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Just in Time

Posted on Thu Feb 1st, 2024 @ 3:10am by Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 12:54am

1,772 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD: 0, 0700 Hours (4 hours until launch)

Vila was tired, running a couple of minutes late, but she had zero regrets as she stepped out of the Turbolift from the residence decks onto the Bridge.

"Our Chief Flight Control officer made it before launch after all, she got in yesterday evening. I had the quartermaster tell her to report here at 0700 hours so we could at least say high before launch today," Remy said as Lorut stepped off the turbolift. "I'm expecting her any minute. Lieutenant Shelly Guevera."

Vila lifted the mug to her lips as she stepped out of the lift, Remy next to her. "Alright," she said, wearily. She had been up late the night before, "entertaining" Dr. Beckett, and was a bit tired. "Excellent. All we need a is a Chief Medical Officer, and we're set," she said. "I'd like to have a few more key positions filled eventually, but for now, some of us can double up work," she said. "I assume we'll need to meet and greet?" She asked, a small whine escaping. She hated this part. She preferred to meet people organically. It's why she'd taken so long to take the Command track courses and get herself set up. She had been content to be a Chief Science Officer for most of her life, until she got divorced and Benny had grown. Then, she realized she was unfulfilled and wanted more.

"Let's go," she said, making way for the Bridge.

Shelly got up early enough at 0500hrs and ordered a strong cup of coffee from the replicator. She slowly sipped her coffee. After drinking her coffee half-way, she took a real hot shower which felt great to her. Then, she was able to get dressed into her uniform and did her hair while finishing her coffee. Once she was done, she sent a quick note to her brother and her sisters and put on a light amount of perfume. Then, she left for the bridge. Shelly did not want to be late at all. In fact, she wanted to be there before the Captain arrived. Once she got on to the Turbolift, she thought about how to make a good first impression and not screw things up. After she stepped off the Turbolift, Shelly loved the bridge design. She immediately memorized every single square inch of the bridge. Then, she heard her name, turned around and said, "Yes, ma'am." Shelly's voice sounded tough, but, with respect.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Guevera. We're glad to have you here. Starfleet has changed our mission orders about three times in the last seven days, so you aren't really behind the rest of of the crew in regards to preparing for the upcoming mission," Remy stated. "As you know, we depart in four hours, but we can take a moment to chat in the Ready Room if you like." Remy held out her arm, gesturing toward the office she'd more or less made her own for the last couple of weeks since Starfleet was stalling on assigning a Captain.

Shelly replied, "Thank you, Ma'am." Then she entered the Captain's Ready Room and glanced around, again, memorizing every single square inch. The look on her face was as if she was analyzing, which is her usual style since being analytical of her surroundings is always important to her for a whole lot of reasons, mainly for her own safety and protection above all else.

Remy and Vila followed Shelly into the Ready Room. Remy walked behind the desk and picked up the glass case that was currently housing the bronze bracelets that Remy and Vila had found themselves stuck with earlier in the week along with the controller that was thankfully found among other items in Dr. Jackson's laboratory.

"Please, make yourself at home," Remy said gesturing to the guest chairs before sitting down. She placed the case aside for the moment.

"The rest of the senior staff is well aware that we thought we would have a Captain well before now, and it wasn't until 2 days ago that I was told I would be 'Acting Captain' for this mission. These last minute changes in responsibilities make me appreciate even more how important it is to have experienced senior staff on the team," Remy stated. "What can we do to help get you settled and prepared to jump right in?"

Shelly sat down and crossed her legs and replied, "Well, I will be straightforward. First off, thank you for making me feel welcome. As I am an Intersex Female Hermaphrodite Transgenic, I am required to take my medications specifically at exact times due to seizures that I get if I am not taking them. I always take a combination of Tryptophan mixed with other Herbs into one capsule. So, I always carry those with me. Also, even though I am a team player, I need Males keep their space from me since my sense of smell can not tolerate the natural fragrance of the male persuasion. Only females and intersex females can get near me. Plus, I am extremely blunt and I do not beat around the bush. Be straightforward with me, and, I will return the favor." Shelly thought for a moment and continued, "Oh, before I forget. I do not make it a habit to question your orders in front of other officers. I will only do so in private with you and our XO." Shelly was starting to appear a bit nervous and asked, "Can I have some water, please?"

"Of course." Remy stood up and walked out from behind her desk to the replicator across the room. "Temperature? Ice?" Remy asked.

Shelly replied, "Cold, no ice, please." While waiting, she opened one of her medicine bottles and gently put one pill in her hand while waiting for water.

Remy ordered the water and brought it back to Shelly's seat and waited for her to take the glass. Remy remained standing as she resumed her post behind the desk. "I can't have a senior staff member with an aversion to half of my crew. As Chief Flight Control officer, there would be men under your command. Men who I would expect to be treated equally and be given the same opportunities as any other gender. If you are saying you cannot even be in proximity with males, then I am having a difficult time believing that you are right for the position," Remy said bluntly. "Not to mention, the person who is currently slated to take the Captain's position is a male. If it really is their 'smell' I can sympathize, but either toughen up like the rest of us, or ask one of the medical officers to prescribe you a nasal inhibitor."

Shelly took her pill with the water and replied, "Actually, I do use something that I put right under my nose. You have nothing to worry about. I do have an adopted brother. He is the only one I can trust. I am a team player." Shelly pulled out a small, slender bottle and said, "This is a cocktail of my own mix using natural herbs, sort of like a lip balm with a menthol smell. Makes it much better for me. Otherwise, it will take me sometime to get used to the men around me and in my team. I have had a lot of bad, and, I mean, bad things happen to me in my growing up years. If the ship's counselor is any good, please, let me know. That is the one thing I would need. Otherwise, I am ready to jump in immediately. You can trust me, but, I will earn your trust and confidence. Everything in my life is earned."

Vila's head spun. Maybe she'd had more Kanar than she thought. She ran over the night in her head. Nope, just the two. Her extracurricular activities hadn't given her the time. She looked to Remy. Remy's own blunt reply to the woman confirmed she'd heard correctly. "I can work with medical to see if we can figure out some kind of hormone blocker, like that Orion from medical uses," she offered. She wasn't so sure. "At any rate, welcome aboard. As Commander Johansen mentioned, she's the Acting Captain, so I am acting XO," she said. "I will get you a duty roster ASAP. Have you checked in with Lieutenant Mundy yet?" She asked.

Shelly looked at Vila and, without showing any facial expressions, she could obviously tell that Vila had wee bit too much to drink. Then, Shelly replied, "Thanks for the offer. And, no, I did not have the time to check in with Mundy yet. And, I can definitely use the duty roster."

Vila nodded. "Please do so immediately after this," she said. "And I will make sure you have your assignments by the end of the day," she said. "Any thing else, Remy?" She asked the other CO.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I think you will like the set up in Shuttlebays 2 and 3. Pick out your favorite shuttle, I am pretty sure we'll be having you take one out tomorrow afternoon," Remy said. "Other than that, no. That is all."

Shelly was finally feeling settled in and said, "I appreciate your candor from both of you. I just have one little request from you both. Please, always be candor to me as well as being absolutely blunt and speak your minds to me and I will do the same. I am not one to like anyone who beats around the bush. With that said, I am looking forward to seeing the shuttlebays and I will let you know which one I like."

"Oh, I don't think you'll have a problem with us," Remy answered frankly. "We all have a lot to do before 1100, let's get back to it. Dismissed."

Shelly replied, "Understood." She stood up and decided to go to the shuttlebays immediately to check those two places out.

Remy turned to Vila after Shelly had left. "The aversion to men thing, we need to keep an eye on that. You good?" Remy asked.

Vila nodded. "Absolutely. I can keep an eye on things," she said. "It's new, but it's not a problem. Somedays, *I* have an aversion to men," she said. "So long as it doesn't turn into a THING, I am fine with it. I am sure the Fleet wouldn't assign her to a ship that was this male heavy if she was going to make it a thing," Vila said.

"I know right," Remy responded. "Okay, touch base with you before launch," Remy said as the two walked out of the Ready Room.


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