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From the Shuttle, A Closer Look

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 3:44am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Attaché Phesg Tel'im

1,488 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: The Nostromo, examining the lost vessel
Timeline: MD 1, 1400 hours

Ensign Dani Harper walked in with Dr. Daniel Jackson. They had both come from Science Lab 7 where Dani was trying to take a crash course on what they might encounter if they had the chance to board. They found the three other team members already there.

On approaching Mundy and Guevera, Dani drew herself to attention. "Ensign Harper reporting for duty."

Daniel just gave a nod in acknowledgement and raised his hand in a short wave.

Shelly replied, "Good. Nice to see you here." Then, she looked at Dr. Jackson and said, "Hey doc. I am Lt. Shelly Guevera."

"Have you both been briefed on the mission?" Mundy asked.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Daniel Jackson, PhD, Assistant Director of Scientific Research for Starfleet Headquarters. I've been in charge of the research of the artifacts that have been showing up in this region since a few months after the supernova." As he stepped closer, the four pips on his uniform collar became more evident. "Yes, I helped write the briefing, Lieutenant. Ensign Harper here has been working with me and Lieutenant T'lenn - talented science officer you have on board by the way, since yesterday to get up to speed."

Dani felt herself blushing slightly. An away mission with Mundy and it was already getting awkward. She hoped they could leave soon.

"Let's climb aboard, and get ready for departure." Mundy turned to the ship and opened the hatch and entered.

As the group stepped towards the shuttlecraft, Tel'im noticed Harper's blush. Note to self, corner that one and talk. She found herself next to Dr. Jackson, and took the opportunity to talk to the human. "Doctor, Tel'im, Romulan Affairs. I'll be helping as much as I can--I took a look at what Starfleet has. Combined with my own knowledge from being a part of the Romulan fleet, I believe we're dealing with the same civilization that inhabited this system at least two to three thousand years ago. That was the best estimates our scientists had. If the ship is as old as that, it could either be very fragile or incredibly strong. Your thoughts?"

Daniel situated herself in one of the seats toward the back, Dani shuffled in behind him and took the seat across from him.

"Dating the artifacts has posed somewhat of a challenge because many of the items that have managed to survive whatever event - likely a direct or indirect effect of the supernova are made of a compounded metal in which the metals are actively interacting with one another. It seems to be a part of their technology that we are just beginning to understand," Daniel began. When asked a question there was never a simple answer, he couldn't help but start from the beginning. "With what we've been able to see so far, the technology is quite different from our own, and advanced in ways we haven't contemplated. As long as it wasn't damaged in the effects of the supernova or some other catastrophe over the last 2,000 years, AND we can get power running, I believe we will find it in surprisingly good condition."

Shelly said, "Okay, people, let's get inside my shuttle. We are going." Shelly immediately took her station at the controls and waited for everyone to enter and get settled in.

Dani gave the Lieutenant a thumbs up, and Daniel nodded that he was ready to go.

Shelly contacted the bridge and said, "Lt. Guevera to the bridge. We are heading out."

"Let's get a good look at her, Lieutenant. We'll keep comms open, and monitor your sensor readings and visuals from here," Remy responded.

Then, Shelly took the Nostromo out of the Shuttlebay and headed for the abandoned, unknown vessel to do a flyby to see what is in store for them while maintaining constant communication with the Astrea and relaying images to the bridge.

"I wonder what the possibility is that any of the docking ports would be compatible," Daniel stated. "I imagine this will turn more into a recon mission than anything."

Mundy responded, "All we can do is get closer to the ship and visually inspect those docking ports. If it comes to it, we can extend the portable docking ring we have to."

Shelly replied, "Agreed. I will bring us closer to check it out. I am curious about it as well." Shelly's eyes focused in on the docking rings before she brought the Nostromo in closer and she guided the shuttlecraft in closer so everyone can see it. "Daniel Jackson, feel free to look at this docking ring."

Daniel stood up and walked toward the viewscreen to get a closer look. "This is interesting, the hull plating on most of the ship is a gray metallic, but around the docking ring it looks like we're seeing the bronze color. I'm curious if that is the same reactive metallic compound we discovered in the bracelets."

On the Bridge of the Astrea the crew could see what Daniel was talking about. The edges of the round docking ring looked cut out - like the outline of a watermill. In the spaces between the notches you could see the different colored material, something that hadn't been apparent before.

Vila and Remy jumped out of their chairs and almost in unison called out warnings over the comms, talking over one another. Before they could get their sentences out, the docking ring seemed to come to life, and the shuttle was being maneuvered into position to dock.

"Lieutenant Guevera, do you still have control of the Nostromo?" Remy asked as she watched the shuttle become docked and locked onto the larger vessel. Remy looked at Vila and pointed at science and ops. She wanted every scan the ship was capable of ran, but she didn't want to announce orders while keeping an open comm with the shuttle.

Shelly was a bit shaken up while trying to regain control of the Nostromo. Then, she said, "I am do my best to get things under control."

Vila nodded, and took the Console. "Got it," she said, sending out a probe, and beginning life signs scans, as well as those for radiation, and tachyons, just in case. "Open the Bussard scoops," She ordered. She wasn't sure that the atmosphere would help them, but it couldn't hurt, after all. Vila's voice could be heard in the background going to work.

"We've docked. No life signs but the ship activated the docking ring as we approached, so either it's preprogrammed to do so, or that ship's computer is controlling the ship. Either way, we should take extreme caution." said Mundy.

Prior to docking, Shelly did not have control of the shuttlecraft to a moderate extent and used some colorful words. She also got the word from Nash and appreciated the heads up. Once the shuttle was fully docked, she said, "Captain Johanson, we are fully docked and control is back in my hands."

Shelly looked around at her team and said, "Alright, people, Sit Rep!" She wanted everyone's input on the current status and what kind of precautions to take.

"By back in control do you mean you can undock, Lieutenant?" Remy asked over the comms. "Because if you are stuck there, I hardly call that in control. Stay put for now, we're going to get as much information as we can."

Nash addressed the away team from his engineering station on the Bridge. “Shelley-it’s Nash. I’m reading no energy signatures over there. There’s some self-contained system that’s within the docking ports. Be careful. Nash out.”

From the Science console, Vila spoke directly to the away team. =/\=I have scanners on. Be aware of temporal activity-the chronitons in your locations are abnormally high. Remind everyone to suit up. =/\= She shook her head. She missed away team stuff, but she didn't mind sitting behind a console, reviewing data as it poured in. =/\=Are your Tachyon readings high at your location?=/\=

Dani had sprung to action and had been accessing one of the aft stations since they lost control of the shuttle. =^= Negative Commander Lorut, not reading Tachyon particles, but I am getting the same anomalous low-frequency energy readings that the bracelets and the controller were giving off when they were in activated status. Dr. Jackson noticed that there appeared to be trace amounts of what appeared to be a similar metal around the docking ring. =^=

Dani stood up and took a tricorder further back into the shuttle, the airlock still sealed. =^= I believe it's sending the energy through to the shuttle. =^=

Daniel chimed in. =^= We're here, we might as well go take a look. =^=

=^= NEGATIVE =^= Remy's voice came through loud and clear on the comms. "Nostromo crew, stay put. Gather as much information as you can. We'll be working here. Closing the open comm for now, but call us if anything changes. =^=

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