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Getting up to Speed... (Backpost)

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 4:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Major Clay McEntyre III

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: USS Astrea, Main Security Offices
Timeline: MD (tbd) / Immediately following "New Spook Arrives..."

After leaving the transporter room, Maxun made his way down to the main security offices, as the computer had informed him that the Security Chief, Lieutenant Commander Clay McEntyre, was currently located.

Upon entering the offices, he asked about the location of the chief, and was directed to his office. Reaching the closed office, he reached up and pressed the door chime.

Clay looked up from his work, putting down the PADD he was working on and called out.

"Come in!"

He leaned back in his chair waiting for the door to slide open.

As soon as the doors slid apart, Maxun stepped inside. Looking over at the Catian, he could tell immediately that Clay was not a full-blooded Caitain. Not that it mattered to him any. Stepping forward, he dipped his head respectfully. "Greetings, Commander. I am Lieutenant Maxun Spello. I just arrived aboard to assume my duties as the new Assistant Intel Chief. The Captain and XO met me in the transporter room, and instructed me to come see you, so I can be brought up to speed on the current information, that you have, pertaining to the alien vessel."

Clay stood, nodding to the human. "Welcome, Lieutenant. I can tell you what we have," Clay paused for a moment and then spoke again. "To put it bluntly: We don't know shit." Clay told Maxun. "I'll be leading a detachment over to secure the vessel before the main away team beams over."

Maxun nodded as he listened. "Well Sir, if I may, if you do go over without me, would you please give me a copy of whatever your team scans over there? There is...something....familiar about that ship. But it's extremely vague, like it's something I learned in primary school, over 400 years ago." He noticed the slight look of confusion on the Security Chief's face, and it caused him to grin softly. "I'm El Aurian, Commander." He reached into his right, inside jacket pocket, and pulled out a small data rod. "A copy of my personnel file for your records, Sir. And, I am going to need you to authorize my security clearances for the Astrea, please."

Clay took the rod, and inserted it into his console, letting the files pull up on the holoscreens. It took a few moments for him to browse the files and attach the security clearances before he pulled the rod out and handed it back to the El Aurian. "You were on the SS Lakul, weren't you?" Clay asks, curiously.

Maxun took the data rod back and slipped it back into his pocket. He then nodded and replied. "Yes, Sir," his smile faded as he remembered those events. "I almost didn't make it our of there. If it hadn't been for the Enterprise and her crew, I wouldn't be here today."

"I'm glad for our sakes, you're here. All your codes and information should be on that chip, let me know if you have any other questions" Clay smiled back at Maxun

Maxun dipped his head respectfully in response to Clay's kind words. "Thank you, Sir. I do work very hard to protect the Federation, my new home. While I know my people have established a new homeworld, I have claimed Earth as my home." He then considered the rest of Clay's statement. "How closely will our two departments be working, Sir?"

"Very Closely, I imagine. Good intelligence is always a needed thing in this day in age. The galaxy is in freefall and I need to know what's out there in order to ensure the safety of the ship."

Maxun nodded in the affirmative. "Sound thoughts, Sir. Especially as it seems the Founders, if not the entire Dominion, are starting to get back up to their old tricks again."

"That's the last thing we need, is a repeat of the Dominion War."

Clay was a veteran of the Dominion War, his first real taste of the kind of combat that hadn't been seen since his ancestor's Josiah's service in the Earth-Romulan War.

Maxun nodded in agreement. "Truer words weren't spoken. I've certainly seen more than my fair share of bloodshed."

"Was there anything else you needed from Tactical Section?"

Clay asked curiously, leaning back into his chair.

Maxun considered the question, then shook his head. "No, Sir, I think that's all I have for now."


Lieutenant (then) Maxun Spello
Chief Intelligence Officer


Lieutenant Clay McEntyre III
Chief Security Officer


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