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Pre-Launch Party. Part 2

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 2:31pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Attaché Phesg Tel'im
Edited on on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 2:17pm

1,428 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Ten-Forward
Timeline: MD 0 , After Part 1

[Part 2]

"In the meantime, we're fortunate to have such a talented physician on board. I don't want to run you off, so we are recruiting," Remy looked him the eyes to reassure him they were doing their best. Remy smiled at the two warmly, though she looked tired. "I just found out that Daniel is coming for this one," Remy mentioned, giving Vila a look.

"Ooh.." Vila muttered.

"Aye Cap'n, I know ye are. I won't be lookin' to go anywhere just yet," Malcom responded. "So who's this Daniel? I sense a lil' somethin'. He a friend o' one of yers?" He asked looking at the two.

Vila snickered. "A mystery man from Remy's past," Vila explained. "I know OF him tangentially; my ex-husband and he consulted with each other a few times, but I've never interacted directly with him. You know that Johansen and I both have a Science background. In what capacity is he joining us? Special consort to the XO?" She asked, cheekily.

Remy looked at Vila with some sternness. "You have jokes," Remy said, trying to direct attention away from her comment. Though her encounter with Daniel last week didn't make the question that out of line. She took a deep breath. "No. As the Assistant Director of Scientific Research for Starfleet Headquarters who has been in charge of cataloging and coordinating studies on most of what we have been finding in the region, Starfleet thought it made sense that he join us. Given that he's already here on Jupiter station and all."

Vila made a face, but simply nodded. "I see," she said. "I was bumped up to XO this morning, and already being replaced," she said, dramatically, but jokingly. "Don't worry, there's time," she said. "Maybe not for baby Remys but time for you to couple up and retire with someone," she said, encouragingly. Vila was a bit of a romantic at heart.

Remy took a breath. "Between the three of us, I admit it may be somewhat awkward. But we are both professionals." Turning to Vila she added, "He'll be in VIP quarters on Deck 3."

"Well, I'm sorry to here it might be awkward for ye, Cap'n," Malcolm said. "I dunnae ken the history, but hopefully whatever happens while he's here can help ye both find yer way to not be as such the next time ye come around together."

Well, there was one she wouldn't be partaking in. Shame. Still, she nodded. "Absolutely," she said. "I'll have the Quartermaster replicate some fine Tholian silk. VIP quarters?? Wowee, he's definitely not here with the Science Council," she remarked. Those morons didn't do that kind of thing, Vila knew first hand. "Doc, why don't we let Remy mingle and we" She said.

Remy caught the hint, "Yeah, I should make the rounds. Catch up with you both later," she said politely taking her leave. While the two of them wandered off she saw Sara and Nash nearby.

Remy walked up to the pair, "Hello guys, quite the party already, huh. That's a good sign. For crew morale I mean. The crew coming together.

Sara nodded, and smiled. "It's always a fun time. Nash has said a lot about you and the crew. He's excited!" She said. "As am I," she said. "How did you manage to finagle a civilian research facility on a battle cruiser?" She asked.

"Starfleet's refit is taking it out of the dreadnought class technically," Remy said. "They still want us decently armed and are tasked with security, but that's meant to be defensive. We are also supposed to also be a science and exploration vessel. And it wasn't Starfleet's idea. Your research company petitioned to lease lab space on at least three Starfleet vessels. The Imperator had the space, so they are starting with us to see how it works out."

Sara nodded. "I see!" She said. She really didn't concern herself with Fleet business but the woman's explanation made sense.

"Excuse me--just making my way over,"--Tel'im scanned around--"there... Commander?" She made a quick exit, tossing a, "See you around--sorry, I seem to be a social butterbee tonight."

"Butterfly..." Remy said to the air as Tel'im hurried off to talk to another group of people.

Clay entered the party, deciding to dress casually for the event. He had pulled out his old Academy T shirt and some denim pants that looked like they were painted on. He was striking for a man who usually tries to keep in the background. He looked around for the other Senior Officers to mingle with.

Being new on the ship, Shelly heard about a party going on. So, Shelly sported a pair of blue jeans with a few holes on the front and navy blue shirt and casual shoes. Shelly hated wearing dresses and dress up shoes. Of course, Shelly had her hair down just like she wanted. Upon her arrival, being a new officer on board showed. The first thing she did was go to the bar and get a double whiskey neat and not that fake synthahol. She took a sip and was happy. Shelly looked around and analyzed everyone in the room.

Ensign Dani Harper strolled in and bit her bottom lip as she strained her neck to see if any junior officers had arrived yet. Particularly anyone she had met already. She was wearing a purple dress that complimented her green Orion skin perfectly. The dress was the one she had acquired from a venture with S'Niri earlier in the week.

"Looking good, Dani!" The next thing Dani knew, S'Niri's furry arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and the tall Ferasan hybrid was grinning toothily down at her. She'd decided to wear the dress she'd gotten from their holodeck adventure too, and she felt good. Really good. Really, anything more than that and she would've felt completely naked, but this was a nice in-between. "Out to turn heads tonight?" She teased. "I definitely am..."

Dani shrugged. "I don't know about that. It just seemed like as good a reason as any to dress up, right?"

Mundy entered the room, headed to the bar for a drink. While he waited for his drink, he glanced around the room to see who was here, when his eyes settled on the Orion woman. The bartender arrived, gave Mundy his drink. He picked it up and headed in the direction of the Orion.

"Who's this guy?" Dani muttered under her breath as a tall man with dark blonde hair made his way toward them. "Easy on the eyes, am I right?" She whispered before he got too close.

"Oh, yeah." S'Niri replied with an appreciative purr. "Go get 'im - if not I will." The Ferasan hybrid smirked and pushed Dani forward, just a little bit. "We Ferasans don't let go of our playthings easily once we get them, just so you know."

Dani turned around quickly and faced S'Niri, trying to pretend the push didn't happen. "Shhh," Dani whispered, as she tucked a loose strand of her long brown hair behind her ear.

Taylon came in with Thisbe close by. The two knew each other tangentially-she was in school with his younger brother. They had both gone through the Engineering program at the same time. He walked in carefully, making sure he looked respectable in case any command types were around. Drats, ALL of them were!! He was wearing khaki-colored corduroy pants, a blue sweater, and a khaki newsboy cap. Thisbe was wearing...a dress. He didn't know anything about dresses. He didn't have any sisters, and he was gay.

Thisbe was indeed wearing a dress. But not just any dress. The petite Carjoran wore a blue traditional-style dress, with a cutout along the bust and silvery sandals to match. She looked around the room. "The other junior officers are over there. Let's go!" She pulled him along with her, trying to sneak past her boss and his wife.

"Ooh, who's this..." S'Niri left Dani's side to greet the incoming pair. "Well, hi there. Just trying to make some new friends. Name's S'Niri. Security." She grinned toothily at Thisbe and her companion. "And you both?"

Thisbe smiled. "I am Thisbe P'rar," she said. "Junior Engineering officer. And this is Taylon Janes. He's ops," she said. "He's also gay so we have to find him a boyfriend!!" She said. "Let me get a drink." She headed for the bar. "Anyone want something??"

"I'm still good, thanks," Dani said as she held up her drink.

>> To Part 3 >>


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