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On Our Way

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 2:46am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto
Edited on on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 2:51am

1,775 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 0: 1130 hours

Science Lab 7

T'lenn was working with what artifacts Dr. Jackson had been able to provide to see if there were enough of any of the other hieroglyphs, or any repeats from what she'd already transcribed to begin working toward getting a larger language sample for the universal translator to work with. The UT was much faster with verbal language, but even if they were to get the vessel's computer's online there was no guarantee that the spoken language would match the written language.

Shelly and her team arrived in the Science Lab and she was holding Andrea's hand signifying that they fell in love after the party. Shelly looked at the crystals and whispered to Andrea, "Look at that, sweetie." Andrea raised her eyebrow and replied, "Curious." Shelly said, "Lt T'lenn, this is some serious stuff you got here. The way this is laid out is that it maybe some type of control crystal with a unique type of data for it's unique way it was intended."

T'lenn raised an eyebrow as she turned to face the interruption. "The universal translator has yet to become proficient in the written language used by this civilization," T'lenn said bluntly. "The Covina was able to send images from inside the vessel, and I have been focusing my translation efforts on primary systems. The first priority will be to restore power. I concur with your hypothesis that the ship does appear to be controlled by a type of data crystal interfaced with a screen of some sort."

T'lenn showed the team an image of a dark, flat surface that appeared to be embedded into a larger control panel. "We will be unable to test our theory until we can restore power and determine if this panel is in fact an interface. What may be useful for your team is to learn to recognize certain words and texts that you will likely encounter in your work."

Shelly appreciated T'lenn being blunt and smiled at that. Shelly bluntly replied, "Curious. Learning the words and texts should not be a problem and logically applying these into our line of work." Shelly loved this big time and that she & Andrea were working with another woman.

"I have prepared a glossary of words that I have decrypted for ease in identification. However, I am also beginning to understand a grammatical structure involving a base set of symbols that when seen in a specific order will refer to a particular subject matter." T'lenn put three symbols on one of the main screens. " For example, these three symbols in this order will have something to do with energy, power. However, to complicate the translations, what comes before or after can change the intended meaning drastically. If your team is willing to study, the patterns are not difficult to see."

Andrea looked at it and said, "Yeah, we can examine the finer details and do as much research with it." Shelly chimed in and said, "I would agree. And, we will share our ideas and findings with you as well."

Nevan sat there looking at the symbols up on the screen, trying to look for a correlation or pattern. While he was nothing close to a linguist, he was pretty good at finding correlations. Maybe it would've helped if Grexx and Cormus were here too, but he 'd decided to have them back in their workspace running the newly found symbols against known Federation database records in case there was something elsewhere that could give them more context. So far however they'd found nothing. "It's certainly quite reliant on context. That's for sure. Could we get a copy of the patterns so my team can memorize them? I think it would help us lend more as we get further into this, especially if we get a chance to go on over which I'm going to be requesting."

"Of course," T'lenn responded. "Everyone on board who has an interest is encouraged to study the progress that has been made thus far. I will send them after our conversation."

Medical Bay

Dr. Beckett stood at the head of the large table in Sickbay's conference room. He began the presentation by thanking everyone for being there, his Scottish accent prominent the moment he began speaking. "Thank ye all for comin'. I ken ye all have other thins to do today, but we do have some interestin' information for security and medical to be aware of goin' in."

"The bracelets that the Captain and Dr. Lorut found themselves burdened with were a tool used to control slaves," Beckett explained. "They both ended up here for a wee time before taken to the station. Any technology should be approached with extreme caution, and Security and Medical are in the best positions to be on th' lookout for odd behavior."

"Abnormal demeanor, pallor of the skin, stiltedness of speech?" Thivi guessed. "Among other behavioral and cognitive anomalies."

Vila nodded. "Low heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and an almost undeniable need to..." how could she put this delicately? "Procreate," she said. "So yes, please be careful. The heart rate and blood pressure issues are, obviously, more serious than the last, was definitely concerning." Vila was a sensual woman, but she still had limits. She was a professional, after all.

"Captain Johansen's experience was very similar to mine," she said. "So. I'd advise to avoid touching the bracelets with bare hands IF you must handle them at all. I'd recommend forceps or something." She settled back in, and sipped at her coffee. How friggin' WEIRD that had been. She bet Remy was a good kisser, too, but now they'd never know.

Joey stood with his back up against the wall, he wasn't in the mood for sitting down it was just he had a busy timetable for today, but lucky for him he wasn't humanoid so maybe the effects wouldn't apply to him? Though he was a unique type of Andriod so even if it did damage there wouldn't be a way to repair him. "I recommend a 5-minute check with me or my physicians after contact with it, just in case it buries something into your personality," Joey said with his best smile trying to put them at ease and not make them worried, this would be their first voyage together, anxiety was already high before this situation developed.

"Five minutes, lad. Are you insane?" Beckett exclaimed. "Ye got ta give the scientists and engineers more time than that to get any work done or we'll ne'er complete the assignment."

Dr. Jackson spoke up from his seat at the side of the table. "I don't know that scheduled medical check-ups are necessary, but caution should be warranted. We don't know what other technology that have that could be similarly activated, but for different purposes. We are recommended Type 3 gloves until we can determine what the technology can do. And the bracelets are a good example of something that may not look like technology, but would still warrant caution."

"They can see me after they have finished their work. Doctor Beckett." Joey said sternly, looking straight at the Scottish hunk. "Now. Unless your specialisation is mental health which I truly doubt as you're not on my department roster then remember your PIES, Physical is your area, Intellectual, Emotional and Social are my area." The android stated. He never saw eye to eye with Doctors, they wanted to heal the sick while Joey wanted to perfect them in more ways than they could imagine.

"Alright. Everyone, calm down. What we will do is this. Report to Dr. Joey here in a rotation. Dr. Jackson, you can go first. Thank you for volunteering!" Vila smiled sweetly. "Will that work for you, Joey?" She asked.

The fact Vila stepped in was enough to convince Joey's critics that he had gone too far. "That's fine," His head then shifted from Vila to Dr Beckett, his brown soft hair slightly fluttering as he turned. "Sorry." he bluntly said

Mae Jemison Research Center

At the Mae Jemison Research Center, Sara Winters stood, bent over a microscope. They had managed to be able to scrape a tiny bit of the metal from the bracelets that had given Dr. Lorut and Johansen such problems, and she could see the chemical makeup of the metal. A metallic blend she was mostly unfamiliar with, though she recognized the Cobalt. She jotted down some notes, and then sent a message to the Fleet science people.
*I have found a combination of Stoarium, Adrite, and Cobalt. The first two are, admittedly, foreign to me, and I am hoping someone in your department knows better than I. -Dr. Sara Winters*

The comm channel at the research lab flashed an incoming message around thirty minutes later.

"Microbiogist Winters?" A brunette female in her mid-thirties appeared on the screen. She wore glasses and had her hair pulled back loosely. "I'm Lt. Commander Alyssa Young, I have been working with Dr. Jackson's team here on Jupiter station. We can confirm that the metallic compound you analyzed is made of those three elements. How can we help you?"

Sara smiled down the computer screen. "Sara is fine," she said, absently. "Can you send me the Database article on the makeup of those?" she asked. Hopefully, it wasn't classified. "Dr. Daniel Jackson has asked the Institute to see if we can find the molecular age and origin," she said. "Which will help YOU people determine where in the Universe to start looking."

"Of course, not much on this project is classified, ma'am. Our team is still working on determining how the elements were compounded in the first place," Alyssa responded. "We don't think it is naturally occurring, and it is not at all how we typically see metallic properties react when blended together. There is more of a reaction occurring in the elements - continuously. I'll send you those files now."

Sara listened quietly.

"Thank you," she said. "I am going to move on to some chemical tests," she said. "I will report those to you. Thanks for sending me those files. I'll take a look at them! I appreciate it." She clicked off the line, and then sighed. It should be easier than this!


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea

Petty Officer 1st Class Nevan Kayto
Civil Operations Specialist
USS Astrea


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