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Boarding the Alien Vessel: Initial Response Team

Posted on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 3:33am by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Captain Remy Johansen & Ensign Dani Harper & Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Attaché Phesg Tel'im & Ensign S'Niri

1,332 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Alien Vessel Docking Ring / Nostromo Shuttle
Timeline: MD: 1, 1745 Hours


=/\=Transport team to Astrea. We've made contact=/\= the Bajoran XO said into her badge. Vila looked around. "Commander McIntyre, why don't you and Enam take the lead. S'Niri and I will follow," she said. "Head for the shuttle dock," she said. "Our orders are to get in, clear the ship, see if anyone's alive, and get out in one piece," she said.

"Copy Commander, We'll get it done!" Clay spoke as he raised his Type-3 rifle and moved to the head of the group, slowly moving towards the interior of the ship.

Enam stepped forward and took his position beside the Security Chief. "Pretty quiet in here. I'm not reading any life signs, still recommending we proceed with caution, Sir."

"Agreed, column formation, 2 meter spacing," Clay ordered.

The security detail arrived at the airlock without incident and no signs of life - aggressive or otherwise on board the alien vessel.

S'Niri didn't like the silence at all. Her tail flicked nervously as she padded forward through the airlock. "It's old." She noted. "I think there's dust on these panels. A lot of it..."

Vila nodded. "Yes." She said, simply. "And quiet." She was a bit spooked, admittedly. Vila's big secret was that she was once trained in guerrilla combat-she'd spent four years with the Bajoran resistance before leaving for school and marriage. So, her gut was on alert and she was ready to go.


While they waited for the security team to give them the clear to open the airlock Daniel took another look at Shelly's weapons. "First off, we don't even know if anyone is alive aboard that vessel. We know their technology can be triggered automatically. Second, those weapons don't have a stun setting. And also, ricochet, hull damage, ear damage. Why do you have those things?"

"There might not be anything living over there, but there still could be a threat." Mundy looked at Daniel.

Shelly looked at Daniel and said, "Regardless, I hate any kind of Starfleet Issued weapons and I do not like phasers of any kind. And, that is the point. I am glad these do not have stun settings. So, I have these weapons out of necessity and if there are hostiles on board, then, I would prefer to Rock with these instead of those puny phasers. And, also to prove a point plus the bullets are of my own design using advanced metal alloys that will not ricochet or cause ear damage." Shelly had an extremely serious look on her face that said "Do not question me" and it also showed in her eyes.

Daniel raised an eyebrow, his face incredulous to her explanation and her tone with him, considering he held the rank of Captain and reported directly to admiralty at Headquarters. He wouldn't continue to question her now, but he would be filing a report later.

Dani looked back and forth between Jules, Tel'im and the ceiling, wishing more and more to get out of the confined space.

Tel'im raised a hand. "I recognize that there are differences of opinion here. Can we at least promise to be professional for the duration of this mission? You're Starfleet. I don't condone using bullets, but Starfleet has experimented with weapons of such types in the past. Captain Jackson, I agree with your assessment, but I also believe in being prepared... What was that?" Tel'im asked as the clank of boots resounded from outside.

Finally the team was interrupted by the Chief Security Officer's voice over the comms.

=/\= "McEntyre to Away Team, area cleared, proceed into ship" =/\=

"Prepare to open the airlock. Check EV suits and weapons." Mundy ordered.

Shelly checked her EV Suit and her weapons and was ready to open the airlock once everyone was ready to enter.

Mundy moved forward and opened the airlock, and was the first one out.

Dani stuck close to Mundy keeping a suspicious eye on the ballistic weaponry that Shelly had chosen to carry. "Boy, am I glad to see you guys. What does the ship look like? Are we alone?" She asked the team.

"Excellent work, McIntyre.. Let's move forward," Vila instructed. She waited for the Shuttle team to join her. "The lifesigns scanners aren't picking up anything," she said.

Vila turned to Lt. Mundy, but something else caught her eye. "Lt. Guevara. Those..firearms don't appear to be regulation. Please check them into the shuttle now. If you cannot, feel free to beam back," she said. If she couldn't carry her Militia rifle, no one else could. "And then see the Quartermaster, and Commander Johansen. Choice is yours," she said.

Shelly wasn't going to turn her firearms over to the quartermaster so she disappeared inside the shuttle and locked them in a secret compartment she had built. They would be secure there. Reluctantly she took a phaser.

While Guevera decided, Vila continued on to Mundy. "Lt. Mundy. Please coordinate with Commander McIntyre to see what needs to be done."

"Aye." He started to walk away to fine McIntyre, when he paused, signaled Dani, and motioned her to come to him. In a whisper he said, "Stay with me."

Dani looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard him, but there was quite a bit of commotion surrounding the shuttle crew's exit. She did not want special treatment. She also wanted away from whatever was happening between Lorut and Guevera, so she didn't protest.

Dani shook her head but whispered back, "Okay."

Dani spoke up to Clay and Mundy, "If the ultimate goal is still to get basic life support online, there's a specific type of crystal battery that T'lenn is looking for. She thinks they are likely around the ship and that's the first step getting power online here. If we're doing a security sweep anyway, we should document antything that looks like power relay. They may even have something like a generator we can look for."

Enam overheard the science officer talking. "Do you have an image of the crystal? What are we looking for?" he asked, wanting to be helpful.

Dani had a PADD with images along with some basic translations in her field kit, she took it out to show the security team.

"Can we use out tricorders to scan for the crystal's energy signature?" Mundy asked.

"Possibly, any energy readings at all are a good place to start," Dani nodded in agreement. "There may be others that wind up being useful that aren't giving off energy now because their conduit is dead. It'll be easier to do a proper search for all of those once we have life support and lights."

Vila nodded. "Excellent," she said. "Mundy, McIntyre, please begin a sweep of the area. Take one other person to report back in case of trouble. We will wait for the all clear," she instructed. "The rest of you, let's begin securing the shuttle. We may be here a bit. Big ship."

"On your six, commander." Mundy responded, waiting for McIntyre to start.

McEntyre nods, raising his rifle once more and moving slowly forward back into the ship, checking corners and keeping his head on a swivel.

Vila raised her hand again and opened a Comm. =/\=Gentlemen, how does it look?=/\=

Vila was getting a bit worried; leaving officers alone wasn't something she liked to do.

Petty Officer Enam's voice responded. =^= All clear so far Commander, just dark and quiet. Bring extra flashlights. =^=

=/\=Thank you, Enam.=/\=

She turned around.

"Get ready to move out," she said. "Set your tricorders and get your flashlights set up," she said. "Ensure your EV suits are secure a final time. Go." She said.


Commander Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Clay McEntyre III
Chief of Security
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant JG Jules Mundy
Chief Operations Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign S’Niri
Security Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Astrea

Attaché Phesg Tel’im
Mission Advisor
USS Astrea


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