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Dinner in Vancouver, Part 1

Posted on Thu Feb 15th, 2024 @ 4:03am by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 2:52am

1,489 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: Trattoria Pennestri, Vancouver Island
Timeline: March 3, 2383 1930 hours

Dressed in a purple wrap dress with a collar, purple heels, and a bit of blue shadow in her ridges, Vila appeared in the Lobby exactly at 1930, and looked around for both Daniel Jackson and Remy Johansen.

Daniel saw Vila arrive and crossed the room to greet her. "Dr. Lorut, you look lovely this evening. Have you see our friend, Commander Johansen?"

"Thank you," she said, and then moved to look for Remy, but was interrupted by the woman's arrival.

Remy stepped into the lobby dressed simply in black pants and a fitted emerald green top. She took a deep breath and walked briskly toward Vila and Daniel. "Looks like we're all here," she announced when she got closer.

"Indeed," she said. "Are we walking, or?" She asked. "Lead the way, Doctor Jackson," she said. She gave him another small, sly smile. "How was your archeology panel, Remy?" She asked.

"How do you think it went, Dr. Jackson?" Remy asked as Daniel led the way out of the hotel.

"It's not far at all, we can walk, if you both are okay with that," Daniel suggested. "And we are off duty, perhaps we can dispense with the formalities, I certainly prefer Daniel when I'm not playing a Starfleet officer anyway."

Walk? In these shoes?! She sighed, but nodded. "Alright, Vila, then," she said. "Lead the way, Daniel," she said.

[TAG - ]

Turning to Remy briefly as they walked, Daniel commented, "I thought I saw you there. It's difficult to cover much of anything in a 90 minute panel with two other presenters. If you really want to see what it's really about you should come take a look at some of the things I have in my lab."

"Oh really like what?" Remy asked.

"It would be easier to show you," Daniel responded. "But just in context, we know that many of the races we are familiar with, interact with regularly today have had interstellar travel over thousands of years." Daniel stopped in front of a glass restaurant front. "We're here. Hope you're hungry," Daniel said, opening the door for the women.

"Indeed. My people had Warp technology while yours were still fighting over who would rule Europe," she said. They stopped in front of a building. "Ooh, swanky. Shall we?" She walked through the door that Daniel was holding open for them.

"Thank you," Remy said politely as she followed Vila in. Remy's energy was clearly more subdued than Vila's.

They were greeted by the maître d', a tall olive-skinned man with dark hair. "Good evening, Daniel Jackson, party of three, right this way." They were led through to the back of the restaurant to an all seasons room and were seated near a window with a view of the island's coast. "Our wine list," he said handing three lists to the table. The house recommends Ornellaia, a Cabernet Sauvignon, 2378, or if you like white wine we have a Pinot Grigio, Italo Cescon, 2386."

Daniel held the menu, but studied Remy, "Do you have a wine preference?" He asked.

Remy smiled - or was it a smirk. "I'll have the Chianti, actually. A glass is fine, unless the others want to share."

Vila scoffed lightly. "Sol wines," she muttered. "Do you have any red Risian wine?" She asked. While she was Bajoran, and preferred the sweet, delicate notes of a good Springwine, she wanted something dark tonight. "Thank you," she said, to the waiter. "How did you know of this place, Daniel?"

"Yes, miss," the waiter responded.

"Chianti sounds good. Bring out the bottle," Daniel said before tuning to Vila. "Well, I live here on Earth, at least most days of the year," Daniel quipped. "You learn a thing or two about where to eat. And a few of us have been out here a few times planning for the conference."

Vila nodded. "Good point," she said. "When we come to Earth to visit my husband's family, we go out sometimes. He's from California, though," she said.

Remy tried to think of something smart to say. She had a few zingers on the tip of her tongue, but none of them seemed particularly appropriate given the gesture of good will. Then she thought to make a joke about how many other conference attendees he brought to this place, but then she wasn't sure that she wanted the answer. "So, um. What looks good?" she finally asked.

Vila smiled. "Besides the company? The fish special, perhaps. Don't suppose I could get some Hesperat soufflé..."

"You're at an Italian restaurant, live a little," Remy chided. "Do you like eggplant? Calamari?" She asked.

"I am aware. Human food isn't really my bag, it's a bit bland," she said. "But indeed, something on the menu would do, I am sure," she said. "Perhaps I can ask them to add extra spices," she said. "Do you recommend anything in particular, Daniel?"

"If you are looking for heat, you could try the spaghetti all'assassina," Daniel suggested, enunciated the dish with a particular precision. "I'll order us some appetizers. Remy you mentioned calamari, what else?" He asked.

A server appeared with a basket of bread and a cruet of olive oil that she placed on the table. "Did I hear someone say appetizers?" she asked. A young gentleman walked out with six wine glasses and placed two glasses in front of each guest. "Let me get those put in for you."

"I think the sauteed calamari looks good," Daniel responded. "Remy? Vila?"

Vila nodded. "Sure," she said. At the end of the day, bland or not, Vila truly loved food and eating, and could probably eat this man under the table easily. "And thank you for the recommendation. I will try that," she said.

"Bread is fine, I'm sure dinner will be filling," Remy responded with a soft smile. The server finished with their orders, taking entree orders as well.

Vila simply shrugged lightly. "Alright, well. I like food, so. I don't mind eating it all myself," she said. It was true-in her former life, she was convinced that she had been a chef or something. "So. Where do you both work?" She fumbled for something to say. Vila didn't do with silences.

Two bottles of wine appeared on the table, the Risian wine ordered by Vila, 2362, and the Chianti that Remy had ordered.

"Excelsior," Remy said. "I was transferred there recently so I could get my hands dirty in a special ops division on a ship that gets a lot of action. Where did you say you worked again? I guess we didn't talk about that earlier."

Vila nodded. "No, we didn't," she said. "Though I think you DID, but my mom brain doesn't retain ANYTHING these days. You should see my office, there's notes EVERYWHERE. I am currently on the USS Issedon as the main Chemist," she said. "And you, Daniel?" She asked, sipping her wine. Not bad!

"Directly for HQ," Daniel responded. He didn't like pointing that out, but he did like his work - it allowed him to have his hands in a lot of things. "My main lab is Nevada, though the office is in San Francisco. There is some travel involved, we do get to go out and see what the science teams are doing elsewhere in the fleet as well."

"And he MC's fluff conferences," Remy quipped looking over her glass of wine, then hiding behind a drawn out sip.

Daniel laughed and nodded. "And I MC fluff conferences. It is true," he agreed.

Vila laughed. "Ah," she said. "The boss of the bosses," she said. "So YOU are to blame for that terrible panel that Remy and I sat through. Even the Prophets don't subject us to that torture."

"More like the minion to the boss of the bosses," Daniel corrected. "But, given my position, I thought I'd get off site before I voiced my opinions agreeing with Remy's colorful criticisms she vocalized yesterday."

"Ahh, so the truth comes out, just not in public," Remy said with a smile, taking a piece of bread and dipping it in olive oil.

"I voiced my position with the conference was being planned," Daniel asserted. "But I do have to come here on a united front. 'Security concerns' are the reason behind the surface level depth of the topics in recent years."

Vila nodded. "Makes sense," she said. "We've been spending some time in the DQ. It's a no-man's land. Given the recent issues around Synths and androids, it's understandable," she said. "My husband is on the Science Council. I refuse to join-I don't do well with internal politics. Makes me nuts," she said. "Besides, I spend most of my time being a mom these days, instead of research," she said, a little wistfully. She did miss it, but she wouldn't trade Benny for any amount of professional accolades.

> > > > To Part 2 > > > >

By: A younger Remy and Vila


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