Welcome to the USS Astrea!

It is early 2389, approximately 18 months after the Romulan Star went supernova. The major superpowers of the Alpha and Beta quadrants have all but fallen. Starfleet still hasn’t recovered from one of its darker moments in history. There is still a ban on all synth research and the fleet is still regrouping after the Mars shipyard was destroyed in the synth attack. The USS Astrea was pulled out of retirement and among other updates, refitted with an early version of the slipstream drive. The Astrea’s official assignment is to patrol the Federation worlds along the Romulan neutral zone in the vicinity of the supernova’s impact. Starfleet’s official orders are to maintain security and order, and to ensure that Federation law is being complied with.

However, the Command Staff of the Astrea took their oaths before Starfleet lost its way, and they firmly believe that it will find its way back. Despite its primary mission of security, and its persistent message to stay out of Romulan affairs, the senior staff look for opportunities for their crew to provide humanitarian relief, engage in positive culture exchanges, and experience the wonders of science and exploration. This is not an easy task in the current political climate as there will be roadblocks, including rogue criminal activity, enemy forces gaining power, and internal conflicts within Starfleet.


Mission Status: The crew has rescued an ancient civilization that had been cryostasis for over two millennia, and in the process of taking them to their new colony, the crew became aware that there is a group of elite that is enslaving the majority of the Ataran people. The enslaved are still aboard the alien's vessel, and the crew is trying to free the slaves before engaging in anything that may be perceived as hostile to spare their lives.

Meanwhile, an Ataran orphan who is set to be adopted by a couple on board has fallen ill, and the treatments that could save him have been outlawed by the Federation since 2385.

We are always looking for fellow writers interested in taking their character(s) on a journey in this world by participating in mission assignments and developing their own stories and writing side stories and character developments pieces with other writers. A lot of the writers here keep a fairly fast pace, but we only ask that you be involved with a minimum of two posts per month, so there are opportunities to write a slower place if you choose.

We are an inclusive, LGBTQ friendly group and welcome all players 18 and older. Please join us on Discord to meet other players and learn more about the sim. We are a 2-2-2 18+ Sim in Theta Fleet.


Latest News Items

» August Awards are Here!

Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 6:04pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Congratulations Crew!!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated this month! We did quite well with Theta Fleet's Awards!!

Our Gold Unit of Distinction for August goes out to ALL who participated this month, as does our August Award of Merit. I've attached those to your bios with a little note from the Captain.

Theta Fleet's Player of the Month goes to Marshal001/aka Clay McEntyre III. Congratulations out to them, as I've greatly appreciate the effort they've put into helping wrap up some pending missions.

I haven't mentioned Captain's choice in a while, and I hope to get back to those, but it is worth mentioning that I did nominate Xalanth for Writer of the Month this month for coming into this sim with such an enthusiastic attitude for writing, and stirring up the joint post activity. Our new CMO has been with us just a week, but I'm equally excited for they've brought already.

For those who haven't heard me say it yet, this is OUR sim. You all are more a part of its success than I could ever be. As we embark on a new mission shortly, (and to our new members especially) remember that creativity is welcomed here, inserting your ideas and spontaneity is encouraged, and that this is always meant to be a collaborative effort. If you don't trust me on that - just ask the XO and the Chief Flight Control Officer - they'll give you some examples of just how flexible this sim can be.

Also, at the end of September comes third quarter awards. Let's bring it home, crew!!

Thanks so much for being here, where we dream among the stars!

Your CO,

Nicole, aka Remy

» Mission Wind Down, Shore Leave, & More

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 9:01pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Hello faithful and trusty crew!

September is around the corner, and I plan to close out the Ataran mission by the end of the month. Any lingering posts will move to "Side Plots." If you are in something though, please try to get it complete by then. Your Captain appreciates you!

"Shore Leave & Ship Repairs" is open. I'll kick us off with a crew announcement here in a little. Feel free to start some fun posts while you wait for tags and wrap up current mission posts. But please, I beg you - please do wrap up the mission posts. We have TWO new missions starting after this, and we'd like a clean slate.

I'm sorry I've been slow to get July's awards up, but congratulations again to Cyn for Theta Fleet's Writer of the Month and to Everyone for the sim receiving the Task Force Commanding Officer Award and Gold Unit of Distinction.

Also, for those who were following our main mission post, I think it's far to say that Nash earned himself a Technobabble Award for his work in XO's Turn. (An unlimited number of those can go out, so he's the first, but hopefully not the last.)

Thanks for keeping our Trek-scape fun! Cheers to many more adventures!

~Nicole (aka Remy)

» Wrapping Up Season 1 and Shore Leave

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Hello All,

First and foremost, thanks for everyone for keeping Astrea a fun, low-pressure place to write and have fun. I think we've kept the spirit of supporting one another and having this be a hobby and not a job - and I thank all the friends I've made here for making that possible.

Second, please rally behind us as we wrap up Season 1's main mission with our big post, XO's Turn, Spello Takes on the Slavers. We've made everyone a part of the Bridge crew in one way or another, and there are opportunities for NPC/NRC involvement as we wrap this to a close. Every bit of participation counts and make it more fun.

Right now, Clay and his fellow Marines are trapped on the alien vessel that Jason and his Starfighter crew have tracked down ahead of the Astrea that took more of a hit than she was expecting. The Astrea is catching up though, led by your XO Commander Spello, and it's all hands on deck to bring these people to justice. Please, jump in. You're just in time.

AND, finally, even though we are still wrapping up two main mission at the moment, our next mission interlude open, Shore Leave of Barisa Prime where Astrea will lick her wounds and the crew can get some R&R. The planet is largely unwritten in Trek lore, other than it's on the map, so we can have some creativity with it.

Thanks for July and the rest of 2024, and here's to a great August!

~Nicole (AKA Remy)

» Astrea Bingo - Now Live

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 2:47pm by Captain Remy Johansen in Sim Announcement

Astrea Bingo Rules

1. Characters who play must be an ensign or below. (The Captain will temporarily link an NPC of hers to anyone who doesn’t have a character in this category who wants to play without creating someone new.

2. Joint Post Rules: Total words minimum = 800 Words if it involves 2 players.


» Six Month Anniversary, Open Positions, Mission Status

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 4:45am by Captain Remy Johansen in General News

Happy Six Month Anniversary to the USS Astrea est. 2389

A heartfelt thanks to the entire crew of talented writers and friendly people for getting us this far, and for building an entire world in such a short amount of time. This is a great accomplishment, and I am looking forward to six more years of writing with everyone.

We are close to wrapping up our current mission, so now is a good time to apply and join if you are looking for a new sim. There are a lot of potential positions to fill and ways to join the sim, but some traditions spots that are open include:

Chief Medical Officer

Chief Operations Officer

Ship's Counselor, Chief Counselor

Join our friendly discord channel to meet our team and learn more. We don't bite. (Unless you ask.)

In the meantime, we'll be (hopefully) having fun with a friendly competition of Astrea Bingo, and a simulated ship hijacking during the mission interlude. For those in the U.S., I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth.

Happy Writing, Live Long and Prosper.

~Nicole (aka Captain Remy)

Latest Mission Posts

» Their Own After Party Party 4, Charlie & Kasper The Walk Home...

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 12:21am by Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D

"Don't you have to catch me first?" Kasper caught the glimpse of mischief in her eyes before she took off running and jumped of the carousel and ran out several meter before looking over her shoulder to check his progress.

I swear you'll be the death of me, Kasper muttered…

» Side Quest

Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 12:46pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn & Lieutenant JG Jezra Siv MD

Captain Johansen had sent a message out to her Chiefs of Intelligence, Engineering, and Medical to convene in the conference room at 1500 hours. She'd asked her First Officer to arrive a half an hour before that so that she could at least fill him in on what Starfleet had…

» Their Own After Party, Part 3 Riding a Carousel

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 1:17am by Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D

"I'm a terrible first date, I didn't even bring some glasses so we're gonna have to be classy and drink from the bottle," he laughed and twisted the lid from the bottle before taking a swig of the pale yellow wine.

"We're Starfleet officers. Always resourceful," Charlotte said taking the…

» Eirly's Quest for Drunken Shenanigans, First Food

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 12:18pm by Lieutenant JG Malcolm Beckett M.D. & Lieutenant Eirly Andersen

Eirly had one thing to admit to herself after going out with everyone tonight: she was a lightweight when it came to drinking. Especially if she was drinking Samaritan Sunrises and mixing other drinks with it too. She was somewhat inebriated at this stage, but she could still walk and…

» Their Own After Party Part 2, Kasper, Charlie, and a Couple of Bottles

Mission: Shore Leave & Ship Repairs
Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 12:16pm by Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen M.D

After a few minutes, she happened to catch Kasper watching her, and she threw her hands around his neck and pressed her body against his, urging him to move more with the music. She then spun around so her back was to him and put his hands on her hips…