response Team > > > >

> > > >Bridge Officers Next Post is From the Bridge, Part 1 >>>>


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