Security Alert: These Bugs Again

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MD 10: When Lieutenant Jules Mundy visits Sickbay for busting up his hands on a punching bag in the gym, a lot more is uncovered when Dr. McEntyre determines that the injuries to Mundy's right hand require surgery. While Mundy was being aroused from the anesthetic a parasitic lifeform known as a bluegill escaped through Mundy's throat and began looking for a new host before being quickly put into a quarantine chamber thanks to the quick actions of medical crew and modern technology.

Tactical Chief Clay McEntyre has begun an investigation to determine where Lieutenant Mundy picked up this parasite, which can take complete control over its host. The last known Federation encounter was less than one year ago, and because the parasite detached itself, the Lieutenant had likely been infected less than four weeks. It's called into question a number of recent behaviors, including a recent transfer request to Security.

Where will this investigation trace back to, and how widespread is the security threat?

Mission Group Season 1: Where No Shakedown Cruise Has Gone Before
Start Date Sat May 18th, 2024 @ 2:20am
End Date Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 2:20am

Mission Summary