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The Lost Ship

Posted on Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 4:58pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren & Ensign S'Niri
Edited on on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 3:17am

2,119 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Yadalla Sector, Near the neutral zone
Timeline: MD 1, 1330 hours

Remy sat in the command chair of a full Bridge, many anxious to see this mysterious ship that Starfleet had found, and that the crew of Astrea was given the pleasure to study. Remy tapped her comm, =^= Johansen to Commander Winters, come on up to the Bridge. We're about to arrive, and I want you to see this vessel we're about to explore before heading over. =^=

“Nash here. On my way, Captain,” Winters said as he acknowledged the call from the bridge.

On his way to the lift, he turned and called out to his team. “Briscoe, you’re in charge til I get back. Recalibrate the main sensor array. We’ll need it soon enough.”

Nash arrived at the bridge and stepped out of the turbolift just as Astrea slowed to a stop. He found the engineering station and said, “Computer, transfer engineering to the bridge,” and the monitors and console blinked to life.

Shelly dropped the ship out of warp and said, "We are at a full stop, Captain."

Acting Captain Remy Johansen stood up from the command chair, "Main screen, Lieutenant Mundy."

Mundy tapped a control on his panel. "Screen on, captain."

Before them was a medium sized ship, obviously sturdy enough for interstellar travel. Smaller than their own, and of a clunkier design. Remy could only guess at which section was forward and which was aft. One end of the elongated vessel was rounded off, and the other had a more pointed design. The rough surface of the hull plating reminded Remy of a type of plastic interlocking blocks she used to play with as a child. The ship was also dark. They had not expected anyone to try to get power systems up and running before they had arrived, still there was something eerie about seeing a vessel so dead in space.

Remy stood up and walked a few steps closer to the screen, as if it might help her see something that she was missing.

"Anything on preliminary scans?" Remy asked.

"Main power seems to be offline, captain. Life support as well." Mundy reported.

"Curious... Definitely nothing I've seen before, either in military or civilian life," Tel'im put in from where she stood near the starboard lift.

Shelly overheard all relevant information and continued to look at the ship. She wanted to make a comment, but, waited until all pertinent information was available before make a comment or suggestion.

Vila, for her part, was sitting next to Ghiram at the Science console. A part of her would always be a CSO, even though she knew she wasn't, truly. "Get a probe out, please," she instructed. "Science is probing. Atmospheric conditions are good if we want to tether, otherwise, fine for transport," she reported. She moved away from the science station, heading for the viewscreen.

"Already on it, Commander." Ghiram tapped away at the screen, launching one of the probes he helped prep during his last duty shift.

"If life support and main power are off, there's likely no least...alive. I'll get Dr. Beckett up here," she said. She tapped her COMMS and asked the man to join her on the Bridge.

=/\=Dr. Beckett to the Bridge, please.=/\=

She looked to Remy and Nash. "What do you think? Let's wait for the science probes before acting, is my advice."

Nash spoke up right away. “I’m just curious to see how those crystals operate and what makes that ship go. Incredible opportunity to study that technology and learn about the species that built it.”

What Remy was thinking was why did Vila just call a medical officer to the Bridge for no reason and without waiting for a response from the officer in command. This certainly wasn't a medical situation. "The Covina has been patrolling the area for three days now, and has already sent a team over so that they could send images of the control panels to give us a head start on translation. I think the area has been vetted, Commander. We'll still keep collecting our own data of course. Let's get a shuttle out there, but we'll hold of transporting Commander Lorut's team just yet."

Vila simply shrugged. "Ok. I'll tell Beckett never mind. I didn't get the memo that the Covina had already sent a team out. If you told me, I don't remember and I apologize," she said. She tapped her Comms again and told Beckett to delay her last.

"Lt. Guevera, let's get your team together to get a closer look from one of the runabouts. I'm going to send Dr. Jackson along with you. Take a good look around, and don't try to dock anywhere without checking in first," Remy directed.

"Ensign Taylon, let Ensign Harper and Dr. Jackson know that it's time for them to meet Ms. Tel'im, and Lieutenant's Mundy and Guevara in Shuttle Bay 2," Remy ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," the man replied. He tapped his comms and issued the communique. =/\=Dr. Jackson, and Ensign Harper, please meet Ms. Tel'im, Lt. Mundy, and Guevara as per the Captain's orders. Ops out.=/\=

"Ma'am, anything else?" Taylon asked, before taking the console from Lt. Mundy.

"Just man your station, Lieutenant." Mundy stood up, and as his station was now being manned by a junior officer, walked to the turbolift, entered and instructed the computer to take him to Shuttle Bay 2.

Shelly stood up and Ensign Cha'joga took her place at the helm and she said, "Understood, Captain." Then, Shelly picked up team and had them meet her in Shuttlebay 2 at her favorite Excursion Class Shuttlecraft.

"Sir, I'm happy to go, but may I ask for what purpose?" Tel'im was mildly confused. She thought she'd be keeping an eye on things from the .

"They may end up boarding before the other team. We anticipate the foreign language on the controls will still be our primary barrier. You'll assist Lieutenant Mundy," Remy stated.

"Aye, Commander... My apologies for the confusion." The Romulan followed the others into the lift, then hit the door control.

S'Niri seemed a little disappointed that she hadn't been chosen to go, but there'd be more opportunities ahead, she could just feel it. The situation on hand seemed a little off to her.

Ghiram had been switching his focus between the main viewscreen and the probe's output- he was looking out at the screen when he saw S'Niri's ears flatten slightly. He'd read enough about Caitians to know what she was probably thinking, though the bridge was hardly the time or place to ask what her problem was.

Dr. Beckett stepped off the turbolift and onto the Bridge, a medical kit over his shoulder. "What's this about?" he asked when he arrived.

Vila turned around. "Didn't you get my delay message? Captain here thinks you're superfluous. There's probably dead bodies on that boat," she said, pointing to the view screen. "So. Input on that?" She asked. She simply shrugged at Remy. The man might have good advice.

"I was already in the lift, thought I'd make sure there were nae any dead bodies up here," Malcolm responded, he pressed his lips together sternly. "With life support bein' down, I assumed everyone boardin' would be in EV suits, no?" He stated. "Should be sufficient to protect against any pathogens. Dr. Lorut has a point, might be wise to have 'em wear em for a few hours even after life support is back on. Germs can be resilient little buggers. Make sure ye didn't wake anythin' up."

Remy nodded, "Fair enough, Doctor Beckett. We'll have the other team take some sterilization equipment. If there is a latent virus over there, it's not likely it would be anything we'd have an immunity to." Her research had been defending against biogenic weapons, she should have thought of this on her own.

Vila nodded, and turned around. "Ops, please ensure that the Shuttle is equipped with enough EV suits...say, for forty people." She turned back. "Just in case we DO find people alive," she said. "Whoever transports over can wear them on their bodies," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied. He tapped some buttons. "Commander, the shuttle has twenty currently, I will have twenty additional units replicated," he said. He tapped his COMMS and called down to the office to have the task arranged.

Beckett stood up a little straighter as he went to take his leave. "Well, I'll just grab the lift since ye got everthin' under control. If ye have anyone who needs medical attention ye ken where te find me"

Vila simply nodded, as she was engaged with Ensign Janes. "Thank you, Janes. Please let me know when your people have completed such," she said.

Joey sat at the guest seat which was on the left-hand side of the CO's chair. Sometimes it was occupied by guests needing bridge access, sometimes it was occupied by somebody who could read body language. "Might I suggest something?" Joey piped up, pushing the console away from the brown leather seat. "Stay alert, regardless this is a new environment to explore, adventurous behaviour could lead to injury."

"Absolutely," Remy agreed. "Hopefully our incident with the bracelets and how suddenly we became victims was enough of an alarm for our away teams to be on high alert."

Vila shot Remy a LOOK. "I'll get a transport team. Nash, with me, and how about...Dr. T'lenn, Commander McIntyre, Ghiram-wait, why do we need TWO scientists?" She shrugged, and continued, "And I'll take S'Niri. What do you think, Johansen?"

"We need two scientists because there's a lot of ground to cover, Commander." Ghiram stood up and straightened his uniform.

Vila fought an urge to roll her eyes. "Perhaps you'd be more useful to the Civilian Research team," she muttered.

"You helped me pick the team, T'lenn is going to help Commander Winters," Remy said looking at Vila questioningly. She wondered if the second officer was feeling well. First Beckett and now this. "Don't worry, you'll get your fun. And it's KILLING me not to go, by the way. This is why I don't put in for CO positions. Let's sit tight and see what information the shuttle can pull for us before we go beaming our people in."

Vila nodded. "Why do you think I haven't pressed for a CO spot myself?" She asked. "Sorry, I am a bit tired today. Late night, you see," she said.

“Let’s not forget Thisbe. I’d like her to be part of this. I know T’Lenn will assist deciphering the alien language, but P’Rar is the best computer linguist in my department. Also, while we’re waiting on the first team, I can track its course and monitor any communications,” Nash told the Captain and First Officer.

"I have not forgotten your request, Commander," Remy responded. "As we discussed, a larger contingent will be sent once we know more about the vessel and get main power online. For now, Lieutenant T'lenn is in a better position to assist."

“Understood. I’ll do a quick run through, make sure we’re prepped for transport,” a seemingly subdued Winters said.

Remy looked around the Bridge. "Anyone else have questions about the briefing and orders that I sent out 18 hours ago?" Remy asked sternly. She was becoming exhausted with the questioning being peppered at her on the Bridge when the away team compliments had been drawn up carefully and distributed all members and relevant department heads well in advance. "I know, I am not who you expected to be in command of this vessel five days ago, but I am your Commanding Officer, and we are on MY Bridge. . This is a potentially dangerous undertaking, if you were too busy to read your briefings tell me now and we'll table the mission for a few hours so you can get caught up."

Vila shook her head. "I read the science ones," she said, helpfully. "Steady as she goes, folks," she said, settling back into her seat at the Console. She needed to get her head in the game. "Sorry, Remy. I'll get it together," she said. She forced her brain to push out any other thoughts than the mission at hand, and put them in the same mental box where she stored memories of the Occupation, her divorce and et cetera.

Ghiram tapped his combadge. "Bishop, your needed on the bridge- we need someone to keep an eye on the probe while I'm on the away mission." He tapped his combadge again to shut it off, not needing to hear a response.

"You're not leaving yet, Lt. Ghiram, but put your team on standby. Remain alert," Vila said.

>> From the Shuttle >>


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