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Analyze This!

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 1:02am by Lieutenant JG Joey #640

861 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Sickbay/Counselor's Suite
Timeline: md: 48 Hours to Launch

Feeva Drylo walked the corridors of the Astrea, headed for her first day of her new assignment. She'd left Leena in the Stations' childcare center, and picked up Jacques. Jacques was technically Leena's pet dog, but Fee was trying to get him trained as an emotional support animal for her patients.

She walked into the suite, and straightened the purple tunic she wore. It clashed with her red hair, pulled to the side in a tight fishtail braid, but what could she do? She made her way to the Chief's office, and rang the chime. A moment later, she stepped inside. "'Ello. Lieutenant Junior Grade Feeva Drylo, reporting for duty," she said, setting Jacques' carrier on the floor. "I hope I am in the right place; I saw we had treatment rooms on the other deck," she said.

Donning the standard uniform of Starfleet with a painted face the unofficially bored Officer had just returned to the Ship, he'd just beamed back from Starfleet Medical and sat in a meeting where his attendance was mandatory about a new happy drug that could just been a message.

When his door chimed, he pressed the button at his desk which he sat behind to open the door, the android never got tired but he had been pouring his heart and soul in this report that was given to him by SM (Starfleet Medical). "Welcome!" he energetically said "Yes, Feeva. I'm Joey and who is this you've brought along?" He asked coming around the glass desk like a fixer looking for cash, kneeling down towards the pet carrier.

Feeva smiled. "This is Jacques," she said. "I am training him as a therapy dog, to help out when folks need more than just our words," she said. "Technically, he belongs to my daughter, a gift from my in-laws before we left my last posting-but she's only four, too young for the responsibility," Fee explained.

"Well, I am sure he'll make a great addition to the team!" Joey exclaimed, he never saw the logic in owning a lesser intelligence species "Please be mindful of people's fears and allergies, I would hate to have to put him out of a job," The Andriod said jokily but with a hint of seriousness.

Feeva nodded. "I am always mindful of people's emotional state, and their physical health," she replied, seriously, missing the joke. She was far too serious to be much of a joker and sometimes, the humans' humor went over her head. Her people weren't emotionless, like the Vulcans, but they were reserved, and Feeva, more so. "I am hoping we can begin everyone's required psych exams immediately," she said. "I like to get things done." She explained. "I also have my daughter, and so I like to ensure I am able to wrap up my work in time to spend some time with her as our missions and such permit," she said.

"I wanted to talk about you," Joey said turning back behind his desk. "A job," sitting back in his seat now, he motioned to the chairs across his desk but it was optional really. "Your speciality is Marriage and family but I want you to also be specialised in community psych, meet schools, head youth social activities and such. You could work part-time and still have the time to go to playgroups, your hours won't increase."

Feeva considered. "If it won't affect my hours, I think that's something we could do," she said. "I'll look into it! It will be stimulating," she said. "At any rate, it'll be better than hours spent watching holo-cartoons," she remarked. "How would it work?" She finally climbed into a chair, and had settled in, sitting cross-legged.

"Families and couples prefer a home office instead of an actual office," Joey said waving his arms acting all human. "Work at home, attend to your patients then when it's time to do the school run you'll attend social events, after-school club and whatnot." It was a pretty simple and easy job, befriend fellow parents and organise events for the families.

She smiled. "That would be nice," she said. "Quarters aren't large enough for a separate office, but I could maybe move Leena in with me," she said, and nodded. Especially because she was single and probably would remain so, she wasn't worried about having to "entertain" someone. "I will see what I can do. I could ask to be bumped up to larger quarters, too, we have openings," she said. They weren't on a skeleton crew, but there were less families here than on other postings she'd had. "I will speak with the Command team soon," she said. "I think these ideas are very good. Do you have anything else for me?" She asked.

Shaking his head, "No," Joey uttered "Feel free to throw my name around, that'll help you get bigger quarters. Thank you for coming to see me Doctor." he stood up, his hand soaring through the air across to Drylo "We'll make great things together I hope."

Feeva smiled. "Thank you," she said, retrieving Jacques from the floor. "I'll see you later," she said, stepping out to her office.


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