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Pre-Launch Party, Part 4

Posted on Wed Feb 7th, 2024 @ 3:15pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Attaché Phesg Tel'im
Edited on on Thu Feb 8th, 2024 @ 2:43pm

1,461 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Ten-Forward
Timeline: The Night Before Launch: 2000 hours til morning, After Part 3

[Part 4]

“Oooh, Sara, I think that’s T’Lenn from Science. I think she just arrived a day or two ago. Do you mind if I say hello? I’ll be working close with her on the next assignment. You can come with me…”

She held out her hand to let him lead her. "Of course," she said.

Nash led Sara where T’Lenn was in a conversation with Vila. “Vila, you remember Sara. T’Lenn—I am Nash Winters, Chief Engineer. Welcome aboard. This is my wife, Sara.”

"Nice to meet you," she said. "Hi, Vila," she said. "I'd love to chat one on one sometime," she said.

Vila smiled back. "I'd enjoy that, too. If you'll excuse me, though, the good doctor was going me his art," she said, with a wink.

Malcolm let him self be led away before saying too much. "Art ye said? I'm not much of an artist, were we gettin' ye out of a social pickle there?" he asked, an amused look on his face.

Vila laughed. "Yeah, it's something my ex-husband said once. He is Human. Said it was a thing on Old Earth; the man would invite the lady back to his place under the guise of seeing his art," she explained.

"Can I interest you in a walk then?" Malcom asked. "If yer lookin' te get out o' here I mean." He studied her face a moment, not wanting to misread anything. They were colleagues. But then he couldn't help but let his eyes fall to the rest of her, as well. She was most certainly attractive, and now that she'd mentioned it...

"Sure. I don't think anyone will miss me," she said. "Lead the way, got somewhere in mind? If not, I do," she said. Her quarters, perhaps.

"Well then, by all means," Malcolm responded. "When a beautiful woman tells you where she wants to go, a smart man ought to take her."

Vila simply smirked, and led him out of the room. She was careful to sneak out quietly, so as not to be seen. Still, she knew it would probably be noticed eventually, but she'd just say she'd needed to see the Doc. It wasn't entirely untrue, after all. "Have you ever seen the inside of the Second Officer's quarters?" She asked. "They're bigger than I need, but I love it," she said. "I plan to redecorate when we get some down time. So in about six months' time," she said. She stepped into the Turbolift. "Coming?" She asked him, simply.

Malcolm took a quick look around before stepping into the turbolift with Vila.

T'lenn was left standing near Tel'im. Taylon had managed to find himself engaged in a conversation with the security chief, and S'Niri and Thisbe had not made it back from ordering drinks.

"You must be Tel'im, our Romulan attaché," T'lenn surmised. "I was approaching to greet you, but in the crowded environment I found myself interrupted on my way."

Tel'im smirked at the Vulcan. "Quite... Our collective ears must be rather... Annoyed... With us." She switched over to Vulcan. "Not to mention our noses.... Still, its a nice change from the crowds I'm usually in--children and teenagers. Not mine, fortunately. What about you--any family?"

T'lenn raised an eyebrow at the switch to her native language, the Romulan's tongue surprisingly flawless. "I have elected to focus on my research rather than an intimate partner relationship and procreating if that is what you are referring to. My brother has taken a mate, but both he and his partner do not believe now is a logical time in their careers to have children,"

"I can appreciate that... My sister is raising her own children, as well as a couple from both of our brothers. They were... Careless... And are both now dead--died in the war. My wife and I do not want children, at least not yet... I do miss her, although we may be passing by where she is on our mission... If you wish a partner, I am sure you can and will find one--you seem the logical, attractive type for a Vulcan

Thisbe was listening, but her eyes grew wide as she did. What was she HEARING?! She wanted to interject but couldn't think of anything to say.

"Excuse me," she said to the ladies, and hightailed it to the bar. Once there, she smiled at Taylon. She looked around for her boss, Nash Winters, but he seemed to have left. She took his example, and ducked out, as well, heading to the Station to find a certain Vulcan.

Switching back to standard T'lenn responded. "When it is a logical time for me to find a mate, it is likely that another will be in the same position as well. However, I do find the Human need for companionship fascinating. It is not something that is so... compelling among the Vulcan people."

Tel'im nodded. "We might be cousins of a kind, but I have found that with myself, too. However, I found my wife, and all bets were off as the humans say."

Considering the amount of work he still had yet to do, Kayto knew he wasn't going to make the party. Being the leader he was working toward becoming however, he'd made sure to pass along the time and place to his to lower enlisted. Graxx had decided he wanted to go because he always enjoyed meeting new people and embraced his new role of making social connections wherever possible. It was always good practice for the future when working with diplomats or government officials from other worlds. Fletcher on the other hand was willing to go simply because Graxx was going and because he knew Kayto wasn't going to be there. He was still seething from that fact that despite them now being NCO's, they'd still be subjected to daily room inspections and also would be added to the duty roster for conducting them in their section. Civil Ops was supposed to be exempt from certain duties due to the nature of their mission.

The pair walked into Ten Forward, each wearing a pair of dark slacks, Graxx with a light green shirt and Cormus wearing a gray 3 button Henley. "...I can't believe I have my first rotation tomorrow morning. It means I'll have to be up an our earlier than usual. But if nothing else at least we're only on the roster once every couple of weeks. But it's still ridiculous."

Graxx just smiled at his friend, knowing both of them got each other into the situation and complaining wouldn't change any of it. "How about we have a drink or two and see if we can cut the shop talk for tonight at least?" He loved being his roommate and best friend but at times they wore on one another. This was a perfect opportunity to blow off some steam.

"Well now, this is a good night to celebrate!" Cha'joga declared as she walked into the bar. She'd ditched her uniform for a red dress that complimented her figure perfectly, with a cutout at her bust. Her first port of call: the bar. She ordered a tall glass of firewine and tipped half of it back as she prowled the room in search of someone to chat up. First on the radar: the cute Bolian and his friend.

"'Qavan! It seems like everyone's in a celebratory mood tonight!" She grinned at the two of them with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

Despite all of his enthusiasm to be engaging with others, Graxx was a little intimidated by Cha'joga but did lift a glass of Andorian ale back and gave a slight smile. He felt it was rude not to acknowledge her. Cormus on the other hand couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease his pal considering his current moos at the moment. "No shop tonight, you got it buddy. That Klingon over there looks like a tall drink of water, why don't you go say hi?"

Before the Bolian could even respond, he found himself given a nice push forward toward Cha'joga, now half embarrassed without much of anything to say. So instead he simply returned the greeting "Qavan!"

Fletcher turned back to his whiskey and couldn't help but hide a huge smile thinking about the fact that she'd break his buddy in half in the event things went in a certain direction.

Cha'joga let out a belly laugh seeing the Bolian pushed forward by his friend. So much for loyalty, it seemed! Grinning , she looped a muscular arm around him and shepherded him off to the side where they hopefully wouldn't be bothered.

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