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Where was it you had in mind?

Posted on Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D.

1,736 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Beckett's Quarter's
Timeline: After the Pre-Launch Party (MD: 0)

After they had left the growing crowd of Ten Forward and into the hallway for some fresh air, Malcolm held his arm out for Vila. "So where was it that ya had in mind?" he asked.

"Yours," she said, simply. She no longer beat around the bush or made any airs like she might've when she was younger. "Or mine, that'd also be fine," she said. "The retrofits came with some posh quarters for the Command team," she said. "Remy's are bigger, of course, but I can't sneeze at it. Much better than senior officer's quarters, and even family ones," Vila said. She'd pulled him along to the Turbolift. "IF it's too forward, we can simply walk around the Arboretum or something," she said. "But I have an aged Kanar I've been saving," she offered.

Malcolm winced. "Kanar, really now? You drink that do ye now? Why dunnae you come back to my place, I've got some proper bottles we can get into."

Vila laughed. "Well. I was a young child when the Cardassians invaded Bajor. I learned to like it," she said. "That sounds lovely. Please, lead the way." She said. She ran the mental checklist in her head-her bra and panties matched, and her legs were hair-free. Excellent.

Beckett kept his quarters fairly tidy. A green, white, and red tartan hung on one wall, and he had a set of bagpipes on display in a corner. "I apologize, I haven't really unpacked yet. Just a few wee things," he said as they entered his quarters. "What do you fancy? I'm more of a whiskey person myself, but I do have some bottles of wine, Romulan ale, we could replicate some mixers if you're into that?" He stood in the entry to his kitchen waiting for an answer. Though as soon as he stopped talking he found his eyes locked with hers, and felt a wave of energy pass between them.

She simply nodded. "It's ok. I am not here to do an inspection," she said. "Um...some whiskey actually sounds good. Just a bit...neat." She glanced around; someone's quarters could tell you a lot about them. Indeed, he hadn't unpacked, it was still pretty spartan. She, too, had noticed a thing between them. "Mind if I sit down? These shoes aren't exactly made for standing still," she said. She was going to be rambling soon, and it would give her a distraction, at least. She was suddenly aware of the vastness of the room, and the aloneness of the two of them.

"Aye, make yourself at home. Can I get you anythin' else?" Malcolm asked as he poured their drinks. He decided it might be a good idea to offer some food so he had the replicator prepare a small meat and cheese tray that he brought out and sat on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Play some music maybe?"

Vila smiled a little. It was nice to have someone make an effort. "This is great, thanks," she said. "Music would be nice. Something we can chat a little. Get to know each other before we...set sail." She said. "Forgive me if I am a little...awkward. It's been a while since I've had a date or even a....whatever this is." She'd only been fully divorced a full year, but separated for a few. There had been some dinners but nothing really serious. No one she'd wanted to sleep with, either. Most men her age were single for a REASON.

"Computer, Playlist Malcolm 3," Malcolm stated and soft jazz tones with a prominent saxophone filled in the quietness in the background. "Just because I had ya over, don't mean there are any expectations tonight, Vila. Don't get me wrong, You're a beautiful, very... attractive woman." Malcolm paused to look at Vila, to take her in. "I'm just sayin' if there's something here, well uh... if there is I mean... I know I'm attracted to you. If you feel the same, I am a patient person if you want to take things slow."

Even as he said the words, the longer Vila sat next to him on the couch, the more he had to resist the urge to lean in and kiss her right now.

"It's not that...It's just...." She let out a sigh. What was she saying? Actually, she should just shut up now. "This is nice, thank you," she said. Her hands suddenly felt heavy...what was she doing? She wanted to kiss him but didn't want to seem too forward. "I am attracted to you, too. Why don't we see...what happens?" She said, moving a little closer, carefully. "Not too slowly, I get bored easily," she said, leaning in, and closing her eyes. Softly, she kissed him, hoping that he wouldn't pull away. Even if kissing is all they did, it felt nice. And she was OK with nice.

Malcolm leaned heavily into her kiss, parting her lips with his. Malcom's left hand gently carressed her arm first, and before he wrapped his arm around her back. Testing the waters his right hand reached out and touched her waist as he inched closer to her on the couch, closing the small space between them.

She opened her eyes, but leaned in, as well, and let her mouth open. Her tongue lifted gently, exploring his mouth. Hmm, he was a good kisser. "MMM," she moaned softly. She could feel him moving his hands, and shifted so that she was facing him fully on, nearly straddling his lap to deepen the kiss.

Malcom pulled his lips away only long enough to whisper, "you're so beautiful," in Vila's ear, as he moved her hair out of the way so that he could kiss her neck, listening, feeling for cues as to what she wanted next. His hands found her rib cage, teasing her bra line to see if she would encourage him to go further. He wanted her, he didn't say it out loud yet, though his body was giving him away.

"Thank you," she breathed back. She felt his hands teasing her bra line, and pulled away gently. "Should we move this to the bedroom?" she asked, standing up, and pulling him to his feet. As she hurried along, she undid the zip on her dress, and hoped he was doing the same to his clothes.

"Aye the bedroom." Malcolm was right behind her, admiring the slender curves of her body as she stepped out of her dress. He quickly undid his pants and took off his shirt, and pulled Vila back into his arms. His lips met hers, as he brushed the hair from her face, nothing between them now. He then kissed her ear, her neck, then her collar bone. He paused to nuzzle her chin. "Mind if I keep going?" He looked down at the rest of her body then back up to Vila's face, and ran his hand through her long, soft hair.

"Please," she said, as her hands began to explore his body, and her lips and mouth followed in kind. Her hands made their way down his chest, stopping teasingly near above his waist, but she wasn't sure what he liked, so she'd let him guide her. As she did this, she offered up some encouraging noises as he kissed her, and moved along.

The following morning when Malcolm was first starting to wake up he thought the night before had been a dream, but then the sweet scent of Vila's hair reminded him where he was. He opened his eyes to find Vila's head on his chest. She was still asleep, though lightly.

Vila felt Malcolm stir next to her. What was happening?! She opened her eyes. Oh. THAT. "Good morning," she said.

Now came the hard part-talk about it or pretend it didn't happen?! At any rate, she moved her head to check her chronometer. "Ugh, it's almost time to work," she said. She felt her head...nah, she was OK, not hungover or anything. Great, excellent-that would be VERY embarrassing.

Malcolm gave her a slight squeeze with the arm that was draped over her back and smiled."Aye, good mornin'. I suppose it is a big day, isn't it." Malcolm responded. It wasn't a question, more of an attempt at soft small talk the morning after something so unplanned. "Can I get you some breakfast?"

Vila smiled. "We don't have to hurry," she said. "But yes, I'd like some breakfast," she said. "That'd be great. Can I use the refresher?" She asked, standing up. She was still nude, but would replicate a uniform later. She carefully retrieved the dress she was wearing from the floor on her way to the bathroom, and emerged a bit later, freshly smelling good, and cleaned up a bit, her smart red uniform perfect.

"Looking sharp there, Commander," Malcolm stated, taking his time glancing over Vila's body in her form fitting uniform. He had put on shorts and a t-shirt while Vila was getting ready and combed his hair. "What can I get ya?" He asked over his shoulder as he made his way to the replicator.

"You, too," she said, a cheeky smile on her face. "Um...Makapa bread, and Ratkajino, please. Maybe some fruit salad?" She let out a small breath. The morning-after small talk part was the most awkward. "Anyway...did you have a nice time last night? At the party, I mean."

"One of the better parties I've been to. You?" he asked giving her a wink.

She laughed. "Me, too," she said. She ate quickly, but not TOO fast, and then stood. She let out a sigh. "I guess I can't put it off forever," she said. "Dinner, maybe? Depending on how the day goes?" She asked. "No guarantees that I won't be in some kind of pickle. It IS Starfleet, after all," she said.

"If not tonight, definitely this week then," Malcolm said as he walked her to the door. Before the door opened, he reached for her hair one last time and kissed her softly on the lips. "Until then."

Vila kissed him back softly, and then disappeared down the hallway to head for the Bridge. With luck, no one saw her leaving.

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea
Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea


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